The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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That's what i said! Bet she doing it right now, laughing at us sad asses for waiting for her to return and tell us! oh, i miss Mrs G....:(
Hey there ladies...I just got off the phone with MrsG and she asked that I tell you that she won't be able to come online tonight, but will be on tomorrow to type out her experience for you guys. She says she's sorry but she will be on as soon as she can. :D

I feel like an answering machine...don't leave a message after the beep...:lol:
Thanx Dream. I was sure we wouldn't see her tonight. It'd be better, if I wasn't right. Anyways, we can wait one more night, we spend it with sleeping and tomorrow will come faster, than we'd think. :)
No problem Blue we figured I should at least let you guys know that she hasn't forgotten you and wants to tell you all about it.

:lol: Sorry Liquid it's her story to tell. :) *off to crawl into Danny's head :p*
Hi All *waves* I know that I have been incognito lately, school and work, and more work and school! That is all I seem to be doing lately!

I too am anxiously awaiting for MrsG to post about her experience in LA and the bugs, but mostly with Carmine! I hope if he has the book that he doesn't think that we are all freaks or anything. I will have to say that doing that was the craziest fangirl thing that I have ever done. But Carmine is worth it ;)

PS: I don't post for awhile and now Carmine is needing to pose for Playgirl? MMMMM a very dirty picture just went through my head :devil: I hope that Playgirl will look very carefully at extending him an offer to pose. You know the more I think about it, I missed my calling. I should have been a scout to look for hot men to pose in Playgirl. Carmine would have been on the cover by now, numerous times, and I would be at every shoot! :)
Gosh, I hope like hell he spends some of Saturday night prank calling us. My bad. That little dialogue was more Danny Messer than Carmine. :lol: He may prank me anytime he wants too...2 conditions apply though. 1. To do it anytime of the day, he must be a Verizon customer and 2. If he's not, after 8pm please. :D
Carmine can prank me anytime...

Yeah ThumpyG kinda like "Much Fandomonium"...Speaking of Much Music, I would LOVE to see Carmine do an interview with Ed the Sock!

Carmine, I know you have the sense of humour to pull it off.
:lol: you know I thought about that too. If one random evening anyone of us gets a call from LA and Carmine is on the other end! I would do my best to play it cool, if he were to do it
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