The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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Gosh, I hope like hell he spends some of Saturday night prank calling us.

LMAO!! :lol:

Oh man, I am just dying to hear the news. Of course, I will be gone all day tomorrow, so I won't hear it til late. This is cruel and unusual TORTURE!
well, i must leave now, homework :mad: But will return tomorrow to hear about MrsG's story! Good night all, sweet dreams
Are you guys still having problems loading Carmine's website? It's working for me... in fact, it loaded in less than 5 seconds compared to the usual five minutes it usually takes. That's what I find weird about it. :lol:

But no, there are no updates. :p
Tala, you keep posting when I edit, then I end saying the same thing as's oddly funny.
We're on a one-track mind, aren't we? :lol:

Oh you're no fun Dream!!! LOL!
Dream? Not be any fun? First I've heard this one! You'll go down in history, CarminesGirl! (Only kidding. ;))

I know how you feel, though. I'm looking forward to Mrs. G's account of the whole thing, too. (Though she may leave details about the bug-eating out. :lol:)
Enough already! Just tell us what happened Mrs G! Ok I am a self confessed lurker, I've been hiding in one of the lockers and watching the action but now I'm forced to join in cos I'm dying to find out what it was like on the set of CSI:NY!
No i'm wanna hear bout the bug eating! Were they crunchy etc... i wanna hear the whole gory thing!! what if she had soembug stuck in her teeth when she met Carmine?? i would have fell on the floor laughing my ass off!!

What if she has bug poisoning?...that could be fatal!
Lol that would be hilarious! I mean, having a bug between her teeth not bug poisoning! How embarrassing! Imagine him trying to be polite and not say anything! Or trying to subtly hint by constantly touching his teeth! Lol
Just the bug eating thing? I wanna hear about much more than that. ;)

Anyways, we can wait one more night, we spend it with sleeping and tomorrow will come faster, than we'd think.
Now that sounds like something you tell kids about Christmas or birthdays or something.... :lol:
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