The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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I would frame it or put it on my celling so it's the last thing i see before i go to sleep...or don't go to sleep as the case my be!!

I remember reading on here that Carmine reads things on here so Carmine if you are reading this, get your agent to put a pic of you on imdb, for promotional intents and so forth...Ax

To bluegirl: those pics are great, keep em comming. i'm trying to mine sent from Vogue Japan cos i wanna put them in my portfoilo...
Carmine should really do a spread. ;) :devil:

*Chokes* Oh Lord... :lol: Should he ever!

I used to wake up in the morning
I used to feel so bad
I got so sick of having sleepless nights
I went and told my mom

She said, here now here's some little something
And stuck them on my wall
And now my nights ain't quite so lonely
In fact I, I don't feel bad at all
I don't feel bad at all

Pictures of Danny made my life so wonderful
Pictures of Danny helped me sleep at night
Pictures of Danny solved my childhood problems
Pictures of Danny helped me feel alright


*Lyrics a slight parody of Pictures of Lily, by The Who
Yeah it is. :devil: Carmine should really do a spread. ;) :devil:

:lol: Yeah he definitely should and it should be a poster size one too...not those dinky little ones in the magazines. 'Cause y'know...I like things to be big heheh.
Oh Lord! :lol: Playgirl?!? Don't get me wrong, I'd swallow my embarrassment long enough to buy one from the store (in the next town, while wearing a hat and sunglasses ;)), but oh my goodness, don't call it a "spread"--I know it's the correct term, but oh boy does it sound naughty! :eek:

Someone will have to buy a copy of it for me- I don't think Mom would go for it!

LiquidCrystal- thanks! No more double posts from me :)
Woot it's GLW birthday! I have a neekid centerfold of Carmine that I'll give you but first I gotta find it heh. Happy birthday girl...hope it's a good one!
Wow, I'm a Prime suspect now, on a different forum my sister goes to, her title is now "God" LOL!!!!!
If Carmine does visit this thread, he's probably rubbing his hands together, anticipating the moment when MrsG hands him that little black book. Heehee

Dingbat I love your banner!
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