The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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The sink scene and the arms. I don't know what it is about those arms--the rippling muscles, the smooth skin, the tattoo--but they're just damn sexy. :devil: The Y really should have gotten a free PSA during "Trapped" for those arms. :devil:
Yes, yes. A big thank you to the Y, for making the arms what they are today.

Talk of the arms has me considering an avatar/banner change. *goes off to hunt down Y banner*
Yay, the Y banner! I love that banner. :devil:

I love that there's open acknowledgement on the show that Danny's the sexpot among the characters. He so is, but it's nice to see the writers know that, too.
Yay, it's back! The arms. :D :devil:

It is nice, because shows always seem to play up the sex appeal of one or two of the characters on a show and it's nice to see they zeroed in on Danny for CSI: NY. It was a good call.
You know, I don't see a reason why the Y couldn't get a little shoutout. Coldplay got a horribly obvious plug.

Remember that cash cow thing we talked about the other day, Top? I'm telling you...someone over there with power is one of us. :lol:
^Whoever that person is, I love him or her. Seriously, undying affection. Mansploitation needs to happen more often!
A raunchy novel about a sexy NYC CSI who keeps getting himself into a series of compromising positions... :devil: I'd write more, but Fred would just censor it. :devil: ;)
I think we do. Danny naked in the lab [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O METER]. :devil:

Dammit, I can't even discuss the plot without Fred intervening! Not that the "plot" is all that important... :lol:
I know! Damn Fred! Because I never even got to the part where Danny, whose clothes have been torn off by a mean, nasty perp, runs to his good friend Detective Flack and then Flack [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER]! :eek: :devil:
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