The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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You are so right, GoodLittleWench. And then sexy Danny, with his sultry bedroom eyes and still-naked body finds his way to the lab where Stella, who knows a good thing when she sees it [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER]! :eek: :devil:

I have to say, in this novel Danny really earns his reputation as the Lab Whore. ;)
After Danny and Stella [CENSORED BY YOU KNOW WHO], Danny heads off to take a hot shower. Where he finds Hawkes waiting for him. They [FOILED AGAIN!], steamy enveloping their bodies.

Awww, we all love it when Danny is the Lab Whore.
LOL...I'd buy that novel

I think they should make a Danny action figure complete with accesories which would include a shower.
The Danny action figure would come with a shower, towel and glasses. HA...I could just imagine having this toy with no clothes on standing on my desk. That's priceless ahahaha.
You know the Danny action figure is anatomically correct.

Back to the novel, after Danny comes out of the shower, dazed and still naked, he wanders down the hall and Mac calls him into his office. Mac starts yelling at Danny for being so slutty, but really, it's because he's jealous he's not getting a piece of the action. So he grabs Danny, lays him across his desk and [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER]! :eek: :devil:
Thanks. :)

And yes, he is. After Mac finishes teaching Danny a lesson, the very tired and still naked CSI wanders out into the hall, where he runs into Lindsay, who is wondering when she's going to get a piece of the Lab Whore action. Lindsay tells Danny she wants a ride on the Merry-Go-Round, which he figures is a clumsy Montana pick up line, but the Lab Whore has to do his job so he [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER]! :eek: :devil:
Exactly. The Adventures of Slutty Danny! :lol: It will be a bestseller. Especially if it's illustrated. ;) :devil:
They should make it into a motion picture. Everything will be bigger on screen if you know what I mean.
Exactly. The Adventures of Slutty Danny! It will be a bestseller. Especially if it's illustrated.

Confessions of a Lab Whore...I'd buy three. Illustrations! :eek: I can't draw but I'd like to be there when he models for it. :devil:
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