The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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YAY! I almost died of heart failure when I came here this morning and there were no new posts since 3:48 yesterday afternoon.

Anywho, I had a dream. This dream, was infact, quite similar to others I've had about Carmine/Danny. The verdict on which one I dreamt about the first time is still out there. Still can't figure that one out. But I had this dream that I was in school and of course, just like the last time, he was my teacher. We were all gathered around him cause he was either explaining or telling us something very important, what it was, I don't remember cause I was busy playing with the piece of folded up paper on my desk. He stops talking and I looked up to see why and he's staring a hole through me and says, "Am I boring you?" :lol: So, I start stuttering and I spent the whole rest of my dream, and during recess too, :)confused:) trying to tell him that he wasn't boring to me, I just wasn't interested in what he was saying.:lol:

I think the best part of this whole thing came in the morning though. I woke up and I was thinking about it the second my eyes opened and I was trying to remember all the details, trying to figure out where the name was familiar from and toying with the idea that the name sounded familiar because he's on my mom's list of substitute teachers. Not because, you know, he's on the only show I watch religiously or anything.
he wasn't boring to me, I just wasn't interested in what he was saying.:lol:

Oh, if only we could get away with this line in real life! :lol: :devil:

What was his name in your dream?
He didn't have a name, I think he was a substitute. But now that I think about it actually, I might have called him Carmine. Something about, "Carmine, pleeeeeaase don't be mad at meeee." :lol: Which is weird, because I've never called a teacher by their first name.
Aw, nobody's nice to subs. :lol:

I can't really see him as a teacher. Maybe that's because of Danny though--I swear, everyone on CSI: NY talks down to Danny like he's some sort of truant little kid. Which isn't that far off, but it cracked me up in "Jamalot" when Hawkes started bossing Danny around and Danny took umbrage. It was a "not you too!" moment. :lol:
Heh I couldn't see Danny as a teacher either. He'd probably lose it(his temper) under pressure. Plus, I'm sure it would be hard for the female students to concentrate. Hey, I would if I had a teacher as hot as Danny. Maybe he can tutuor me after hours heh.
You'd be amazed at how well you're able to keep yourself together when you're getting paid to do it. :lol: Gosh, that sounds horrible. But seriously, that's the only way I dream Danny/Carmine, as a teacher. I don't know if it's because of my job or I secretly like watching younger males teach, such interesting techniques they have. Actually, it's probably both. :lol:
... Wow. I'm really tardy, eh? I've missed out on like, a few LR's.... wait, just kidding. it's only like, one and a half. But still. How sad. I blame society, school, and holidays.

And if my opinion counts for anything since I've missed out on so much and am entirely too lazy to go back and read posts, I don't think Danny would make a great teacher. I've gotta agree with jorja_fan that he'd blow a gasket... But I can't say whether or not I'd be distracted by his hotness. Not that it's not there... it's just that I have a strange respect for all my superiors, no matter how wonderfully...supremely attractive they are. ^^
I secretly like watching younger males teach, such interesting techniques they have.
Yeah, younger teachers - male and female - are not that strict like older teachers. At least I didn't have younger teachers at highschool who were strict. Actually they were great.
But I can't imagine Danny as a teacher or Carmine. Danny wouldn't have the patience to teach others. :lol:
It's quite an interesting dream though.
I always wonder what it means when I dream about something. Can't some people read out the meaning of dreams? That would be interesting to know...
I always wonder what it means when I dream about something. Can't some people read out the meaning of dreams? That would be interesting to know...
In Lookaboomerang's case, I'm willing to bet her constant Carmine dreams mean she has only two things on her mind, day in and out--her work and her man! :lol:

Men also know that teaching, especially pre-school kids, is the way to a woman's heart. :p

Now all we need is an episode where Danny and Flack have to investigate a teacher at a school and while Flack does the questioning, Danny winds up watching over the class. Temper, temper... ;)
Now all we need is an episode where Danny and Flack have to investigate a teacher at a school and while Flack does the questioning, Danny winds up watching over the class. Temper, temper...

Ah. The key to my heart. That'd come in a close second to the shower scene. :p
I can't really see Danny as a teacher. He just doesn't have the personality for it. He is too emotionally unstable, to quick to fly off the handle. And, let's just face it, too damn good looking. Imagine the distraction of having him as your teacher. :lol:
I really don't think he's suited for it either, but I just dream about him like that, I think, because of my job. There's a teacher where I work, he snaps his fingers at the kids to get them going when they zone. Can't you just picture Danny doing that? "*snaps fingers* Come ahhhn! Focus!"

GLW, love the avatar and banner...ya little Renthead.:lol:
Jesse Martin is my new 'future ex-husband'. I know, I know. Carmine is still a close second. But come on, Jesse Martin. So hot.

Carmine...still hot. Still in desperate need of a shower scene. I would still do him, in a heartbeat.
Wasn't the sink scene good enough for you? I'm mildly satisfied until with it until someone over there with some power allows the shower scene.
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