The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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You know what I love most about the subway scene between Danny and the girl? That, for once, it was the woman who made the first move rather than the guy. *g* And that Danny seemed so shy and adorable at the attention, awwww. You go, girl!

When he said, "Getouttahere.", my first impression was that he couldn't believe a pretty girl was actually interested in him. The second time I watched that bit, and having remembered his history with women, he might have said it because he couldn't believe his luck at meeting the same girl again after work. "Oooo, Messer's gonna get some tooonight!" :devil: What do you guys think?

And this might just be me, but ... did anyone else feel the woman's smile at the beginning of the episode seemed 'forced'? It was like you could totally tell some director was telling, "Okaaaay, look up, look at cute guy in glasses over there and SMIIIIIIIILE- No, don't do it like he's a hollywood actor! Do it like he's some guy you've never met before!" :lol:
Yeah, I loved it that she was checking him out first! And then he noticed. It's nice to see a woman being forward and indicating interest in a man. I loved Danny's bashful reaction at the end, too. Like he was like, "Naaaawww, she's not checking *me* out!" But he knew he was and went over to her. Too cute.

Cindy was a plot, erm, marketing device to introduce Coldplay's ringtone. No doubt Danny dumped her for "Talk"ing too much. ;) :lol:
"Cindy" is probably just the name of some random crew member. I can see them on set. "Hey, crap, we need a name for Danny's phone-girlfriend-person for the Coldplay song...uh, how about that girl from catering, I liked her finger sandwiches. Find out her name...Cindy? Ok, Cindy it is!" :lol: Danny has made enough comments along the lines of being a player that, like Bitten, I'm thinking he's a player. ;)

Shoot, Kimmy, if I was the girl in the scene, the director would be like, "Ok, now look up at the cute guy in the glasses and smile--WHOA! Don't tackle the actors! Someone pull her off of him, the makeup artists will kill me if she leaves a hickey!" :lol:
Kimmychu it seemed forced to me too, only the first time though. I just didn't know where to put it, cuz it just wasn't real in my opinion. The scene at the end however was nicely done.

Okay guys let's drop the topic. I get the picture you're trying to show me. I'm only asking you to consider, that there are girls on this planet (like me), who don't think a guy would walk up to them on a train or bus or whatever.

Once I had an older guy with a mustache (he wasn't the least bit cute) sitting next to me in an almost empty cinema. He was talking to me about the movie throughout the whole film even though I'd have like to actually watch the movie and when it was over he was following me, not getting the hints, that I was almost running out of the cinema, leaving him behind or at least trying to. He followed me to the bus station and even wanted to go with the bus I wanted to take. So I chose to walk home. He offered to walk me home, but thankfully I could convince him, that he doesn't need to do that. It freaked me out and probably this is why I'm not really keen on watching spontatnious things like this to happen on a tv show.
Hey bluegirl, it's scary when things happen like that, I've had some nasty experiences myself but I'm still a mushy girl at heart and I love the idea of a nice, non scary guy being spontanious.
I'm wondering whether Danny is really the player that he makes himself out to be. He kinda jokes about it but I've found that with most guys its just talk. Maybe his bashfulness on the train is a slightly better indication of what he's like.
I don't think he's still going out with Cindy though, I think the guy's too commitment phobic!
If a cute and nice guy would come up to me anywhere I'd like that, but I never had an experience like that, only the opposite. :(

Danny is really misterious and that's one of the things I like about him. :)
Kimmychu it seemed forced to me too, only the first time though. I just didn't know where to put it, cuz it just wasn't real in my opinion. The scene at the end however was nicely done.

I think the first encounter showed signs of akwardness, not force, and the final scene contained more overt flirtation, but that seems natural. I think the first scene was sort of, yeah whatever another pretty girl flirting on a train, strangers in the night passing time, but the presentation of the second chance demanded boldness.

Okay guys let's drop the topic. I get the picture you're trying to show me. I'm only asking you to consider, that there are girls on this planet (like me), who don't think a guy would walk up to them on a train or bus or whatever.

I think everyone has considered your point and in return just posted examples and thoughts to show that your thinking at least for us is outside the norm. Your thoughts and conjecture haven't been dismissed, just disagreed with on this particular topic. Our lives let us know that not only do men approach women on all forms of public transportation, but that sometimes women initiate that contact.

I think everyone has considered your point and in return just posted examples and thoughts to show that your thinking at least for us is outside the norm. Your thoughts and conjecture haven't been dismissed, just disagreed with on this particular topic. Our lives let us know that not only do men approach women on all forms of public transportation, but that sometimes women initiate that contact.

I get that Ali, I'm just not used to it. That's all.
Shoot, Kimmy, if I was the girl in the scene, the director would be like, "Ok, now look up at the cute guy in the glasses and smile--WHOA! Don't tackle the actors! Someone pull her off of him, the makeup artists will kill me if she leaves a hickey!" :lol:

:lol: That's hilarious, gal. I wonder if that's ever happened on the set before. :devil:

Kimmychu it seemed forced to me too, only the first time though. I just didn't know where to put it, cuz it just wasn't real in my opinion. The scene at the end however was nicely done.

When I mentioned 'forced', I meant the way the actress did the smile, not the scene itself. I agree something like that scene happens in real life all the time, but the way she did it was ... I dunno, it was just weird. *shrugs* Or awkward, as JDonne said. Like it was obvious somebody was directing her how to act, rather than how it would have been in real life.

I'm sorry to hear about your nasty experience with that moustache guy. While there're nice guys around, there're also always creeps around too. Kinda ironic I encountered a lot of them in the subway. :p
You know, you wouldn't believe it, but I don't think I'd have to act all that hard to have been that girl. You know, pretending to be interested in him and all must have been the toughest thing she's ever done. :rolleyes:
Except if they didn't shoot the scene altogether. It can be, that she had to smile to an ugly fat guy, who happened to be there to help out. :lol: If there's something I know from filming movies is that you don't always shoot whole scenes because you might not have all the actors or extras there. So they could have filmed the scene with the girl sometime in the morning, Danny smiling back at her filmed at noon and them talking to eachother in the evening for all we know.
You know, you wouldn't believe it, but I don't think I'd have to act all that hard to have been that girl. You know, pretending to be interested in him and all must have been the toughest thing she's ever done. :rolleyes:

:lol: Mouth-to-mouth girl had it tougher than subway girl. I for one wouldn't be able to concentrate on being dead while some gorgeous guy is doing mouth-to-mouth on me
You know, you wouldn't believe it, but I don't think I'd have to act all that hard to have been that girl. You know, pretending to be interested in him and all must have been the toughest thing she's ever done. :rolleyes:

:lol: Mouth-to-mouth girl had it tougher than subway girl. I for one wouldn't be able to concentrate on being dead while some gorgeous guy is doing mouth-to-mouth on me

Second that!!:devil:
When I saw that episode I thought how weird it must have been to lay there and have someone stick his finger in your mouth and then doing CPR. But then again I'm sure Carmine had his fair share of weirdness on his end. I was impressed how real he's done it, the reaching for the tongue, placing the neck in the right posision and then the blowing the air in her mouth.
Yeah I can see flirting happen just about anywhere. I had a paramedic try to pull it off on me in a check out line at the grocery can really learn a lot about people by the groceries they buy...I think the thing that strikes me (mind you the city I live in isn't that big, which might play a factor) is that the guys who do it are mostly kinda creepy. Not always, but more often than not. So to actually have a hot guy pull it off comes across as a bit odd. Then it all depends on the personality of the guy, really.
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