The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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I wonder how many people from the LR have gone out and bought/rented movies just because of Carmine?

:lol: I bought 'Big Shot', and 'The Learning Curve'...I already owned 'Black Hawk Down'. I got 'Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss' on videotape when it aired on IFC awhile back. The others, I'm working on.

yes she looked young, but I can attest from my own personal experience that it can be deceiving. I am 30 years old, but if you saw me I could pass for 21 or so- easily.

:lol: I can agree with you on that, I'm 31..32 next month actually, and still get asked, "So...what year do you graduate?" If I have no makeup on, I look like a teenager, with makeup, early 20's.
I only have the Buffy episode the crossovers with CSI Miami and the ep from CSI with him as Thumpy G. No movies. I don't think I could even get them here. Probably only "In Enemy Hands", "Black Hawk Down" and "For The Love Of The Game". I'm not too much of a fan of war movies, so I'd pass on the first 2 and as I heard he only has a brief role in the third movie.

I'm 24 and I look like a teenager. I don't wear much make-up, so noone ever guesses I'm past 20. It kinda is a pain in the ass sometimes, when I try to get a job, but they think I'm too young and unexperienced and I can't possible know more, than they know. :rolleyes:
You know, you wouldn't believe it, but I don't think I'd have to act all that hard to have been that girl. You know, pretending to be interested in him and all must have been the toughest thing she's ever done.

Amen to that. If all I had to do was be attracted to Danny, I wouldn't have to act. :lol:
You know, you wouldn't believe it, but I don't think I'd have to act all that hard to have been that girl. You know, pretending to be interested in him and all must have been the toughest thing she's ever done.

Amen to that. If all I had to do was be attracted to Danny, I wouldn't have to act. :lol:

Me either!! I'd be happy to just have to flirt with Danny. :) No acting required!
Got to be the best job in the world. "Just sit here, and pretend to be attracted to Danny." And that would be different from what I do at home how? :lol:
Got to be the best job in the world. "Just sit here, and pretend to be attracted to Danny." And that would be different from what I do at home how? :lol:

:lol: Tell it like it is GLW ! It wouldn't have been too hard for the casting crew of CSI:NY to find anyone on this forum if they someone in a pinch to do the job!
I attempted to buy the Learning Curve, but it's R, so they wouldn't let me- maybe I'll rent it! LOL! I have rented ones just for him though! :D
Yeah, the casting director should have come here to the LR and asked for volunteers. Hell, I would fly to LA for the chance to chat up Carmine. All I have to do is stand here next to this bar, and be hot for Danny? Sure, I can do that. Want me to kiss him? Because I'll throw that in for free. :devil:
carminesgirl, where did you attempt to buy The Learning Curve at? They wouldn't sell it to you because it is rated R?? Are you under 17? Wow, that is crazy, I mean really, it's not like it's a porn. What did they card you? I can't say anything, I look so young that when I was 20 or 21 I was asked to leave an R rated movie until I showed my DL.

GLW , All I need is 5 minutes with the man. :devil:
OMG i must be doing something wrong, why does everyone in the thread look so young apart from me, i am only 24 and on a good day i could pass for 70ish (jealous of all you young looking people).

I have just ordered the Learning Curve but it will take ages for delivery, oh the fun of living miles away from real civilisation.
Wow--I asked the question about buying movies, and I'm one of the few people who hasn't gotten any yet! :p I think I might buy "The Learning Curve" if I can find it for a good price, but I think I'd rather rent the movie first (and any others that I can find with him in them) before I commit to owning it. Don't get me wrong, I love Carmine and all, but I don't want to get stuck with a crappy movie that I won't watch even if he's on the screen! :p My dad owns "Black Hawk Down," so I can watch that whenever I want. I've tried to watch for tv appearances, but I always seem to miss the episodes that he's on. :rolleyes: The stars don't seem to want to align in my favor! :lol:

I'm 21 and I don't think I look to far in either direction as far as age goes--I always get carded, but I think that's more of a formality than anything else (since I've only bought cigarettes for my parents and no alcohol--both of which I dislike, I might add...)

I would have absolutely no problem acting interested in Carmine, and flirting would be a piece of cake. ;) I suspect that the show people would pass on me though, because I'm uber-pale and I'd be totally washed out! (If Carmine is wearing make-up to make him more bronze, then I'd look like a mime even with a thick coating of foundation! :lol:) Not only that, but I'm not nearly as cute as the train girl. ;) But if she's nervous and they need a stand-in for kissing scenes, give me a call! :lol:
I admit that I have never seen or rented The Learning Curve or any other Carmine movies for that matter. Sad isn't it heh.
Nah, not sad. I'm not interested in any of Carmine's movies, either. In fact, some of the pictures scare me with the hair. *Shudder* It's like a helmet.
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