The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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But the Grammy's are on Wednesday, aren't they? There's no way in hell that they're going to be only 2 hours long.

I just checked for 2/8 and there is no CSI:NY that night. So, since we're behind now, does that mean the week after that we get an episode on Wednesday and then one on Thursday at 9? I think that there was a payback in order, if my memory serves me correctly. :p
Two women with dark hair a common enough sight in New York City. If it was the girl he resuscitated, Andrea, I would imagine he would have had a quick hello for her rather than a coy smile in return. I think you can want it to be the same girl, but it just isn't. Danny is a single attractive man in a big city, flirting is bound to happen, sometimes with strangers. For instance, I didn't know my husband when I first saw him, but we flirted. Good things come from flirtations between strangers all the time.

Okay, but having a girlfriend should stop a guy from going up to a stranger girl on the train. I mean hell they can smile at eachother all they want, but walking up to her is taking a big step forward. If we didn't know he had a girlfriend I wouldn't have anything against this whole thing.
Ok I just checked the pictures, is it just me or is she a little young looking? And not that pretty... Oh well I've only seen one cap of her!
Her young looks struck me too, that's why I think she might be Andrea. But seems like I'm the only one thinking that. It's cool I will stand by my theory and you girls stand by yours. :)
Yay MrsG!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

I don't think Danny has a girlfriend anymore!
It doesn't matter to me either way--since they don't go into their personal relationships on the show, we can't even know for sure whether or not he still has a girlfriend, and I doubt that they'll even show that girl again. *shrug* If it was supposed to be the same girl, I agree that he would have said something to her, or she would have said something first. As JDonne pointed out, it's just two dark haired girls in NY.

I don't think she looked all that young, and you can't go by how someone acts. I'm 21 (which is still sort of young, but you get the idea), and I'd probably giggle like a little school girl if Danny smirked at me on a train (and then proceed to drop my book on his foot). ;)
True, I'm 19 but regularly get mistaken for 15 which is not funny! But I kinda hope she isn't mentioned again because I like the fact that CSI:NY isn't a soap opera and stays out of the love lives.
Love the new pic faylinn!
OK, my two cents, for what it is worth!

The girl on the subway is not the same girl from 'Supply and Demand', yes she looked young, but I can attest from my own personal experience that it can be deceiving. I am 30 years old, but if you saw me I could pass for 21 or so- easily.

Moving on, Talking to someone, i.e. flirting is how you get to know someone,if you don't talk to them, how are you going to get to know them? The subway is just as easy of a place to get to know someone, like school or a coffee shop is. Plus, he spoke to her, it's not a crime.

If Carmine spoke to me, I would probably pass out, because the man is so damn sexy ;)
Oh for crying out loud. He just talked to her, nothing else as far as we know. Last I checked, talking was not cheating. Neither was eye sex.

Eye sex - I never get tired of that saying.

Eye sex is a very good thing. Actual sex worlds better. I say good for Danny, nothing is worse than regret. The fates gave him a second chance.

Poor train girl, I bet she didn't know people would think she was a underage relationship wrecker.

Well, I love you train girl.

I wonder where Danny lives? I wish we'd seen what line he was taking home.

Thanks, tiny--if I had more computer skills, I would have added a feather to the hat and given him a bow and arrows. ;)

I agree, ThumpyG--I might not pass out, but I'd at least swoon a little bit! :lol: (I wonder if he'd catch me? :p) Even after I'd gotten ahold of myself, I'd still grin like an idiot and be unable to form intelligent answers to routine questions. :lol:;

"Eye sex" is a new phrase to me! :lol: I like it though--I'll definitely have to use it. ;) I have nothing against the train girl (I think she's damn lucky to get such a good little role--no bug-eating or anything ;)), but maybe we should send her a card, JDonne just so she knows that some of Carmine's fans don't hate her. :p

Anywho, new topic :D : I wonder how many people from the LR have gone out and bought/rented movies just because of Carmine? Or how many people searched tv listings for shows that he guest-starred on? (I'm guilty of the second one, and the first one may not be far off! :lol:)
I wonder how many people from the LR have gone out and bought/rented movies just because of Carmine?
As soon as I become a full-fledged Carmine whore ... uh, yeah, after watching him in like two or three episodes, I hoped my butt onto and bought all available Carmine movies ... simply so that I can have unrequited "eye sex" with him. :lol: BTW - Love that phrase - "eye sex" - nice one, lookaboomerang.
I think it's amusing that so many people think Danny is still even seeing Cindy. After all, this is the man who said to Aiden in Tanglewood, "I've got girlfriends for that." This says to me that, even if he was, hmm, stretching the truth a bit, he still fancies himself a player and it's been my experience that men who fancy themselves players usually act like players. Hence, I doubt Danny is still with Cindy or, if he is, I'm not surprised that he'd flirt with a cute girl on a train. It's. What. Men. Do.
Oh yeah, guys in relationships do flirt with other girls and I'm sure Danny is no different. Hell, this one guy kept saying all this sweet stuff to me and then I found out he's in a relationship and has been for two years!!!! The guy flirted with me like he was single! Anyway, I'm sure Danny is not like that though.
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