The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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I've only watched his movies to see what other kinds of stuff he's done. When I find an actor I like, I tend to want to see what kind of a range of characters he/she can play. It's pretty interesting to see the stuff he's done. Most of his characters are worlds apart from each other. I mean, come on, Gundy to Danny? That's quite a stretch. :lol:
I haven't seen any of Carmine's movies yet, except for the clips on his website but I'm still looking for them.

As for the age thing, I'm 21 and people think I'm younger than my almost 17 year-old sister.
I haven't seen any of Carmine's movies yet, except for the clips on his website but I'm still looking for them.
Netflix. Netflix has everything. I found that I was having trouble finding them in stores and video rental places and then I remembered that we had a Netflix subscription. So, I came home, plugged his name in and voila.
No, you're not the only one who noticed, BlueGirl--I was just more amazed at the fact that he kicked the stereo and didn't manage to fall flat on his face at the time. ;) But does this mean that our CSIs have to have CPR training? Can I volunteer to be their practice person when they go for certification? :p

Danny: Uh, aren't we supposed to have dummies for this?
Flack: Apparently they've decided to use real people this year--hey, that's the same girl who sat in for my test.
*Fay just lays there and pretends to be unconscious*
Fay: *out of the corner of her mouth* I hope you washed your hands and brushed your teeth, Danny--and I have a chapstick in my pocket if you need it. *glares at Flack with one eye open*
Flack: I think we should ask for the dummies back.
Danny: Yeah, I agree.


Oh, now Bitten, you couldn't possibly mean this hair, now could you?


:lol: I think it's funny, myself--at least Danny isn't going for the same look. :p

I know what you mean, lookaboomerang--part of the reason why I like to look for movies with a specific actor in them is because I want to compare the parts. I like watching anything with Gary Sinise in it for that reason. But when I think the actor is attractive, I feel kind of guilty watching movies just to see them, like their acting isn't even relevant. Does that make any sense at all?

Hmm...Netflix, huh? *looks into joining*...
I was just more amazed at the fact that he kicked the stereo and didn't manage to fall flat on his face at the time.

Haha! I saw that and cringed, I was so embarrassed for him. :lol:

Oh, now Bitten, you couldn't possibly mean this hair, now could you?

Ok, seriously? That hair terrifies me. There are screencaps where it looks even worse, I can't remember which movie they're from but he's shirtless and his hair just looks...creepy.
I'm not a fan of the hair either. It needs some gel or more importanly a cut. I'm just thankful that he doesn't have that hair style today!
Not sure about the Canadians in on the Netflix, you'd have to check.

:lol: Thank goodness he chopped that shit off shortly after The Learning Curve was finished. On the cover of the dvd for it, he's got short hair similar to how it is now but in the movie, it was that awful hair. I love the guy, but that hair made even me cringe.
NO MULLETS! *shudder* Mullets are like clowns--they're creepy and they need to be outlawed (and I have no idea why they stick around!). :p

I don't personally have any pictures of that particular hair cut, but I'm sure that someone on here has them--And I'm sure they'd love to share them with you, Bitten. *evil laugh* ;)
No, you're not the only one who noticed, BlueGirl--I was just more amazed at the fact that he kicked the stereo and didn't manage to fall flat on his face at the time. ;) But does this mean that our CSIs have to have CPR training? Can I volunteer to be their practice person when they go for certification? :p

Yeah, that was interesting too. I wonder, if it was in the script to kick it, or he just managed to do so? :lol: Poor guy, it must have hurt...

I'm sure every cop gets CPR training. In case of emergency they need to be able to help. Maybe we'll see it someday, that Flack saves someone's life with it.

I agree, that hair looked just bad. But with hairdos it's easy, you only need scissors. ;) Look at Eddie. He looks SO much better with his short hair.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot! Could someone make a video of Carmine as Gundy playing the guitar??? Pretty-please??? I really wanna see him like that and hear him sing. :)
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