The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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there's no need to make this into something dirty! And that means you too, jorja fan86 :devil:[

:lol: I find it very impossible to come in this thread and not post a dirty message. The whole LR ordeal has actually made my mind more dirtier heh heh.
I tried to do a tank-top bobblehead, LiquidCrystal, but I don't have many pictures of him in a tank-top, and the one I tried turned out horribly, so I gave up. :p

Yeah, bobbleheads are creepy--I couldn't have one on my dashboard--it would weird me out. *shudder*

his head is already kinda too big for his neck, there's no need to exacerbate it.

You want to know what's funny, Bitten? When I was first doing that hands-on-hips bobblehead up there, I made the head bigger and pasted it on, but I couldn't tell the difference! I had to make it eeeeenormous for the change to be obvious. :eek: I love him even though he has a giganormous head. ;) :lol:

Sorry that I scared you with the "spooky bobbleheads" General Loafie. Please don't put me on the search for Danny's old glasses! *begs* Pleeeeeease! I want to go on future reconnaissance missions to his house...*big dewey eyes* Pweeze be forgiving... :p

Shoot, jorja fan86, even innocuous comments are dirty in this thread! Our minds are deep in the gutter here. ;)
My mind is so deep in the gutter that I don't even know where to find it. Speaking of which I'm sure tonight will inspire to me to write some new nasty comments about Danny boy :devil:.
I so want a bobblehead for my car. Wait....Danny might be too distracting. I would spend entirely too much time staring at the doll, and not nearly enough time watching the road. And of course there would be the overwhelming desire to undress the Danny doll, and see if it was.....never mind. :devil:
Does it make you pervy if you want to ravage a bobblehead doll, GLW? :lol:

"Risk" definitely gave me dirty thoughts about Danny, jorja fan86. At least one of them is similar to something that happened in a certain older Tom Cruise movie on a subway train. *hint hint* That girl on the train at the end needs to watch her back--Danny without glasses wouldn't be able to see if I knock her down and stand on her back to ravage him! :devil: :lol: I swear, that man gets hotter in every episode! My tv is going to keel over in a few weeks! *fans self* I can't stop thinking dirty things...But really, I just like him because he's a fantastic actor... ;)
I'm not understanding the dirty aspect of the bobbleheads......just give me a few minutes to figure it out......LOL
My dirty thought for the day is that Danny and I can really make good use of that pole in the subway :devil:.
My dirty thought for the day is that Danny and I can really make good use of that pole in the subway :devil:.
*Gasp* :eek:
Yikes I didn't even think of that...
But it's true, that man makes me think very very very dirty thoughts, and I love it!! :devil:
Has Carmine learned nothing here that he could pass on to Danny? (Most)Chicks dig guys who wear glasses. Really, what was that last scene all about? :confused: And what a lucky bitch too. I don't think Danny gives just anyone the googly eyes.
Yes, I agree we do like the glasses. I have a theory about why he took them off, though. I think he took them off because he wanted to pretend that the girl was Lindsay (assuming he can't see very much without them). I know it's kinda crazy...
Yeah, that was weird with him taking off his glasses at the end there but I don't mind the no glasses look.

He sure did do a double take on Lindsay...very discrete there Danny :rolleyes: Eww and don't even mention the idea of Mac and Lindsay on a date..

I liked his wardrobe last night especially the black pants :D
Thanks BlueGirl-- I was up at 4 a.m. preparing stuff for my class and thought I'd post something crazy like that...I really think maybe Danny just wanted to make a good impression with that girl or something.

Yes, I am a girl...well, at least, I think so!
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