The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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It was just an idea someone came up with. Probably making it obvious, that the people in the drool thread are Danny fans. But I don't care. I'm neither a groupie or anything else. I'm just spending time here for fun.
It's just that I know I have e-mailed Carmine using reference to the Locker Room and so have others so we don't want things to get confusing for the guy. It also looks more united if the fans are under one name. One last point, I trust the people who have been part of the Locker Room the longest will want to maintain a good reputation so will be less likely to spread stuff that will slander the guy. I mean we all joke about him but there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed.
I hope I haven't crossed any lines- I just love talking about the guy! :)
we are definitly known as the locker room groupies in a lot of places hehe.

and applied research lol. im gonna have to use that sometime ;)
I don't think any of us have. I'm just not big on having a bunch of different fan group names.

Agreed completely. It just gets needlessly confusing and complicated.

"Wasted" is on tonight--finally, a new ep of CSI: NY! We've only waited like, what, a month? :rolleyes: I wonder if boomerang will come through with her Wednesday note for us! :D
I only suggested it, because I thought I couldn't call myself a LR groupie anymore,
because I hardley come in this thread.

I hope you will enjoy that epi :D
Well, I think Locker Room Groupies has grown beyond this one thread. It seems like the name really has stuck.

I wonder if we're ever going to get any more Mac/Danny tension. They're working together tonight!
So I can still call myself a LR Groupie? *makes happy dance* I like the name... :lol:

I hope so... I love the tension between them.
I wonder if Mac is still angry about that on the job thing... I guess he is.
well it's always hard when they're working know Mac's the boss and Danny can't stand being told what to do...
I wonder if we're ever going to get any more Mac/Danny tension. They're working together tonight!
You'll let us know, right? I hope they do pick it up ... at some point in time. It made the show so much more interesting and had me hooked in a way they have not been able to match in the other two CSI shows.
It's SO confusing, that I haven't seen those last episodes of season one, where they had that tension. Hell I don't even know how they got out from that old office... :confused:

We'll have Crime and Misdemeanor on tomorrow.
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