The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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Hey we were just talking in the drool thread and we were wondering about a name and a motto. so far we have
Name: Dannyholics
Mottos: We don't need to be forgiven
How you doin?

We were wondering if anybody had any other ideas so we can put it to a vote.
Hey we were just talking in the drool thread and we were wondering about a name and a motto. so far we have
Name: Dannyholics
Mottos: We don't need to be forgiven
How you doin?

We were wondering if anybody had any other ideas so we can put it to a vote.

I dunno, I'm rather attached to The Locker Room Groupies. I don't think we have a motto (unless it's something along the lines of "When's the shower scene?") but we do have a mascot, The Potted Plant! :)

Anyhoo, can someone explain the dollar menu guy thing to me? Did I miss something? It's entirely possible I did.
GoodLittleWench , thats funny, armpit thread.

next we can start one just for his arms. We talk about them so much, I think it deserves one. Danny's sexy arms...and body!! :lol:

Yes, I think I missed the dollar menu thing as well. I am always out of things!! :D
But....I was just about to start an armpit thread. :( Never mind then.

I think we have to have at least three ass threads before we get an armpit thread. It's in the rules somewhere. :lol:

The McDonald's thing is from an ad I caught at the top of the page (surf TalkCSI long enough and you'll every ad in existence :lol: ). All it said was "I'm a Dollar Menu guy" in large text and then it had the McDs logo. It made me think of Carmine's quotes from the People's Sexiest Men issue (I'm a tea guy...I'm a chicken guy... etc.) and thus, cracked me up. When you see the ad, you'll laugh too. :D Look for it!

EDIT: Forgot to add, we're the Locker Room Groupies. That name has been around for ages. Even Carmine knows it. ;) I don't think there's any reason to change it.
Ooh and a whole thread dedicated to his neck! And a lab coat thread just for pictures of Danny in his lab coat! *swoon*
Then of course there should be the fingernails thread, and the Contents of Carmine's Trash stalker?!
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