The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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Macayla you gotta join in! Rationality has nothing to do with it!! we're not [all] crazy!! At least just put your name and a funny quote in! you have so many funny lines, i'm sure you can spare one for Carmine!
I have funny lines? where did you hear that? :lol:

You should take part in this and Macayla too. The more the merrier. Just imagening his face, when he gets it... I'm sure he'll love it and the idea aswell.
Well I could send some information, because you girls insist on it :p... Like my name and...? Well I can better start thinking fast :lol:
Go for it, Macayla! It isn't irrational -
I don't think any of us has the delusion he is going to pick up the phone and call. It's a satire... isn't it every guy's dream to have a "Little Black Book" with names of women all over the world? Just a creative way to show appreciation. I think he will get a good laugh out of it!
Yeah, Macayla make your country appear in that black book! ;) You can just write your email address, if you don't wanna give out any other info.
Hell, i nearly gave him my Vital Stats!! do you think it would bother him that i have on eleg and only one tooth at the front? It's called cappy, cos i use it to open the tops of beer cans...
I know this is Carmine's thread but i really miss Vanessa, i saw a girl who looked like her on the bus and suddenly tears formed in my girlfriend prefers Anna...why does everyone think that Lindsay and Danny would make a cute couple? If Danny gets with anyone on the show, i'll stop watching (but i'll tape it instead!! hehe)Does anyone think it would ruin the show? I mean, come on, mystery, murder and oh a nice office romance? grr (i'm just jealous, and i'm ranting..damn evil caffine!)
I don't want Danny to hook up with anyone! LOL! I just couldn't bear to watch!

I put all info POSSIBLE in Carmine's little black book! :)
I'm gonna send my shoe size. Just in case he's feeling really rich and wants to buy me a pair of Manolo Blahniks or something. (HINT, HINT)

Hehe.. I was thinking of adding my shoe size after I sent the email to Mrs.G ..size 12 (womens) :D And I'm a rat and a scorpio :p
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