The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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Wouldn't it be great if we have a [fangirl] birthday for every single day of the year? That way MrsG can put our contact info on a huge calendar for Carmine...:D
That would be awesome! So he knows someone is "thinking of him" every day. :devil: I actually don't even think we have 365 fangirls here though. I mean sure there are tons of members of this site in general, but I doubt there are enough Locker Room Groupies to fill a calendar. :( Must recruit more.
LOL..I haven't been in here for a day or two. I think the little black book idea is awesome. He'll get a kick out of it I'm sure. I'll be sending you an email shortly :D
" "I named my iPod 'Mooky'""

Hmmm, well, if there aren't enough birthday girls, I'd be happy to block out an entire week or two for Carmine. I guess I could handle that! :lol:

I put, next to my location (PA) - "but you can call ME Montana"!
This book idea was pure genius! It's a great way of making a personal connection, but FUNNY at the same time.
That would be awesome! So he knows someone is "thinking of him" every day. :devil: I actually don't even think we have 365 fangirls here though. I mean sure there are tons of members of this site in general, but I doubt there are enough Locker Room Groupies to fill a calendar. :( Must recruit more.

Don't worry, you can add me in on all the empty days. That way, Carmine definitely won't forget to think about me too hehe.
Hello people, I’m a new one in this locker room. But I have been hanging around here for quite a while. Just been a bit lazy on the whole posting thing. I tend to read most of it but not reply, don’t ask I know I’m odd. Anyway, I hope that I will fit nicely in here with the rest of the bunch. Might not been such a wild Carmine fan as I see some in here is but I’m still addicted. I haven’t managed to read all the pages yet but I saw something about a black book. Can someone explain a little bit closer to me what this black book is all about? Woah, teacher coming. –Pretends to be doing something- I will come by later again when it’s all safe. ^_^
You are all considering to really do this?! :eek:
I just think to rational to compete in this I think... or just to chicken :p
I like the birthday thing though :lol:
Macayla you gotta join in! Rationality has nothing to do with it!! we're not [all] crazy!! At least just put your name and a funny quote in! you have so many funny lines, i'm sure you can spare one for Carmine!
Zombie_Bunny the black book is basically an idea of MrsG's, which will be a phone book with lots of Carmine fans' info. Since lots of us come from different countries it will be a cool thing to get these people's info together. And since MrsG is gonna be on set in a few days she offered to do this and give the phone book to him, or get it to him somehow.

You should take part in this and Macayla too. The more the merrier. Just imagening his face, when he gets it... I'm sure he'll love it and the idea aswell.
Wow, sounds like a great idea. A bit crazy but really neat. I think I will consider joining in just for the fun of it. And I can almost picture his face, priceless is my comment on that. And Mrs.G is a lucky one, getting the chance to go to the set. I wanna come too! I can be really small, maybe I can hide in a box or something. -Innocent smile- May I ask Mrs.G , when you see this of course, why you are going there? And I might send you a e-mail soon, just as you are aware. ;)
Until she gives you a full reply: she's going there, because she'll be in a scene on one of the upcoming episodes... eating bugs. Brr... I can't bare the thought... Eww... I look up to her because of this, cuz I wouldn't do this for anyone.

You should decide fast and email her, cuz she'll be leaving tomorrow for the shoot.
Woah! That's so cool! Not the eating bugs part but the rest. Bleh, never in my long life (hopefully long) will I eat anything like that. Fisheye and raw octopus which I didn't know was a raw octopus until I was chewing on it was bad enough. No ant snack for me, not in this life. And yes, I should that e-mail really quick then. Just have to run to the store and buy some food and then I can write it. May I ask if you know what should be added in it?
Preferably your phone number and/or anything you're comfortable sharing. Your birthday and even a little note, if you want to.
Aaaah, okey. That shouldn't be too hard I guess. I think my rather un-creative mind (just currently un-creative) should manage a task like that. I made such a fool out of myself at the store. -Sobs- I was walking around looking at stuff when I fell over letting out a rather high-tuned yelp, okey it was a roar. I sadly enough don't have the 'girl-scream' and let out rather 'masculine' roars instead. God it was so embarrassing. Why me!? Anyway, thanks BlueGirl for answering all my question, hope I haven't been too much of a pain.
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