The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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Oh, that's awesome! So that's this week then? We'll be able to look forward to a report this weekend. :D
Yep. You'll have the full report within a week. :D

I'm a pretty picky eater, though I've tried some weirdish things (for me at least) like octopus and eel.
That's pretty adventurous. A girl who will chow that down can't be too picky of an eater.
Hopefully they won't have to do too many takes. I'm sure there will be a lot of downtime, too, in between takes.
I'm praying this can be nailed in as few takes as possible. I'm cool with being on the set for like 16 hours, but I'd die if any considerable portion of that is spent on actual bug consumption. I'm praying it just takes forever to set up shots and whatnot and that's why it's so long.
Are you the only bug eaters or will there be fellow sufferers?
Since the storyline involves people who enjoy "exotic cuisine" I'm going to assume I'm not the only one "enjoying" it. Misery loves company, so I imagine I'll be well covered in that respect.
You do realise you HAVE to actually have the cover be black, so that it's a Black Book.
Naturally. A Little Black Book must actually be black. Will be hitting the mall Tuesday morning to go in search of an actually black address book.

Thanks for all the overwhelming response I'm getting. In order for it to be funny, I need to actually fill the book and so far, it looks like that won't be a problem at all. :D If I'd known how easily girls would cough up their phone #s for the man, I should have set my sights a little higher and organized a panty drive instead. :lol: Kidding. Anyhow, thanks girls. Keep that info coming. I know he's gonna love it. I'm actually getting a small taste of what it might feel like to be him when I opened my e-mail a few minutes ago. :lol: I have no idea how the man keeps up. Also, thanks to those residing outside the U.S. who have been so thoughtful as to include the country code at the beginning of their phone #. Much appreciated if the number is exactly as he would need to dial it from the US. I love how international his fan base is. How many single guys in the US can boast an address book full of European hotties who want them? This is going to be priceless. I would sooooo love it if we could see representation from as many countries as possible. So, girls, if you come from a distant land and you may be the only one from your area, please please please cough up your info. Thanks!
I hope you all had a great holiday time / festive season.

WOW, I had to go back a good few pages to figure out what all the talk's about!

CONGRATS, MrsG! And good luck! What a way to start a year. :) What love won't make us do. ;) From what I've read I'm convinced you'll do all us LR groupies proud. But why am I having pictures of Fear Factor (and not Doable Danny!) in my mind right now?

PS - all the Trapped avvies are really making me jealous. :(

BTW, I love the new thread name!
Thanks, JustMe. I note you're from South Africa. Don't have any other fangirls from South Africa in the Little Black Book so far. Care to participate? PM or e-mail your info if you're willing.
Care to participate?
What the heck, why not? I'm an obsessed/addicted enough fan anyway. ;) I'll email you - as soon as I can get the pc to stop overheating (for once not as a result of the discussion here, but due to the actual ambient temp, 104 deg F).
I'm praying this can be nailed in as few takes as possible. I'm cool with being on the set for like 16 hours, but I'd die if any considerable portion of that is spent on actual bug consumption. I'm praying it just takes forever to set up shots and whatnot and that's why it's so long.

I can't imagine they'd have you eat bugs for 16 hours or anywhere close to that! That would just be inhuman. I imagine some of it will be hair and make up, and then yes, lighting and the like will take up some time too.

Since the storyline involves people who enjoy "exotic cuisine" I'm going to assume I'm not the only one "enjoying" it. Misery loves company, so I imagine I'll be well covered in that respect.

That's good, you don't want to get stuck eating bugs all alone! I'm sure you guys can commiserate, and maybe even switch bugs depending on taste. I really am intrigued by this episode--I can't wait to hear all about it. You're going to have such a blast.
Wouldn't it be funny to include our birthdays in the book? I mean, given that he knows about our "Birthday Tradition".

I think it's hilarious! I am not delusional, and it's not like any of us expect him to ring us up. But hey, if it brings him a laugh, PLUS - if his finger grazes the page my name is written on, it's enough for me! ;)
NO D.O.B.!! Then he'll know I'm underage!! LOL! But for sure b-days!
Sorry BlueGirl, I must have missed that in my skimming. ;) Hey, at least if he has all our birthdays, he can plan his year in advance! LOL
EDIT: Boleyn, I wrote it to MrsG in an email, so you didn't miss it. :)

Damn people I watched "Blink" just now and it was depressing. Now I don't wonder why I didn't want to watch CSI:NY in the first place. When it first came out it was dark and too serious. There were a few intended jokes in it, but the whole feel of the episode made them not funny at all. Grr...
Wouldn't it be funny to include our birthdays in the book? I mean, given that he knows about our "Birthday Tradition".

Definitely! I really like the variety of info I've been getting from people because it shows how unique we all are. I'll include anything you like with your info. Some have been listing their b-days, which I think is a riot and I know will make him smile. Others have included little tidbits of info like, "I named my iPod 'Mooky'" (that's cute) and some are including little sayings along the lines of "For a good time, call ..." :lol: Bra size, vital stats, or anything else you think might make him smile is cool too.

It's great to see the response to this. Thanks girls. It wouldn't be as funny if I couldn't fill the book. Also, some of you have been asking about sending pictures. Sure, e-mail them to me and I'll print them out. If it's a thumbnail size pic, I'll glue it in next to your address info. Otherwise, I'll attach an envelope in the back of the book with pics and whatnot and write the person's info on the back of the pic as well as in the book itself.

I've got a special request that anyone with last names starting with uncommon letters please please please participate ... you know - last names beginning with X or Z especially. I'd ideally like to not have any blank pages. Keep the info coming girls. I need it by tomorrow evening as I'm leaving on Wednesday. Thanks! :D
Wouldn't it be great if we have a [fangirl] birthday for every single day of the year? That way MrsG can put our contact info on a huge calendar for Carmine...:D
I think it'd be a huge appreciation for him SweetDarling. Let's hope we can really make him a caledar like that sometime.
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