The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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Mrs.G, congrats!!! :D That's awesome news! :D When is the shoot? Are you nervous about eating the bugs? Have you ever done that kind of thing before? I saw the casting call, thought it sounded cool, but I couldn't do the bugs. :lol:
Thanks, Top, and thanks to all of you who have congratulated me. The shoot is on Thursday, January 12. I'm told it'll run all day - starting in the morning and potentially running into the wee hours of Friday morning. ... um, yeah, that's a really long time so uh I'm really hoping the vast majority of that time is spent on lighting and setting up shots and whatnot, as opposed to actual feasting for any prolonged amount of time. I am a tiny bit nervous about eating bugs, but only because I've never done that before ... though I have eaten fish eyeballs, pig intestines, chicken feet and a host of other inedible delicacies (don't ask - long story) so I'm not too concerned. It's really just mind-over-matter and I'm a master of that. Of course, on some level, it's hard to escape the fear of the unknown. If I do meet Carmine and my face is in a bucket puking at the time, I'm gonna be one mortified fangirl. :lol: I'll be in LA from Wednesday-Friday. Wish me luck!
Ladies, I'd like to ask for your help with something. I received a brilliant flash of inspiration when someone told me to give Carmine her phone #. I think it would be funny as hell to compile a little black book for him with the names and phone #s of girls all around the world who want him. I think he's got the sense of humor to really appreciate that. If you want to be included, please PM me or e-mail to with as much info as you're comfortable giving - full real name, phone #s, e-mail addy, home address, whatever. I just think he might get a kick out that (what man wouldn't?) so if you want to help me fill in a little black to give him, please get your info to me within the next couple days. If I meet him, I'll give it to him personally. If not, I'm sure I can leave it with someone who can get it to him. Thanks girls!

though I have eaten fish eyeballs, pig intestines, chicken feet and a host of other inedible delicacies
Are you Chinese? Visited China? :)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Dude, you just nailed the reason dead-on! I'm not Chinese and have never been to China, but it is out of love for a Chinese guy that I've eaten this stuff. Nice call!
:D Well I'm chinese but I don't like eating those things. I don't really like eating animal organs, because they're high cholesterol and it's kind of "unclean". Fish eyeballs is a preference and chicken feet just don't have meat - all bones!

but it is out of love for a Chinese guy that I've eaten this stuff.
What a girl would do for love! As we can see, in the case of Carmine and MrsG, it's bugs, and not fish eyeballs. :D
That's so exciting for you, Mrs. G! One of our own will be breaking into the 'Inner Circle'. :lol:
It's funny, I remember reading an article ages ago in one of my show dog magazines. They were looking for owners/handlers and dogs for the CSI:NY epi "Recycling". At the time, I didn't know of the show so never paid much attention. *$&#! If only I had followed up on that! Well, Danny didn't work the dog case anyway. Still I wish they would repeat that epi, I'd love to see it.
Ladies, I'd like to ask for your help with something. I received a brilliant flash of inspiration when someone told me to give Carmine her phone #. I think it would be funny as hell to compile a little black book for him with the names and phone #s of girls all around the world who want him.
Should I be worried that I'm seriously considering this? :lol: I have to think about it a little bit more.
Bitten - You are no fun at all! :lol: C'mon. What better gift is there to give a single guy? He'll laugh his ass off.

Lookaboomerang - Don't just consider it, girl. Be a part of it.

Maybe he'll get so horney one night he starts dialing #s. :lol: :lol: Kidding. Anyhow, it'll be fun and he'll love it.
I didn't hesitate e-mailing you my info- this isn't a joke is it?! I think I'm the most gullible person here! LOL!
Mrs.G. Yeah I did the crazy route over this guy I knew from Hong Kong...but who really cares about him anymore. You do realise you HAVE to actually have the cover be black, so that it's a Black Book.
Thanks, Top, and thanks to all of you who have congratulated me. The shoot is on Thursday, January 12. I'm told it'll run all day - starting in the morning and potentially running into the wee hours of Friday morning. ... um, yeah, that's a really long time so uh I'm really hoping the vast majority of that time is spent on lighting and setting up shots and whatnot, as opposed to actual feasting for any prolonged amount of time. I am a tiny bit nervous about eating bugs, but only because I've never done that before ... though I have eaten fish eyeballs, pig intestines, chicken feet and a host of other inedible delicacies (don't ask - long story) so I'm not too concerned. It's really just mind-over-matter and I'm a master of that. Of course, on some level, it's hard to escape the fear of the unknown. If I do meet Carmine and my face is in a bucket puking at the time, I'm gonna be one mortified fangirl. :lol: I'll be in LA from Wednesday-Friday. Wish me luck!

Oh, that's awesome! So that's this week then? We'll be able to look forward to a report this weekend. :D

You are so brave foodwise--I have to say, I'm a pretty picky eater, though I've tried some weirdish things (for me at least) like octopus and eel. Hopefully they won't have to do too many takes. I'm sure there will be a lot of downtime, too, in between takes. Are you the only bug eaters or will there be fellow sufferers? It definitely promises to be an intriguing storyline at any rate. I can't wait to see the episode! I bet it's a February sweeps ep, too. :D
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