The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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Hush is a great episode, but Tanglewood is still my favorite. I agree with you, lookaboomerang, Danny does feel the most real. He definately has the most depth and development of all the characters. And he is just, hands down, the most intriguing.
ditto, i hope they go deeper into his whole involvement with the tanglewood boys...i would have like to see Aiden worked on too, if Vanessa had stuck around *crys cos she misses vanessa* i want her back, I DO NOT LIKE THIS LINDSAY ONE *season 2 has started here yet, but STILL* Are those Carmine clones ready yet?
Hush is a great episode, but Tanglewood is still my favorite. I agree with you, lookaboomerang, Danny does feel the most real. He definately has the most depth and development of all the characters. And he is just, hands down, the most intriguing.

Absolutely, and that's what does it for me. Gorgeous guys are a dime a dozen in TV shows and the movies, but it's depth of character that really intrigues me. Danny is my favorite character on television right now because he's so complex--there's just so much to him. What makes Danny sexy is how he acts and what he says as much as his looks.
I still feel like there is so much more that we still have to learn about Danny. And that is part of what keeps me intrigued. That feeling that, at any moment, I might learn something new about him. That he might reveal another facet of his personality that I haven't seen before. It's all about the mystery with Danny. And that is sexy.
I still feel like there is so much more that we still have to learn about Danny. And that is part of what keeps me intrigued. That feeling that, at any moment, I might learn something new about him. That he might reveal another facet of his personality that I haven't seen before. It's all about the mystery with Danny. And that is sexy.

YES! I agree with all of that. Especially the part about possibly learning something new about him at any moment. There's usually never any warning that it's about to happen, it's just dropped right on your lap.
I agree with what you all have said too. I love the complex characters and Danny has that mastered. And Carmine cane say more with his facial expressions that most any actor I have ever seen!

I think Tanglewood has to be my favorite...........I want more info!!!
Yeah, Tanglewood is probably the episode where most of us did recognize him. It was just an awesome episode and we all would like to know more. Also if it's just a tiny bit I would be already pleased. But with Trapped and his brother Louie there is a good chance that they will even reveal more and more about Danny.

He is such a great and fascinating character. And I have to agree with all of you.
I was just wondering if we would be also so hooked up with him if he weren't so mysterious and all. Yeah, he may look good but after a while that's not enough. So I'm very glad that Danny is not another stereotypical character but very complex.

And I really don't understand why some people find him annoying. He whines that's for sure but to me it's not annoying... it's much fun :lol:
the season 2 of csi ny still hasn't started, i want to witnesss the whining!! btw, someone asked me (like i know?)if carmine was dating Shannon lucio (from the o.c.?)Personally, i don't care who he's dating but this person is REALLY persisently bugging me with it! Anyone comfirm or deny this for me, so i can finally put it to rest...x thank you much.
^He was in a New Year's Eve picture next to her and some other guy, but I don't know that that means much one way or another.

A lot of people find Danny annoying, and I can sort of see why, sometimes. I got annoyed with him in "The Dove Commission" when he was a jerk to that kid whose father got murdered just because Danny got beat up by a gypsy cab driver when he was a kid. I rolled my eyes at that because it was immature and unprofessional.

But usually, the whining just makes me laugh. I don't want to see robots going about these jobs--that's part of the reason I don't like Mac. I like to see emotion and humanity behind the characters. That's the reason Danny's my favorite--because he reacts to everything around him, just like a normal person would, and that makes him the most real.
Top, I got annoyed with him in The Dove Commission too. It showed the human side of him and that he screws up, but I sure did want to pop that mouth! HA HA
Top, I got annoyed with him in The Dove Commission too. It showed the human side of him and that he screws up, but I sure did want to pop that mouth! HA HA

:lol: Yeah, Aiden so should have smacked him, hard. But you're right--it showed he's human and imperfect and that makes him more real and believable.
****sighs***** I just wuff him............

His little snarky imperfections and quirky habits make me want to wrap him in a hug most every episode.

He makes me want to do other things to him too, but we will skip that! :D
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