The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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ok, when i get my 'paper' i'll try to do a photoshot with Carmine and i'll bring you all with me!! and i'll say you're my entourage and stuff!! oh wait, if he reads this, he'll know so, Top will you bring the tranq gun, i know you're connected *wink, wink*

You're into photography aswell? :) I'll make you hold you to your word! ;) I'd love to work with him. But we could also set up a forum meeting, where we'd invite him too and while he's talking to you guys I'd make the photos. Nothing better, then true emotions on the face and honest smiles/laughs. :)
the first time i watched csi ny * it was trapped* i fell in love with danny!!! hes just beyond goreous!!
Same here! "Trapped" was my first and I've been hooked ever since!
it impressed me how camera-friendly his looks are.
Yes! I've noticed that he's super photogenic. I mean, some people look good in only some photos, from certain angles, but Carmine ALWAYS looks hottttt!!
Hey girls, yesterday I got some majorly exciting news that I have to share with you all. You'll never in a million years guess what I'm doing next Thursday. Doing a CSI:NY shoot!!! :D Yep, MrsG got herself cast in the glorious role of "eater" in an upcoming episode called "Fair Game". ... um, lemme tell ya what the role entails - getting all decked out in an evening gown and eating bugs on camera (seemingly enjoying it too). Yes, remarkably, I am able to do that.

Finally a Locker Room Groupie has infiltrated the set. :lol: It was only a matter of time. As for whether I'll have the opportunity to gaze upon His Hotness in real life, I really have no idea about that. I suppose that depends entirely on which storyline he is working on. Believe me, it took all the will power I've got to remain totally professional and not try to scam that info off anyone I've dealt with regarding this. The CBS wardrobe girl is way chatty too - I was sooooo close to asking her if she knew which actors were going to be in the scene I'm doing, but I didn't.

Anyhow, try not to hate me, but I am smiling this big :D right now.
Hey girls, yesterday I got some majorly exciting news that I have to share with you all. You'll never in a million years guess what I'm doing next Thursday. Doing a CSI:NY shoot!!! :D Yep, MrsG got herself cast in the glorious role of "eater" in an upcoming episode called "Fair Game". ... um, lemme tell ya what the role entails - getting all decked out in an evening gown and eating bugs on camera (seemingly enjoying it too). Yes, remarkably, I am able to do that.

Finally a Locker Room Groupie has infiltrated the set. :lol: It was only a matter of time. As for whether I'll have the opportunity to gaze upon His Hotness in real life, I really have no idea about that. I suppose that depends entirely on which storyline he is working on. Believe me, it took all the will power I've got to remain totally professional and not try to scam that info off anyone I've dealt with regarding this. The CBS wardrobe girl is way chatty too - I was sooooo close to asking her if she knew which actors were going to be in the scene I'm doing, but I didn't.

Anyhow, try not to hate me, but I am smiling this big :D right now.
Congrats...I'm soooooo happy for you. I understand that you're smiling...I would be radiant too :) Have fun and I hope you meet Mr. Hotness!!!!
That's fantastic news MrsG! :) I read about the audition and thought what a bitch that role will be for anyone, who'll get the role. I never thought I'd actually talk to the person here! :) Well good luck with it and if you do meet Carmine there let him know we all thank him for his emails and he's welcome to join us here anytime! ;)
I hope you have fun and get to meet Carmine, maybe even have a scene with him..that would be so cool. We'll all be waiting here to see how it goes :D
angelic, BlueGirl, SweetDarling - Thanks so much. I'm beyond excited. If I do meet him, I'll definitely let him know how much he's appreciated in the Locker Room (as if he doesn't know already :lol:).

angelic - Your avie ROCKS!!!
This is so amazing! I'm excited for you! I was just telling one of my friends about the casting call for that and she's like, "You wouldn't eat a bug if you could possibly meet your man?" Hell no I wouldn't. Allow me to bow down to you, cause you are a bigger woman than I. Wait, are they REALLY going to make you eat a bug? :lol:
NO WAY MRS G!!!!!!!!! Can you take me with you? It will be the best birthday present ever!! haha!!!!!
This is so amazing! I'm excited for you! I was just telling one of my friends about the casting call for that and she's like, "You wouldn't eat a bug if you could possibly meet your man?" Hell no I wouldn't. Allow me to bow down to you, cause you are a bigger woman than I.
It's mind-over-matter, baby. With the fat-ass crush you've got on the man, I have no doubt in the world you could do it. :lol:

Wait, are they REALLY going to make you eat a bug? :lol:
Yep. Apparently the crew is pretty excited about this episode too cuz it's supposed to be pretty darn nasty. I was initially told I'd be eating either bugs or live octopus tenticles, but since my role is now called "Bug Eater" I'm guessing they went with the bugs.

Anyhow, thanks for all your congratulatory wishes, girls. And for those who may not know this - it pays to read the news section of this site. That's how I found out about this casting call. Only clicked on it cuz it sounded kinda interesting, but decided to submit my info when I realized I met all the criteria they were looking for. So, my little trip to CSI:NY all comes back to CSI Files, as all things CSI:NY related always do.

BTW - If I should encounter one of the writers and have the opportunity for friendly conversation, I will make the request for a shower scene known. :devil:
Awwww MrsGiovinazzo I'm so happy for you. I can honestly say that you're the envy of every LR groupie out there. Oh, and I'm capable of fitting into suitcases pretty well ;) heh heh. Anyway, I hope you have a blast and I'm looking forward to the stories that you'll hopefully share with us!
how did you get the opportunity to do that?
Like I said above, it pays to read the news section of this site. Last month there was a little news blurb about casting for extras to eat nasty stuff. I clicked a link in the story which sent me to a "Deep End Dining" blog written by a guy who is serving as a technical advisor on that episode. One of his duties was to assist with the casting of people who would actually eat that nasty stuff and met certain other requirements (age 20-30s, upscale looking, available to be in LA on a particular day (which they changed), able to eat bugs, etc.). It sounded interesting and I met all the requirements so I e-mailed the "Deep End Dining" guy. He had me send him some pics and my vital stats. He didn't have final say, but had some input as to who was selected so he forwarded my info to the casting people for the show. Time went by and I didn't hear anything back, so I assumed I didn't get it. Then they called yesterday and offered me the role. I didn't go to LA to meet with anyone or anything like that as the part doesn't require acting, other than to appear to enjoy the bugs. They've just taken my word that I can do it. No live demonstration required. Everything has been arranged in terms of casting and wardrobe by e-mail and phone. That's the full scoop up to this point. After spending a day at the shoot, I'll definitely give you the full story on my behind-the-scenes peek at the show. I'm really excited because I know what goes into TV/film production from a legal/business perspective, but this will be my first experience on the other end of things. Sure, growing up in California, I've gone to live tapings as part of the audience before, but I've never been any closer to a camera than that.
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