The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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it showed he's human and imperfect and that makes him more real and believable.

Danny is certainly the most 'real' character on the show. He's not perfect, he makes mistakes. He gets on your nerves sometimes. He whines and complains. He gets bitchy. That is why I like Danny so much. Because he is so real. He's just like the good looking guy that we all work with, you know the one. The one who's good looking enough to get away with murder, and he knows it. But he is just so damn cute and funny that you can't help but love him.

That is what television needs. More 'real' characters, not more one dimensional, predictable, boring, formulas.
I saw him I was interested, than the humor and the smile and I was sold!
Yup. It was Tanglewood that got me hooked. Made me wanna watch the show more to find out about Danny's connection with Tanglewood. Oh, his looks and personality helped too.

BTW, kinda off-topic but my English teacher gave us a cool project. She wants us to give a presentation of our favorite celebrity and guess who I decided to do it on? ;) Someone whose initials are C.G.
That project, I'm telling you right now, is gonna be fun/a beeyatch to do. :lol: I had to write a comparison paper for my English Comp. class in college and trying to find stuff about him to make up a whole essay is so damn hard. I compared him and Gary, (Am I really admitting this right now?!) and I barely made the requirement of 4 pages, which were double spaced, by the way. I did get an A on it though. So good luck and godspeed on this one. :D
:lol: Thanks. I'm gonna outdo myself on this project; pictures and stuff. Carmine Giovinazzo: My Favorite Celebrity. :D Maybe I should include the fact that he was in People's Sexiest Men list.
Actually, it'll probably be easier now that I think about it. He's had a little bit more exposure now in the form of being a People's sexiest man and being on Tony Danza. You have a little bit more information to work with than I did.
jesus christ, i don't come in here for a few months and i've missed loads. Last time i was here we were on locker room number 4 i think, now we're on 10. You guys must have a lot to talk about.

How is everyone? Sorry about not coming in here for a while, i've been really busy with work and college. I'm back on track though now. :)
Yup but the problem is that CSI: NY is not so popular from where I come from and they'd probably not recognize Carmine until I show them a pic of him as Danny. I showed a pic of Carmine to them and they were like "Who's that?"

Anyway, I'm slow but I'm lovin' the new LR title! :lol:
Carmine's one of these people who prefer to stay a little out of the spotlight. He goes to work and looks all sexy and goes home, and i like that. It means he's still down to earth etc... most would be going to every single party in California just to prove a point and get a single sentence to their name. When i'm talking about Csi:ny and what Danny did next, my friends don't have a clue what i'm talking about. I can rant like a chipmunk on speed!
When i'm talking about Csi:ny and what Danny did next, my friends don't have a clue what i'm talking about.
Yeah I know what you mean. Most of my friends either don't watch it or only watch the Las Vegas one.
the first time i watched csi ny * it was trapped* i fell in love with danny!!! hes just beyond goreous!! plus im someone who loves guys that where glasses! hes just so doable.
Wow, it took me hours to just read the 6 pages to LR #10. There were pages that made me laugh my ass off. You go girls! :D

I'm a newbie and it hasn't been a week since I come here to read and post messages, but I'm lovin it here.

As for when did I start to think Carmine looks good would have to be after Tanglewood. But for me too the character Danny was that caught my eye. I started to like his personality more and more with each episode I've seen. Then I got overwhelmed by his eyes. Blue eyes are my weakness.

But I'm also someone who's into photography and it impressed me how camera-friendly his looks are. A dream of mine would come true, if he'd pose for a few pictures for me (don't think of dirty things!). I know that'll never happen, but anyway. Copyrights and stuff like that. I know people as popular as him won't just pose for someone, who doesn't even have a paper in photography (though loves taking pictures). I know what I'm talking about sadly, had some experiences with local popular singers. Well, we can't do anything to change that, can we? I'd even travel across the world if that was the only thing keeping it from happening. He seems like a nice, down-to-earth guy. Playing a guitar is another bonus. Would make great shots, him with a guitar... *sighs*

EDIT: Oh, btw I checked the chinese astrology site and I'm a Rooster.
ok, when i get my 'paper' i'll try to do a photoshot with Carmine and i'll bring you all with me!! and i'll say you're my entourage and stuff!! oh wait, if he reads this, he'll know so, Top will you bring the tranq gun, i know you're connected *wink, wink*
I first saw Danny in "MIA/NYC--NonStop" and was instantly intrigued. The character has a presence and a charm to him that few do. Add in the sexy glasses and the brooding, and well, he's definitely my kind of character. :D

he definitly won my heart in this ep too. he was just so awsome and his personality is definitly charming! he was just oozing NYC and i loved that too :D
and god is he hot!

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