The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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its my b day today and no one remembered and only one person that said happy bday which was my best friend, not even my mother remebered, hello!!! i caused you a lot of pain and came out legs first and you still didn't remember!!!! i off to go throw myself in front of something or off of something now... *sign*
hey happy birthday!!!

sry that your mother forgot, your best friend remembered which is good, and as they say "friends are chosen family"

as for throwing yourself infront or off something, all i can really say is dont, if youre feeling so bad, they are people here to help you (friends, family,) who can try and make you feel better...
*offers anya_mari a big hug*
can i have one of those Carmine clones or 10, i could have a party all by myself! no i jump off anything, i'm too lazy to get up!! lol, thanks for the wishes, angel-darkness.

*anya_mari accepts angel_darnesses big hug and feels a little better!*
*is glad that anya_mari feels a bit better*

you sure can have a clone of carmine, but we havent got enough made yet!!! so youre going to have to wait, like the rest of us!!
its my b day today and no one remembered and only one person that said happy bday which was my best friend, not even my mother remebered, hello!!!
Happy B-day, Anya_Mari. It totally sucks that no one remembered, not even your mother. I think you should go rent "Sixteen Candles" so you can share in Molly Ringwald's pain and then feel buoyed by the thought that perhaps there is a Jake Ryan waiting for you at the end of the day. :)
Oh, now LiquidCrystal, don't be sore. *gives her a hug* After all, it's all about what the hot Italian wants, isn't it? ;)

I tried looking up the compatibility of Capricorn (myself) and Virgo (Sex on Legs :p) to see if that was more favorable, but I didn't have much luck. This zodiac thing is starting to make me scowl--I want to read what I want to read! :lol: Anyway, on to more universal topics! (while I throw cold water on the snakes and roosters in the Locker Room *scowl*) :D

He is a Leo-Virgo. You might want to look at both. If your birthday lands 2 or 3 days at the end or beginning of a sign, you are two signs or what is called a cusp.

doooontt worry yourself about that, internet horoscopes arent precise, duuude, i know what im talking about ok? maybe if when your natal chart is done youll have more compatibilty with him than you think, shame hes virgo, (if anyone wonders why i said that, i shall give a bried explanation) you see, each sign has its good points and bad points...

The reasons why internet and newspaper/magazine horoscopes are not correct is because you have to also include birth time and place - not just the birth date.

Virgos are ok, both my parents are Virgos - well one full Virgo and one Leo-Virgo.
its my b day today and no one remembered and only one person that said happy bday which was my best friend, not even my mother remebered, hello!!! i caused you a lot of pain and came out legs first and you still didn't remember!!!! i off to go throw myself in front of something or off of something now... *sign*

Happy Birthday!

My dad forgot my once.
Thought since I was bored I would scan up Carmine Astrology and Chinese signs, both Leo and Virgo. I also included Ox and Snake (since there are quite a few here).

Click on the image you want to view and then click on t again. Let me know if any of you have a hard time reading them.
Happy Birthday Anya_Mari!

I was also one of the ones who didn't lust after Danny so much at first. I fell in love with the character and it was probably about "On the Job" for me. He became more and more sexy the more I loved the character. I always thought he was good looking, but I always thought Flack and Mac (hey that rhymes) were hot too, it didn't really single out with Danny until later. Now NY is my favorite and all three of the guys are just incredible and the girls are too!
I've been wondering how many people in here weren't initially attracted to Carmine/Danny--I wasn't (to be honest, I thought he was a bit of a dork *sheepish*). I slowly grew to like him, mostly in the second season--I'm not sure how much of it had to do with the Y-work and how much with his charismatic personality, but I feel kind of silly to start liking him after the sexy transformation. Now, to be fair to myself, I did have a crush on him in the latter part of Season 1, but I'm afraid to say that it took physical hotness to draw me all the way into the LR. Oh, to think of what I was missing back then! :lol:

My first CSI:NY eppy was "Trapped" and it was loooooove at first sight for me and Danny [well okay, it was only for me...] :D Loved him ever since!
I've been wondering how many people in here weren't initially attracted to Carmine/Danny--I wasn't (to be honest, I thought he was a bit of a dork *sheepish*). I slowly grew to like him, mostly in the second season--I'm not sure how much of it had to do with the Y-work and how much with his charismatic personality, but I feel kind of silly to start liking him after the sexy transformation. Now, to be fair to myself, I did have a crush on him in the latter part of Season 1, but I'm afraid to say that it took physical hotness to draw me all the way into the LR. Oh, to think of what I was missing back then! :lol:

My first CSI:NY eppy was "Trapped" and it was loooooove at first sight for me and Danny [well okay, it was only for me...] :D Loved him ever since!

me too. i thought he was a cute guy at first but i didn't really pay too much attention to him until like halfway through the 1st season and then i thought wow actually
he's really hot. :lol:

wow i haven't been here in so long. it's been like 2 1/2 weeks since i've posted so i hope everyone had a happy holiday and a fun new year.
I first saw Danny in "MIA/NYC--NonStop" and was instantly intrigued. The character has a presence and a charm to him that few do. Add in the sexy glasses and the brooding, and well, he's definitely my kind of character. :D
for me it was until way into season 1!!! i was just attracted to Aiden, which is really weird i think maybe it's her tough girl act and the accent, i didnt even notice poor Carmine/danny, but whoa i do now, i get really upset if he doesn't appear very much in an espisode, esp since Vanessa left (but that's ok, i brought man of the house, She's so sweet in that!!!)
I was only attracted to him when I saw that some of you find him hot. Lol.
During the episode where he threw the baseballs to test its speed I thought his shirt was going to rip off! Sadly of course it didn't. :(
I have a soft spot in my heart for Hush. Not only because it's a good episode, but it's where all this started. That episode was the first one where it was like, "Hellloo Danny Messer. You have my attention!" He was cute, funny and I loved the way he and Aiden interacted with each other. I didn't get to see the attitude in full effect until a couple of episodes later and that's when I really fell in love with Danny. He's interesting and feels REAL. I feel like I know this person, even though he's just fictional. I can't wait to find out more about what makes him tick and see what else there is to know about him.
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