The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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I'm a snake. I didn't do the compatability test (someone above said 9 out of 10 maybe?) , but I love the Chinese Zodiac. I always kind of wanted to be the year of the dragon, but the snake is cool, too. Though a little evil. :lol:
Snake is one of the good signs and I am not saying that because I am one (too).

I have a book which includes Chinese Astrology, better than that sites. Go more into details and much longer too. If anyone want me to type up signs I can.
I am heartened by two things:
1.) LiquidCrystal is a monkey; and
2.) she has a lower compatibility than me.

Um, gee Fay, thanx...You know I'm really starting be grateful that I'm Catholic...I can really put less weight on the whole Monkey/Ox thing. Yup, nice Catholic girl wanting a hot Italian... :(I'm going to go make some more gnocchi...with a side of blackened chicken...Carmine are you laughing at me again? Okay I'll let you have some know that's not something an Ox would do...
I got 4/10 on the compatability(sp?). Supposedly tigers(me) don't go well with ox's. Oh well, tigers are very friendly anyway heh.
Oh, now LiquidCrystal, don't be sore. *gives her a hug* After all, it's all about what the hot Italian wants, isn't it? ;)

I tried looking up the compatibility of Capricorn (myself) and Virgo (Sex on Legs :p) to see if that was more favorable, but I didn't have much luck. This zodiac thing is starting to make me scowl--I want to read what I want to read! :lol: Anyway, on to more universal topics! (while I throw cold water on the snakes and roosters in the Locker Room *scowl*) :D

I've been wondering how many people in here weren't initially attracted to Carmine/Danny--I wasn't (to be honest, I thought he was a bit of a dork *sheepish*). I slowly grew to like him, mostly in the second season--I'm not sure how much of it had to do with the Y-work and how much with his charismatic personality, but I feel kind of silly to start liking him after the sexy transformation. Now, to be fair to myself, I did have a crush on him in the latter part of Season 1, but I'm afraid to say that it took physical hotness to draw me all the way into the LR. Oh, to think of what I was missing back then! :lol:
At first I was attracted to Flack and when season one ended I "fell" for Danny as his fine looks and personality. Before I used to lurk in the LR but now I call this place my second home.
Well for me it was pretty soon, I fell for him... Episode 5... or 4 even, and I think he is getting hotter and hotter :D
Ah, angel darkness, this rat is a procrastinator as well--we'll fight eventually, but in the meantime, let's objectify "People's Sexiest CSI!" (Did you like the title tie-in there? That was clever, no? :lol:)

??? i cant get people magazine here, theres maybe one shop that sells the thing here, and i have no idea if that shop exists!!!

I tried looking up the compatibility of Capricorn (myself) and Virgo (Sex on Legs :p) to see if that was more favorable, but I didn't have much luck. This zodiac thing is starting to make me scowl--I want to read what I want to read! :lol: Anyway, on to more universal topics! (while I throw cold water on the snakes and roosters in the Locker Room *scowl*) :D

doooontt worry yourself about that, internet horoscopes arent precise, duuude, i know what im talking about ok? maybe if when your natal chart is done youll have more compatibilty with him than you think, shame hes virgo, (if anyone wonders why i said that, i shall give a bried explanation) you see, each sign has its good points and bad points, and i must say i dont like the virgo bad point :mad: knew two guy virgos and they both had it and :mad:

as for when we "fell" for carmine, well, i first saw him in shasta and i fell for him then, and later i saw that he was in csi ny i was like "noooo, him, i have to see it" so i watched csi ny because its csi and just owns, and because of carmine and from the first episode i was like, melting infront of the screen missing half the episode!!! :lol:
I got 8/10. As we're both Oxes...(Oxen? Whatever.), we'd throw a rare stuffy, serious party where nobody would have any fun. And even if we were attracted to each other, it'd be a long time before we got anywhere because the Ox are too shy for their own good. Another little tidbit from the compatiblity report: we'd be a business powerhouse because the Ox knows what they want and they will get it if they work things out so they know exactly what task they're in charge of.

I'm an Ox to the very last detail. :lol: It's so weird to read about all those little details about yourself and realize that almost everything in that description is true.
Ok, angel darkness, tell me Virgo's bad point, because I'm just curious (although I expect I wouldn't mind it so much if the Virgo is Carmine, if you know what I mean. :p) Anywho, I've never had one of those complex horoscopes done because I just don't hold much store by them, to be honest. Maybe if I had one done, I'd feel differently! :D In any case, I'll blame my incompatibility on the inaccuracy of internet horoscopes, and leave it at that. ;)

I know what you mean, lookaboomerang, about reading the details and realizing that most of them describe you, but I have to take that with a grain of salt--I thought I was an ox for so long because I was born in 1985, but since I was born before the Chinese new year I'm technically a rat. When I read about the ox, I thought it fit me to a tee, and then I find out that I'm really a rat?! :lol: I had to do a research paper in my Mythology And Human Culture class in college, and I found that, in the end, I truly am a rat--go figure! (And Aiden was right in Season 1, I do love scrambled eggs! :eek: Wow! :lol::lol:)

Angel darkness, have you seen the scan that several people have posted of Carmine's page in People Magazine? I don't have it myself, but I'm sure someone on here can post it so you can read it. :)

You know, I heard of Shasta McNasty a while ago, but I never actually watched it--it didn't seem like my kind of thing, you know? Now I'm wondering if I should have tuned in once or twice! :lol: Seriously though, I'd never heard of Carmine until CSI:NY, and I started watching NY because of Gary Sinise (who is one of my favorite actors, by the way). I think maybe I was initially attracted to Eddie more, so I didn't notice Carmine much--but that changed, so don't jump on me! *covers head* :lol:
yeah ive seen the scan, but it isnt great, zooming in with my computer makes the letters blurry!!!

and ive done those horoscope things and they work, along with palm reading which i can do, yes, and tarot cards and im going off track again

danny danny danny, *melts*
Ah yes, when all else fails, just say the name! :lol: Is it like Beetlejuice, where when you say the name 3 times, Carmine will appear?...Hmm...:lol: *looks around to see if anyone is in the room*...No one's here right now...*rubs hands together expectantly* "Danny, Danny, Danny!"
*blinks* Er, "Carmine, Carmine, Carmine..."
*sigh* Ok, I guess it doesn't work. :(

I'm never a complete match to ANY, and really I believe the individual's free will (CHOICES) guides them not the planets. I would MUCH rather be free from any enivronmental forces, than know which Joe Shmuck I'm going to marry. HOWEVER, I don't mind Meyers-Briggs personality indexes...But there again YOUR choices (likes, preferences) define what personality you have.

I didn't see very much of season one because I couldn't get a decent signal in my old apartment and I was too cheap to get cable. I think I only saw 3 episodes...But I would prolly say "On the Job" for me...
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