The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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*slithers to nyc and tries to eat fay*

how dare you throw something at me!!! :lol: :lol:

how about we clone carmine, and we all have our own?
:lol:, you guys are cracking me up! I think that it is a pretty good idea to clone Carmine, BTW I am a rabbit and according to the Chinese astrology, and OX and a Rabbit are an 8 out of a 10 for compatability :) I like those odds!
*sticks tongue out and makes childish noises*

yeah but 9 out of 10 is better,

im just teasing,

yeah, cloning, great isnt it? just IMAGINE if we did have our own carmines, just for ourselves, though i think it would take time to make enough for all of us!!
You can have a clone, I want the original! :lol:

Anyway, I think an NYC rat could eat a snake. ;)

Just to be thorough, I was born in 1985, which should make me an Ox, too, but since the Chinese New Year was after my birthday, I'm technically a rat. *goes to see what would happen if she were really an ox*
8 out of 10?!?!? That's just wrong! I'm on the cusp, so I think I should average 6 and 8...Wow, I'm a 7 out of 10 with Carmine! Yay! *dances merrily* I don't care if it's a friggin' lie! *continues dancing*
And a vicious rat/ox could totally stomp a snake to death. :devil:

duuuudes, or dudettes

snakes rule, see best for an ox are snakes (or roosters)

and no, a rat and an ox could never beat a snake *makes strange head movements*

bring it on then rat-ox-ies *starts jumping up and down, ready to fight*

wait, snake? jumping, let me rephrse that
*starts slithering about, ready to fight*
*backs off calmly* I will desist from such silly is just a number, after all...*sobs uncontrollably* Why!?! Why must the others all be higher than me? Where did I go wrong? Damn birthday! *shakes fist at birthday*


Oh, but nobody said that the snake is poisonous...

*The rat/ox perks up*
of course im poisonous, im 3 metres long and i am ready to whip your little erm... little tails?? :lol: :lol:

*snake is a procrastinator and therefore suggests postponing the fight*

its nearly 4am!! and i should be in bed.. :lol: ive only been awake about 12 hours :D
Seven out of ten, here. Apparently we're both honest and trustworthy and would be able to communicate well...

Funny, considering all I'd really like to do is gag him and have my way with him. "Shh, baby, don't speak."
Aww, don't worry Fay, I'm only 4. The first thing it said was that Monkey and Ox were only bound to disagree sooner or later. Ouch. Honestly though, I'm not a complete match to monkey, and I really can't see Carmine as a complete match to Ox. I doubt any of us are complete matches. there, do you feel better hon? Anyway, his family were all prolly in a Chinese restaurant one day and read that he was going to become a hairdresser so that's how they came up with that! Ha oh wouldn't that have been sweet?
That sounds like perfectly fine communication to me! :lol: :devil:
Papa Giavinazzo: So Miss Giavinazzo, what does your Chinese New Year sign say.

Carmine's Sister: I'm gonna be a cop just like you daddy!

Mrs Giavinazzo: Carmine, what does yours say?

Carmine: WHAT?!? A hairdresser? I just wanna play baseball!
Ah, angel darkness, this rat is a procrastinator as well--we'll fight eventually, but in the meantime, let's objectify "People's Sexiest CSI!" (Did you like the title tie-in there? That was clever, no? :lol:)

You know, Bitten, I have to agree that communication wouldn't necessarily be an important part of any relationship between a member of the LR and our sexy little [censored by Fred]. :devil: ...Hey, wait a minute!! :eek: Fred censored me? Me? Why on earth would he do that?! :lol:

I am heartened by two things:
1.) LiquidCrystal is a monkey; and
2.) she has a lower compatibility than me. :lol:
(Isn't it funny how those of us who are less compatible try to make excuses for how very wrong the whole system is? :lol:)

:lol: I do like the hairdresser bit. And yeah, astrology is a hit-or-miss sort of thing--I could probably read about the rooster, rabbit and snake and have as much in common with them as I do with the rat. I mostly look at that stuff in fun, but it's always a bit eerie to read something and go :eek: "Oh! That's totally just like me!" :lol: Maybe I'm a dork, but I think that's fun. *shrug*

And by the way, I take mortal offense to Aiden killing my brethren with poisoned scrambled eggs and Mac dissecting my second-cousin twice removed! It makes me question my devotion to CSI:NY!!...:lol: Not really, of course--I mean, I'm only distantly related to those rats, after all, and far more people die on the show than rats. ;)
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