The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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can you imagine if Carmine reads this?? hehe, poor guy won't come out for fear of his life!!
I think his clothing is the only thing that might be in jeopardy. Besides, no one wants to scare him ... just, um, play with him a little. :lol:
so wot would you say to Carmine if you did meet him? Anyone?
I would channel my best Joey Tribiani (from Friends/Joey) imitation and, looking him up and down, say "How you doin'?" :lol:
omg!!! Mrs Giovinazzo!!! you come here as well, you know me from Modtang's forum!!!
im always clumsy but i would proberley end up staring at him or something and then fall over (( ive done this plenty of times before ))
i would proberley do that to jsut freeze and say hi but i would proberley say something else if he asked me a question but i would be stuttering
omg!!! Mrs Giovinazzo!!! you come here as well, you know me from Modtang's forum!!!
Ah, you must be Anna from the other forum. Welcome to both boards! The girls in both places are a ton of fun. You'll find me over there more frequently though simply because the things I want to do to his hotness just aren't all that PG-13 friendly. :lol: However, the Locker Room is and always will be a staple of fangirl life. Enjoy!
just been looking at pics from the carmine/danny drool board...omg sweet dreams tonight!!! but can you imgaine if he was a total a whole outside of the show!!! i would be gutted!!! :( but then i would go all buffy on him and kick his ass :devil:
Danny is beyond hot and way beyond sexy. He has this raw sexuality that just oozes whenever he is one screen. Plus, he has this personality that makes his so loveable. I think every girl who has seen Danny(or Carmine, w/e) has had a crush on him at some point. Nobody can deny that he's totally irrestiable(sp) and sex on legs!
Anyway, I heard that Carmine was on CSI:Miami, which episode was that, is it that crossover episode?

Yup, it's the first crossover episode from Miami's second season. Episode #223, 'MIA/NYC-Non Stop' :D
can you imagine if Carmine reads this?? hehe, poor guy won't come out for fear of his life!!

First off, Carmine does read this thread, he's said so himself. Second, we know that everything we say in here is in good fun and, considering that I don't think the man is brain-dead, I have a feeling that he, too, knows we're kidding around, thus there is no reason for him to be worried about what we say. So chill out, k?
Hey, of course i know y'all are joking!!! i wasn't having a go at anyone and i'm sure Carmine knows that know one would harm him, i was joking!! it will take you awhile to get used to my sense of in, i don't have one! maybe it's all the ! i use, they make me sound so serious and british.
Just looking at some pics on another board of Carmine with that tweed Hat and they all seem to hate it, but i REALLY like it, it's quirky! anyone agree that he should keep the hat?
Eh that hat is ok. If he was to ever keep an accesory it should be his glasses. He makes glasses look sexy!
Danny is beyond hot and way beyond sexy. He has this raw sexuality that just oozes whenever he is one screen. Plus, he has this personality that makes his so loveable. I think every girl who has seen Danny(or Carmine, w/e) has had a crush on him at some point. Nobody can deny that he's totally irrestiable(sp) and sex on legs!

So true!! When I watching "Trapped" I kept thinking [while he was in the tank], "Okay, now can he PLEASE take off his pants?" Heehee anyway the guy's brilliant, and I LOVE his accent.
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