The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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Oh we were discussing how Danny is the lab slut and how the whole team wants a piece of the action. We've also been talking about how there should be a Danny action figure and a novel and movie describing Danny's office antics with the team.
Yes, we have been discussing the Adventures of Danny the Lab Whore. So far...I believe everyone has had a piece of Danny. Some have even had seconds. :devil:
i think by the time you lot have finished with him you would need to clone him 100's times so you could still have danny whenever and wherever
I'm new here and quite frankly i'm bloody scared!!! i hope Carmine doesn't meet any of you in real life... he'd have his leg humped and then some!!! you guys are funny!!!
but he wouldnt he have someone to protect him? lol if he has some of us try and distract whos protecting him and the rest can then steal carmine/danny
Ahhh we're all just joking around...right heh. It's not our fault though that Danny is so irrestiable(sp). Oh, and welcome to this board and forums.
hey guys
i havent been on here for long
and my computer isnt working which doesnt help, so ive sort of "borrowed" my brothers laptop
i cant go through all the locker rooms, nice title btw

man, danny in that tank top *yum* next, shower scene

hope you guys dont mind me barging in like this.....
can you imagine if Carmine reads this?? hehe, poor guy won't come out for fear of his life!! so wot would you say to Carmine if you did meet him? Anyone?
just hi??? i'd ask for his address, number and vital stats...and if he was busy later on that NIGHT!!! lol, no i wouldn't!!! i'd run in the other direction, go head first in to a lamp post and then ask him to call a doctor!! i'm so clumsy like that!!!
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