The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

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I watched Little Miss Sunshine, but it's not my type movie. I prefer something with a bit more action so, I will be watching a horror movie next. :)
Tinkerbell said:
I watched Serenity last night and I thought it was really good, I'm surprised it didn't get more notice when it came out over here.

I saw it on cable having never seen the TV show. I liked it so much that I ended up buying the box set of the series. It's an interesting concept (space western), and I love the humor of it.

I watched Vanity Fair over the weekend and it was... long.

I agree. It really was all over the place. I love period pieces, and I remember being really excited to see this one. What a disappointment.

The last movie I saw at the theater was Night at the Museum. It made me laugh. I was surprised that the older actors had such a significant piece of the storyline. I haven't seen Dick van Dyke in a long time.
Just Watched Talladaga Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby! Will Ferral is hilarious, but the kids in the movie are what made me laugh, plus there's a cameo by Dale Jr!

"Don't mess with me Chip, I'm all hyped up on Mountain Dew!"
"Old Man, I'm gonna come at ya like a spider monkey!"
Caught a movie on one of the Starz channels early this morning called The Hole . It was a pretty good thriller about four young people locked in a hole that was once a bomb shelter. The story is told through a series of flashbacks through one of the young women's eyes after being released from the hole, but you find out things are not what they seem.
Yesterday afternoon I watched Invincible. It's the movie about Vince Papale trying out for the Philadelphia Eagles and making the team, etc. It was alright, but I wouldn't pay $20 bucks to go see it in the theatre. But good nonetheless.

For those of you in like England who have no clue what I'm saying, the Eagles are an American Football team. :)
last night i finally saw borat. funny movie, but really really stupid. to the point where you feel bad for the other people in the movie because they have no idea what the heck is going on.
i did laugh my butt off though, especially during the wrestling scene, but it was just a stupid movie. at no point during it did i ever think 'wow, this should get an award'. so now im left even more confused about how he beat out johnny depp for a golden globe. oh well.
I just saw The Messengers. I liked it because there was wasn't any blood and it freaked me out. Most of the movies I've seen were scary because people were being killed. Just the idea that there could be people in your house but only children can see them is enough for me. The ending surprised me even though my friends figured it out near the middle.
Just watched Look who's talking.
I so love that movie! It's still awesome though I've seen it a hundred times or more. Mikey is so cute! :D
OK, I finally got a chance to check out the 4 movies that I got through my new online rental dealio...

Anyway, all 4 were OK, and 2 were better than I was expecting.

1. Silent Hill- This was better than I thought it was going to be. It had a different storyline to the usual horror flicks (I'm not familiar with the game, either) and I thought Radha Mitchell did an awesome job. There were a few more grosser things in there than I was expecting too. Bleh. :lol: But overall, it kept me interested, and I can't say that about many horror films these days. One thing though, I'm not quite sure I understood the ending, so if anyone can explain that to me, I'd appreciate it.

2. The Hills Have Eyes- not bad and not as gross as I thought it would be. I didn't find it particularly scary though, which was a bit disappointing. The characters were really well played and interesting though, so that kept me interested. Aaron Stanford in particular did a great job.

3. Proof- Not bad. Gwyneth Paltrow was amazing; damn that woman is versatile. Julia Roberts should take notes! :lol: Jake Gyllenhall was good as well, and I liked his quirky performance, and Anthony Hopkins is always good. Again, it kept me interested but it was a little anticlimactic, and I pretty much could see how it was going to play out all along. Still, not a bad film.

4. The Family Stone- also better than I was expecting. If you're a fan of quirky family movies, then I'd say give this one a go. I always love Craig T Nelson and Luke Wilson so that's a bonus. And whatsherface from The Notebook was good as well. Diane Keaton is always good, so I won't even bother going there. Anyway, an amusing little family romp and I quite liked it.

Phew. Glad I finally got a chance to watch all those. I'm ready for my next batch! :lol:
Just bought Poseidon, now my Josh Lucas and Matthew McConaughey movie collections are complete :lol:! I still want them to do a movie together! Any how, the movie was really good! I highly recommend seening it. Of course, you all know it's about a boat, umm, ship that is hit by a tidal wave and they're trying to get off of it. It'll keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time, and I'm not just saying that because I love Josh Lucas :lol:
I watched Saw 3 on Friday or Saturday. It was so disgusting and twisted! But what can I say? I loved it. :rolleyes: :p There were so many twists I was going WTF the whole time. :lol: The guy with the chains trying to escape was really gross though. Same with the guy who got twisted. *insert puking smiley here* But I guess that's what they were going for. :p
I finally got to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 2!..
It was a nice movie,I really liked it,and with that end,I want too see the next one! :)
the last film i saw was flock of dodos: the evolution intelligent design circus. and it was amazing!
its doing a tour in the states for darwin day but my university picked it up too, if its coming anywhere near you i highly recommend it. its focus is the law suits in school boards and the rising popularity of intelligent design. it is made by an evolutionist, but they dont bash intelligent design too much. it was really funny and very entertaining
The last film I saw was 'Nil By Mouth'. It was quite shocking really. It centers around domestic violence and also drugs. I thought Kathy Burke was unbelievably good and she did such an awesome job playing the victim. The language in the film is pretty full on, and I mean full on! :eek: I can't fault the film, it was very good. :)
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