The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

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Casino Royale

Finally saw it. I expected alittle more but it was different. Wow the new bond has a smoking body. But wasn't sure if they we saying that since this girl that is why he is such a playboy. And the timeline of when the movie in the series was taking place seemed alittle off. ;)
Happy feet

So sweet cartoon! Excellent music… Very good story… I love movies that show you that if something is different, it doesn’t mean that is bad.

The Notebook

Nice movie. Romantic. I’m glad I read book before watching movie, because book is always better. I’m not person who cry easy, but I cried at the end of both book and the movie. Especially book. I recommend it!
I just watched "The Manchurian Candidate" on TV.
It was a really good movie, but it was also kind of weird. It would probably help if you watch all of it though. I missed the first half hour or so, and I was lost for the rest of the movie. All and all I thought that it was a good movie, especially if you are into politics and stuff like that.
Speaking of politics:
The last movie I saw was Legally Blond 2.
Oh sure! sorry.
I think it was about as good as the first one. It was a little out there, but I like it.
fav. quote: "You look like the Forth of July! It makes me want a hot dog real bad."
spasticfangirl, could you please tell us your opinion or impressions about the movie? The title itself is not enough. Thank you! :)
Wedding Crashers!

Really great movie. Owen Wilson + Vince Vaugn the formula to success, in comedy that is :D
I just watched Casino Royale on dvd. I dont normally watch Bond Movies but my husband bought it and I thought I would give it a go. I loved it!! There was loads of action and Daniel Craig was a great Bond, really cool and distant. Would definitely recommend it if you want some pure fantasy entertainment. :)
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