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desertwind said:
WEIRD, I don't remember :(, have been looking for it, it was either on WPAP or YTDAW, I'll find it so you can read it, give me some time.. ;)

Please, I would love to read about that article. :D
I did read the news at WPAP but I didn't see any news about Nascar. :rolleyes:

Thanks! :)

LADY HEATHER : In my experience, Mr. Grissom, some men go to the theater ... some men are the theater.
WHOOPS. puts big foot in mouth :eek: it wasn't the NSCAR, it was the PCA (Peoples Choice Awards)..I should have written it down :( like I'm losing it, can't tell one letter from another embarrassed.. I'll blame it on my "fever", I so apologize, girls.. kisses and hugs for a boo-boo :(. and it's on YTDAW, I've been reading all the fans who've seen his play, and getting depressed, I guess he's pretty phenomenal :cool: one fan said, after the show, she spotted him and wifey eating dinner, at a nearby resturant, through the window but didn't approach them, out of respect and also he was flu stricken one night, but went on anyway, and didn't miss a beat, lucky girls who saw him, here's another great review about him from Broadway World


Happy New Year all

The PCA thing on 9th are People's Choice Awards. It is not confirmed if Billy will attend or not.

As for Nascar, last year there was a "6 degress of separation" thing on the Nascar site between Billy and one of the drivers which you can find here
Happy new year all my fellow Billy fans :D

I'm time sharing Grissom with CSIWillows.......:lol:
I have him weekdays, and she has him on weekends, because she has to have time for nicky :lol:
But my weekends are spent with my dear about going off topic, but happy new years again :D
Hehe, Michael Waltrip. I remember when he was just a kid working for Pepsi. He had a load of Pepsi's on a dolly and having a hard time manuevering them. I asked him if he was ever going to learn how to drive. :lol:
OOOHHH Billy at another awards show ;)
since I missed him presenting at the Emmys I'll have to watch the PCA if he attends or presents
CSI isn't up for anything is it?

I guess I should look on another thread huh?

Happy New Year Grissom Fans!!!

I am sooooo happy! You know why? I just found out that I will be getting a 93 on my report card for AP Lang/Comp!
Do you know who's my inspiration? Grissom. Tehehe.
I keep thinking 'I want to be like Grissom someday. Be a criminologist that practically knows everything.'
I'm getting there!
guess what?
we just got HD TV today!

now I can watch GRISSOM in HD :p
I'm waiting eagarly for tomorrow night's episode in HD too
Is CSI back tomorrow night or not? Or is it next week? I'm confused ... and I miss Grissom :(

Oh and btw, HAPPY NEW YEAR, guys! May this new year bring you peace, health, happiness and tons of Grissom Hottness :D
GrissomFREAK said:
Is CSI back tomorrow night or not? Or is it next week? I'm confused
Air Date: Thursday, January 04, 2007
Time Slot: 9:00 PM EST on CBS
Episode Title: (#711) "Leaving Las Vegas"

Thats all I am posting since the rest is in the ep discussion thread. :)
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