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Unfortunatey, he said to Nick "I'll only be gone 4 week's" so :( so ~~grimaces with pain~~~ 4 eps. without him, :( guess if Sara can deal with it, and the rest of the team, we can as well :confused: maybe he'll be a presenter at the PCA ;) crosses fingers!!!
Hi y'all im new to this thread and i dont know if any1 has posted this info b4 bout William but he was in the movie called Young Guns 2 he played Patt Garret course that was a few years ago but he did really good acting in it.Its hard to reconize him right away in the movie but its him.
Welcome bulletgirl94 ;) glad your here, have fun, and I think we've all seen 'Young Guns 2" but hey, good flick, with his long sideburns and moustache.. if you've got some pics of him in that, please post them on the "WP pic thread ;)here'a an article about him on the never ending saga.. "will he stay or will he go", I did notice that they've quoted him on his income as $300,000,per ep. and I believe it's $500,000, either way, he's not poor :cool:

ARTICLE cute pic of him :p
The Young Guns are my fave westerns and it kinda shocked me to see him there he really looked different i didnt even know it was him tell my friend said "Hey aint the Grissom??" so if she hadnt said anything i would have never known lol that just shows i dont pay much attention to CSI like i do Miami :)
Thanks for the artical, des. You are the guru of Billydom! :lol:

If we get any good magazine coverage of CSI when it starts here later in the month, I'll scan em in for you all and post here. (Why does it take so long to come to the UK?!) Or link it if it's on the net. Pay you guys back for all the US loveliness you post! It'll start being advetised in the next coule of weeks I should imagine.

BTW, Hello Bulletgirl091! Nice to hear from you!
britfan said:
Thanks for the artical, des. You are the guru of Billydom! :lol:

If we get any good magazine coverage of CSI when it starts here later in the month, I'll scan em in for you all and post here. (Why does it take so long to come to the UK?!) Or link it if it's on the net. Pay you guys back for all the US loveliness you post! It'll start being advetised in the next coule of weeks I should imagine.

BTW, Hello Bulletgirl091! Nice to hear from you!

Thank's britfan I am the guru of him, now if he'd just give me a call and realize that, maybe he'd hire me as his PR agent :D!!! think that will happen? :( and please do post any articles you find of him... I'll sing along too, "Bring my Billy back" S-O-O-N :confused:
I need some advice Billy fans....I am planning on buying "Kiss the Sky" and "Gunshy". I want to buy one at a time and would like your opinions on which i should buy first or which is your fav and why? This would be a big help!
loveforgrissom said:
I need some advice Billy fans....I am planning on buying "Kiss the Sky" and "Gunshy". I want to buy one at a time and would like your opinions on which i should buy first or which is your fav and why? This would be a big help!

Oh, no contest as far as I'm concerned "GUNSHY" for sure, he plays a washed up writer, who goes undercover as a hit man's friend, to get inside of the crime mob.. and falls in love with they guys girl, Diane Lane, and they get naked together, he swigs whiskey, smokes like a fiend, and has a cynical, caustic attitude :( it's one of my favs, and there's this one scene when him and the mob guy (Michael Wincott) and by the way, Wincott dated Mick Jagger's daughter Elizabeth... are outside in a restuarant, and their talking about 'Moby Dick" and the camera zeros in on an up-close of his stunning face, and I dropped my jaw, his curly dark hair, his sensational blue eyes, and the thick black eyelashes, his dimple, absoutely gorgeous :p now some other fans may prefer 'Kiss The Sky" which I found silly and unrealstic, although he's incredible, isn't he always? I can't post pics of this here, but maybe on the WP pic thread I will.. good luck let us know what you decide ;)
I'm still trying to track down The Staircase from the library...they did find one out of the system in IL, but if not they can try out of the's worth the 3bucks to see Billy hehe.
Not seen Gunshy myself. Amazon has just laughed at me when I tried to search it! :lol: KTS has some :devil: bits in, but there is absolutely no sense whatsoever to the plot. Some nice Billy action though! :devil: :devil: :devil:
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