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Welcome back hhunter!! I'm glad you got to spend Christmas with friends and family! I feel so much more excited now that we're all back from vacation and back on the board :lol:
And right back atcha WP HAPPY NEW YEARS!! HAPPY NEW YEARS to everyone! I hope 2007 brings lots of happiness - and hottness to this thread! :D
I'd like to officially start off the Hottness of William/Grissom thread New Years Party!! Cookies and drinks for all!!
It so does! A beardy Griss in a tux always has a place!

Welcome back grissom's gurl and hhunter! :D

Happy New Year to you all and hopefully a Billy-ful series 8 of CSI. I'll be sad to see the end of 2006, it's been a brilliant year for me - especially going to Vegas and touching all the places Grissom / Billy has touched in the show!

So, I raise a glass of champagne ( or diet coke to the under 18's!) and wish you a splendid 2007. It's here in just over an hour in the UK!
Still about 8 hours here in Canada, but I'll raise my glass of champagne for you britfan!! :lol: Let me know how 2007 looks :lol: All the best to everyone!
grissoms_gurl said:
I'd like to officially start off the Hottness of William/Grissom thread New Years Party!! Cookies and drinks for all!!

Yay, I love chocolate chip cookies. And to drink, I'll have a Coke. :D

Thanks grissoms_gurl. :)


Melinda: "The chemistry between Grissom and Heather is definitely there, and that there's 'unfinished business' between the two."
Well it's officially 2007 for me.. I hope everyone had a good year, and y'all bring in an excellent new year!! HAPPY NEW YEAR Y'ALL!!
Hurray for 2007!! *joins in WP's wave*
Happy New Year everyone!

britfan, i'm just staring at your avie, it's soooooooo CUTE. i talked to my family, then looked at it and released a looooong "awww". everyone looked at me like i was crazy, lol. he's got a completely ADORABLE smile.
Hasn't he just! I just googled him and there was the pic! Had to be done. I bet your family gave you the mad cat lady look I get from mine! I just need to work out how to put 'FWOAR!' on it now... GGgirl did the last one for me but she's off galavanting. I have no idea how to do it!! :lol: So instead, I'll join you in just looking dreamily at it... *sigh*

Happy New Year to you all! And Liverpool have just won so I am a very happy girl!
Happy New Year, everyone! :D As you can see, I'm back from my cruise in the Caribbean, with a CSI tee-shirt I received as a gift from the always great britfan (thanks again! :D), and had a wonderful time. No sinking ship for me! :lol:
Hey GGgirl!! Welcome back!! Sounds like you had a great vacation!! I've always wanted to go on a Caribbean cruise!! ~jealous!~
Adzix said:
i'm doing icons right now so if you want i can help you with that ;)

Thanks, Adz, appreciated, as always! ;) but GGgirl got there before you, and PM'd it me while I was at my mum's! So maybe she wasn't galavanting after all!

Doesn't he just look devastatingly handsome in the pic? I really hope we'll see more of this side of him later in this series. It just suits him when he grins! Aww! Bless!
Mmm, I watched the two-part season 4 premiere for my New Years' celebration. And I am proud to say I now own every season of CSI in which Grissom has a beard, so far. Narm. Grissom. <drools>
Poppylvsgriss has swayed me back to the bearded side! So, excellent news on the bearded boxed sets! Happy drooling. Mine are covered in cellophane for easy mopping afterwards! :lol: By the way, Crysthala, how did Grissom Plushie enjoy Christmas and New Year?
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