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^That commercial is amazing! Everyone's been texting me saying "Is your love really leaving CSI?!" :lol: if they'd only pay attention/watch the show :lol:
Grissom looks so hott when he says "I'll miss you" *dies*
Thanks, Destiny :)

grissoms_gurl: you mean the promo for tomorrow's epi? I just watched it. Great indeed. So sad to see him leave :( :( :( I'll miss him.
Or we could just keep on perving on this page! :lol:

Series 7 starts here on 30th January apparently! So I'll still have him! All. To. My. Self! :lol: :devil:

Unless Grssom89 and poppylvsgriss wants to share?!
britfan said:
Or we could just keep on perving on this page! :lol:
That's what we do, whether it's during a new season or reruns... Are we obsessed or what??? :lol: But I'm glad I'm not the only one... ;) After all, it's good to share your obsession with others! :D
Shall we begin the therapy group a little early? Auntie Britfan is ready to listen to all your post eppy woes... :D
That's ok Desertwind and I hope you feel better. :D

Thanks for the article Puppy! :)

I'm wondering if he is a Nascar fan?? :rolleyes:

We'll have to wait and see tonight

I have to admit ladies, this season hasn't done much for me

***ducks thrown objects****

but this episode could be the best one yet, ok there have been others I like Grissom in Burn Out and in Loco-Motives for example
but I am really looking forward to Grissom's preformance tonight and to see how it's handled

yes Destiny I will go to the episode thread.... :)
hhunter said:
I have to admit ladies, this season hasn't done much for me

***ducks thrown objects****

Heather, I can top that....I've only seen 1 ep this season where Greg gets beat up. :rolleyes:
And nooooo we don't throw objects. :lol: So don't feel bad. :D

So, just how many eps will Grissom not be in?

Yeah, I'm sure tonight's epi will be great, and Billy's performance terrific as usual ;)

Group therapy sounds appropriate :D
hhunter said:
guess what?
we just got HD TV today!

now I can watch GRISSOM in HD :p
I'm waiting eagarly for tomorrow night's episode in HD too

That's great ;) hear him really good ;)..and there's a bit of controversary on how many eps. he'll be gone for, some say 4 some 2,here's an article about that, and this one says two ;), I hope this ones correct!!

^2 would be a life saver!! I already need to start my therapy sessions! It's been less than 10 minutes since he left.. and I'm absolutely lost!
I guess I can post now the episode already aired
he is so cute and I loved it when Nick hugged him
not as dramatic or touching as I thought but a good Grissom episode just the same
I think desertwind said it
the New CSI has big shoes to fill... no one can replace our Grissom :D
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