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desertwind said:
britfan said:
As soon as I read GrissomFREAK's post, I got immediately jealous and found it on, so the chances are it's on in the States. Any good to you, desertwind? :) Mine comes on the 2nd of January ;)

Thank's britfan I'll look into it!!! ;)

Forget the 2nd of January! It's here! It's here!! And grissomFREAK, you are so right, the front cover is delicious! :devil: FWOAR!!

And I really do think I'm falling for the beard again! *sigh* *swoon* *thud* I blame poppylvsgriss as we were texting about series 5 last night and I had to watch it again today... then the book came and it all got a bit overwhelming! :lol: Today I love him with beard... tomorrow? Who knows! :lol:
Hmmm.... at least I'm not the only one that chose "Other." :lol:

I would love for him to do movie, guest appearance on other television shows, movies made for television and of course theatre. :D

I want him to move on. I'm ready. :D

LADY HEATHER: "Honey, there are a lot of things you can give a man -- your body, your time, even your heart. But the one thing you can never, ever, ever let go of is your power."
Has anyone had a Grissom dream? lol I dreamed he said he loved me instead of Sara and then there was something about a ring...but just a friendship ring. And why can't my dreams ever at least have kisses in them? *sniff* But it was fun anyway.
I choose "big screen movies" after watching him in his movies.. I would love to see his fantastic acting on the "big screen" and blow George Clooney.. Brad Pitt.. Tom Cruise, and others out of the water.. he's always been better and rose above the movies he's made in the past.. and with the right director and right role, I sincerly believe he could win an Oscar, and to see that gorgeous face on a big screen... MMMMMM ;) I'd love to see him do one more year on CSI, but the red flags are all pointing to that not happening!!!
Well, I'm back from vacation.. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!! I spent the day after Christmas in Universal Studios.. high hopes of seeing some CSI!! I got to see the sound stage for CSI, and all of the crew vehicles with CSI in the windshield - which was still as exciting as ever!! They said that it was a closed set and that's about all I saw! But it was exciting nonetheless!!
As for the poll, I chose "continue on CSI" simply because I love Grissom!! Even though, as desertwind said, it's not looking promising - I would love to have CSI continue with Billy for as long as possible!
grissoms_gurl said:
Well, I'm back from vacation.. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!! I spent the day after Christmas in Universal Studios.. high hopes of seeing some CSI!! I got to see the sound stage for CSI, and all of the crew vehicles with CSI in the windshield - which was still as exciting as ever!! They said that it was a closed set and that's about all I saw! But it was exciting nonetheless!!
As for the poll, I chose "continue on CSI" simply because I love Grissom!! Even though, as desertwind said, it's not looking promising - I would love to have CSI continue with Billy for as long as possible!

Glad your back grissoms_gurl and how totally cool that you got to tour the Universal Studios.. good job.. is is expensive to take the tour? I'm just wondering when does the whole cast have to sign up for S/8 is there a time limit, does anyone know? ~~~chews nails~~~ :mad:
desertwind said:

Glad your back grissoms_gurl and how totally cool that you got to tour the Universal Studios.. good job.. is is expensive to take the tour? I'm just wondering when does the whole cast have to sign up for S/8 is there a time limit, does anyone know? ~~~chews nails~~~ :mad:

Glad to be back here! :D As for cost, I'm not really sure - luckily my parents still take us on vacation even though 2 out of 3 kids are moved out :lol: so we did a Disneyland vacation package - and got 2 days at Universal Studios included in that package.. so I'm not sure how much it costs!
I was also wondering about the Season 8 sign up.. hasn't it already happened?
GF welcome back! sooo great you're here again :) grissoms_gurl, are you serious? you've really been there? omg, this is SO awesome, i'm jealous. got a bearded present for you two then, just made it:


click to see more
awww! Adzix you shouldn't have!! It is awesome, as always!! *sigh* that beard :rolleyes: hey GF I hope you don't mind sharing! :lol:
ETA it's funny that I don't allow anyone but you, Adzix, to make my avatars :lol: if you weren't so damn talented.. :lol:
Hey Ladies
I too am back from Christmas with friends and family

and WOW I have alot to catch up on

grissoms gurl, you are lucky you got to see the CSI lot and the windsheild and stuff

and I like you and desertwind would have tried to sneek a peek a our man Billy to ( and everyone eles too)

hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a very prosperous New Year
Hey all!

Awww New Year's eve.....

Just want to wish you all a "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!"

"Happy New Year's Day Mr & Mrs Petersen!"

So long ~2006~

Hello ~2007~

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