Dublin Carol was Billy's first play in 8 years. His return to theatre pretty much depends on when he leaves CSI, since time is an issue. If he stays for S8 it will probably be a while before he does theatre. There's always an outside chance that he could squeeze one in like he did this year if the right opportunity comes along and TPTB will consent to a short absence, but that's mostly in my dreams.moose said:
... i wanna go see a play with billy acting in it. does he still perform in plays? and is there a way i can find a website that'll let me buy tickets and such?
I doubt it... I think he's settled in Providence through the 7th, then straight back to LA. A cold snowy Chicago sounds like heaven to me... but I was born there and I love it. The first Christmas we spent in TX it was 92. That is so wrong.I'm wondering if he, our man, went home to Chicago, for Xmas? and you know it's cold there.. and WPRMW lord 33 inces.. BRRRRRR
loveforgrissom, isn't it wonderful to watch CSI commercial-free? Sometimes I just want to skip the broadcast season and wait for the DVDs, because seeing the episodes without someone trying to sell me a car or toilet paper every 7 minutes is soooo much better.