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moose said:
... i wanna go see a play with billy acting in it. does he still perform in plays? and is there a way i can find a website that'll let me buy tickets and such?
Dublin Carol was Billy's first play in 8 years. His return to theatre pretty much depends on when he leaves CSI, since time is an issue. If he stays for S8 it will probably be a while before he does theatre. There's always an outside chance that he could squeeze one in like he did this year if the right opportunity comes along and TPTB will consent to a short absence, but that's mostly in my dreams. ;) Like Trinity Rep, most theatres have a website where you can get info and buy tickets.

I'm wondering if he, our man, went home to Chicago, for Xmas? and you know it's cold there.. and WPRMW lord 33 inces.. BRRRRRR
I doubt it... I think he's settled in Providence through the 7th, then straight back to LA. A cold snowy Chicago sounds like heaven to me... but I was born there and I love it. The first Christmas we spent in TX it was 92. That is so wrong. :(

loveforgrissom, isn't it wonderful to watch CSI commercial-free? Sometimes I just want to skip the broadcast season and wait for the DVDs, because seeing the episodes without someone trying to sell me a car or toilet paper every 7 minutes is soooo much better.
While I was watching football this weekend, I saw the promos for LLV (it airs Jan 4th). It looks so sad! They show Nick hugging someone, and it kinda looks like Grissom, but they show it really quick...I'm gettin' sad just thinking about it! I will miss Grissom while he's gone.. :(
But, I'm glad Billy is getting to do what he loves! :) Can't deny a man that...
csinut please keep in mind for the future some think of promo descripts and even tvguid descripts as spoilers.
Sorry, Destiny! :(
I guess I kinda forgot in my enthusiam for the next ep...
*slaps hand, bad csinut, bad!*
Hey up, moose! Nice to hear from yer! Enjoy it on here. Everybody is very friendly and huggable! I love it! :D
thanx for the welcoming. so yeah, i've been looking around and i found out that he might be performing in plays at a 'Remains Theater' in Chicago, i think. i really want to go to one of his plays for my birthday in the summer.
has anyone here personally met him before? that'd be pretty cool
plus, idk if there's a thread with favorite quotes...but i think that it'd be a good idea if someone started a new thread of fav quotes from CSI or just grissom. they should list the episode that the quote was in too. just a thought.
Hey girls! :D

GUESS what I had for Christmas from my roommate ... :cool:

YESSSSSS! I got the Ultimate CSI book with Griss on the cover, HUUUUUUGE bearded and INCREDIBLY hot -boy, I could sleep with that book LOL
moose said:
plus, idk if there's a thread with favorite quotes...but i think that it'd be a good idea if someone started a new thread of fav quotes from CSI or just grissom. they should list the episode that the quote was in too. just a thought.

Hi moose and welcome to the Hottness thread. Have fun posting on William/Grissom anytime. :D

There is a Grissom quote thread, but I'll have to find it. It's been awhile since I last post a Grissom quote. :)

ETA: I found the thread and I took your advice moose I'm putting the Ep title with the quotes. :D

GrissomFREAK said:
Hey girls! :D

GUESS what I had for Christmas from my roommate ... :cool:

YESSSSSS! I got the Ultimate CSI book with Griss on the cover, HUUUUUUGE bearded and INCREDIBLY hot -boy, I could sleep with that book LOL

you lucky little puppy.. how cool, and you can sleep with it :D where did she get it? I want one to!!!!
As soon as I read GrissomFREAK's post, I got immediately jealous and found it on, so the chances are it's on in the States. Any good to you, desertwind? :) Mine comes on the 2nd of January ;)
britfan said:
As soon as I read GrissomFREAK's post, I got immediately jealous and found it on, so the chances are it's on in the States. Any good to you, desertwind? :) Mine comes on the 2nd of January ;)

Thank's britfan I'll look into it!!! ;)
So I was watching Season 6 special features tonight and in one of the things it credits Billy as William Peterson.
I thought the O was pretty lame. Anyone else catch that one?
Lauren93 said:
So I was watching Season 6 special features tonight and in one of the things it credits Billy as William Peterson.
I thought the O was pretty lame. Anyone else catch that one?

Not that particular one. but have seen this before, he explained the spelling of his name on one of his interviews, saying the E was Danish, and "they" still mess it up!!! :(

And here are some other great WP web-sites

The William Petersen Attic

Elyse's CSI site..lots of newsy stories here ;)
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