Tee hee, thanks guys. Sadly, I didn't make him; I paid a friend $8 to do it. Even more depressing is that she's much too busy to be making all of you a Grissomplushie. <tear>
I used to take GP to school with me, but someone kidnapped him and I was late to first period because I had to maul the person that did it. GP was traumatized and has stayed safely in my bedroom since. ^.^ He does spend every waking moment with me at home, though. As for the perma-boxers, my friend actually offered to make him some assless leather chaps, but the mere thought sent me into hottness-induced siezures, so I reluctantly refused.
I say, I live in the South and we don't ALL talk like that! Just my 4th grade gym teacher. And my brother sometimes, and this kid at school. <huffy>
Hey, you know what would be hilarious? If there was a CSI convention </siezure of awesome> and Billy saw GP. I wonder how hard he would laugh :lol: <gasp> Maybe he'd sign GP's stomach! <faints>
Good luck, Billy. I love you forever, by the way. You have my undying love and devotion if you want it. ^.^
I can sympathize. Can I quote you?Crysthala, I am now more scared of you than the woman who had Billy Petersen's face tattooed onto her leg.
Yes. And I'm loving every minute of it. ^.^and you do realise how jealous we all are on here that you have your very own Grissom/Billy doll?
I used to take GP to school with me, but someone kidnapped him and I was late to first period because I had to maul the person that did it. GP was traumatized and has stayed safely in my bedroom since. ^.^ He does spend every waking moment with me at home, though. As for the perma-boxers, my friend actually offered to make him some assless leather chaps, but the mere thought sent me into hottness-induced siezures, so I reluctantly refused.
I say, I live in the South and we don't ALL talk like that! Just my 4th grade gym teacher. And my brother sometimes, and this kid at school. <huffy>
Hey, you know what would be hilarious? If there was a CSI convention </siezure of awesome> and Billy saw GP. I wonder how hard he would laugh :lol: <gasp> Maybe he'd sign GP's stomach! <faints>
Good luck, Billy. I love you forever, by the way. You have my undying love and devotion if you want it. ^.^