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Tee hee, thanks guys. Sadly, I didn't make him; I paid a friend $8 to do it. Even more depressing is that she's much too busy to be making all of you a Grissomplushie. <tear>
Crysthala, I am now more scared of you than the woman who had Billy Petersen's face tattooed onto her leg.
I can sympathize. Can I quote you?
and you do realise how jealous we all are on here that you have your very own Grissom/Billy doll?
Yes. And I'm loving every minute of it. ^.^
I used to take GP to school with me, but someone kidnapped him and I was late to first period because I had to maul the person that did it. GP was traumatized and has stayed safely in my bedroom since. ^.^ He does spend every waking moment with me at home, though. As for the perma-boxers, my friend actually offered to make him some assless leather chaps, but the mere thought sent me into hottness-induced siezures, so I reluctantly refused.
I say, I live in the South and we don't ALL talk like that! Just my 4th grade gym teacher. And my brother sometimes, and this kid at school. <huffy>
Hey, you know what would be hilarious? If there was a CSI convention </siezure of awesome> and Billy saw GP. I wonder how hard he would laugh :lol: <gasp> Maybe he'd sign GP's stomach! <faints>

Good luck, Billy. I love you forever, by the way. You have my undying love and devotion if you want it. ^.^
And here he is cheering his fans..after his debut on stage :D

Image 1

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awww she needs to make more GPs lol.

Nice pic :) *cries that she can't go see it and meet him* Hey I thought he had scruff. Where'd it go? Bad Billy! lol
Does anybody know how our boy did? Was it a good first night? They are always so scary, not knowing how the audience will react to your performance. Bet he wowed 'em!

Do you think the theatre staff would have to mop up much drool from the lady fans?! :lol:
Waaaah! The roads didn't freeze. Stupid roads. It's all George Bush's fault. Stupid President. I have to go to school now.

I want to go cuddle with Billy and GP. And then I want to go kill every public school I lay eyes on. :devil: But cuddling with el Billy is awesome beyond reason. I would settle for just my school.
WAAH! I have to go now.
ok so I havent been on in a while but yes Grissom hottness confirmed. Theres no one hotter. I mean face it theres not one show on TV thats as hot as CSI is. Girs , Nick, Warrick all 3 make a pretty nice package. ok so yeah I HAD to add my .02 :p
britfan said:
Does anybody know how our boy did? Was it a good first night? They are always so scary, not knowing how the audience will react to your performance. Bet he wowed 'em!
It's only 7:02 p.m. here, so the play has not even begun! Greedy DYB, aren't you, sweetie? ;)

britfan said:
Do you think the theatre staff would have to mop up much drool from the lady fans?! :lol:
Positively and absolutely! After all, which woman in her right mind wouldn't go FWROAR and drool and pant and squeal seeing him on the stage, huh? I know I would!
I'm sure we'll hear all about his performance soon enough, and there's always the Rhode Island newspapers.. that probably more than likly had a review about him ;) ~~runs to research~~~ ;)
Hi, just watched our 'man' on the WPAP interview I'm sure most of you have already
I have a good quote
this is for you desertwind :D William Petersen: "I look different than Gil Grissom"
refering to his appearance in the play
he says he's grey now to play the alcoholic John PLunkett
hhunter said:
Hi, just watched our 'man' on the WPAP interview I'm sure most of you have already
I have a good quote
this is for you desertwind :D William Petersen: "I look different than Gil Grissom"
refering to his appearance in the play
he says he's grey now to play the alcoholic John PLunkett

Thank's hhunter I will go read it.. that's what I figured.. the "look" is for his character. and here's going waaay back for all of you, 1989.. and hhunter there's a comment from Isabella Rosellini on describing him in "Cousins" & Sean Young.. which I know you just watched.. he was a naughty boy when he was young..... wild :eek:.. and he also talks about his "relationship' with Amy Morton, another Chicago native.. who's directing him in "Dublin Carol" ;)

GGgirl1 said:
britfan said:
Does anybody know how our boy did? Was it a good first night? They are always so scary, not knowing how the audience will react to your performance. Bet he wowed 'em!
It's only 7:02 p.m. here, so the play has not even begun! Greedy DYB, aren't you, sweetie? ;)

britfan said:
Do you think the theatre staff would have to mop up much drool from the lady fans?! :lol:
Positively and absolutely! After all, which woman in her right mind wouldn't go FWROAR and drool and pant and squeal seeing him on the stage, huh? I know I would!

:lol: :lol: :lol: What's a five hour time zone difference! It was midnight here when I said that! Forgot our theatres are SO closed while yours, stateside, aren't even open! :lol:

But yes, I am always greedy for Billy! :devil:
Positively and absolutely! After all, which woman in her right mind wouldn't go FWROAR and drool and pant and squeal seeing him on the stage, huh? I know I would!

ANd the undies, we could be like one of those rock concerts and throw our undies at him :giggle: After he's done of course, wouldn't want to interrupt his acting.
**achem** MacsGirlMel, you know I would love to go there......but...I'm remembering the PG rule :eek: :lol:
ok then... :lol: :devil:

any word yet on how our man did in the play?
I'm sure he was phenomenal!!!
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