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desertwind said:
....and doesn't he look "HOTT' in jeans and a black T-shirt. and so trim... :p damn I wished I could see him.. :(

Thank you guys! My god, I'm in my third year. :D

This is the first forum site I joined and I do from time to time post(not much though) at other sites, but I always come back here. :D

Black-T and jeans is soooooooo frickin' HOT!!!

His scruff . . . OH YEAH!!!!!!

ETA: I pushed Continue a bit prematurely. Forgive me, mon amores.
ETAA: AAGH! Bloody ha-ha-I'm-going-to-not-let-you-use-HTML-now-script. Scroot.

Grissomplushie, the one and only. I took some pics of him with my parents' digital camera today, and selected and shrunk the six best (due to liking constraints) for thy viewing. Hot? Oh yeah. Adorable? Definitely.
This is GP's townhouse. It's in a cabinet under my stereo. That means GP gets some great bass, especially from Duality by Slipknot. Love that song. The blob of fabric to the left is his bed. He hides his journal in the big pink thing (don't tell him, I'm not supposed to know). To the right is his dresser and table. The assorted junk on there is a mess of swabs, a bowl of water, a light (that works, by the way), a mini dictionary (that actually is a dictionary), and his experiment. Don't ask me what it is. I'm just glad it's not in the fridge. He also has a mini magic 8-ball (also functional) and chess and checkers (also also functional). The puffy things scattered around are his pet Tribbles. I do hope there aren't any Klingons about. (He also has a cat named Cath, but she's out getting tuna.) Ignore the blob. It's my cat messing up the shot with motion blur.
GP in his cuddliness. If you look closely, you can see his toes. The pants and shirt can be removed (sadly, he has perma-boxers).
Head shot! How awesome is he? ^.^ so cute.
Grissomplushie with all four Tribbles.
Other than my dog, GP's greatest fear is my cat Boots. Look out! There she is! EEK!
Need something swabbed?

Yes. I admit it. I'm obsessed. ^.^;;
Crys i'm going to say it again:

you. are. precious.

lol. GP is amazingly cute and i laughted my butt off at the pics, lol. you're awesome, seriously.

send me one?
Crysthala.. and people think think I'm obbessed, because I carry pictures of him in my purse.. and collages of him on my you're not the only one :D but you've taken this to a whole new ..height :lol:.........fantastic.. send it to WP..really cute.. thank's for sharing ;)

Crysthala, I am now more scared of you than the woman who had Billy Petersen's face tattooed onto her leg.
lol, no sarah, the tatoo beats everything. and it was bearded, and he shaved it, mwahahaha.

ETA: i just realized i wrote the stupidest thing in the world after i laughted so evily so i just erased it. sorry, lol
Crysthala aaawwwwwwww the Grissomplushie is sooo cute!

Gary D- "we never see that side of his character so I'm hoping they have that grow a little bit, I'd like to see Billy getting spanked that would be fantastic."
LOL yeah too bad :D

Crysthala, you rock, girl! That plushie is SO cute! You're obsessed. That's a fact. You can be proud ;)

sarahvma said:
Crysthala, I am now more scared of you than the woman who had Billy Petersen's face tattooed onto her leg.
:eek: :eek: A woman with a Billy tattoo on her leg?? Wow I missed that one ... SERIOUSLY? Where? Do you have pictures? Or a link to the story -if there's one?
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