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grissoms_gurl said:
^ I don't have that problem Crysthala! none of my friends go into a jealous rage for him.. I've got him all to myself over here :devil:

Me too, Crysthala... he's mine, all mine... Mwahahahah!!! :lol: Just lil ole me to worship his hotness in my circle of friends... who think I'm weird for it, by the way!
britfan said:[/b

Me too, Crysthala... he's mine, all mine... Mwahahahah!!! :lol: Just lil ole me to worship his hotness in my circle of friends... who think I'm weird for it, by the way!

same here! my friends thinks my obssession is equally wierd! :rolleyes: some people just have no class! (and no taste!) :lol:
^^^ Nothing wrong with your obsession
and my friends 'don't get it either'
neither does my dad but oh well
we all know what he does for us... :D

and ...taps foot louder... on reviews of the play
^ Ya, nobody really gets it with me either. My best friend loves Nick, and doesn't understand why I love Grissom! But that's ok.. as long as I understand :D
Isn't it strange.. that so may of our friends and family don't get it? like WHAT? but alot do get it!! many of my friends/customers dig him too!! they..the ones that don't poor darlings!!!and sorry girls he's all mine, :Dyou can stand in line, behind me :eek:
Ha only if you drag me away first :D J/K. Though my Mac buddies will tell you how much I fight for him.

I'm lucky enough to have a mom who's become a fan...she's been like "I don't want him to leave" lately lol. But I don't think she'd get my drooling and naughtiness sometimes lol.
desertwind said:
:Dyou can stand in line, behind me :eek:
*sneaks in behind desertwind*
My mom doesn't even understand.. but my aunt was watching CSI with me one day and said "that Grissom sure is handsome!" :lol:
grissoms_gurl said:
desertwind said:
:Dyou can stand in line, behind me :eek:
*sneaks in behind desertwind*
My mom doesn't even understand.. but my aunt was watching CSI with me one day and said "that Grissom sure is handsome!" :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: good one.. this lady at one of my stores I service .. said .."the symmetry" of his face. is so perfect. ths length from his forehead to his eyes.. to his nose, to his lips, and than, the icing on the cake of his face.. the "dimple" ~~~drools~~~again :p I was amazed at her description, how perfect is that?!!!!I told her to sign up on here, but she said.. "are you kidding, my kids have taken over the "My Space" and would never let me on, but thank's, I'd love to"
Hey guys :D I'm back. I've had so much work these past few days ... a little more than a week to go before Christmas break. And after that 1 month of freedom and laziness watching old epis of CSI and drooling all over Grissom :D

Speaking of which ... Jackpot was on tonight on Spike :cool: I only caught the end of it, but :eek: Major hottness :D
Is there room in the line for me? I will be good... ish! :lol:

My mum just doesn't get it. I still get the weird cat lady look from her when I say, 'But mum! Just look at him! He's fabulous! With beard! Without Beard! With Dimple! Without Dimple! He's just so... so...'

She truly frightened me when I told her I wanted a CSI calendar... and she pointed to the bloke from Miami and uttered the words... 'Isn't that your Grissom?'

I think the look of horror on my face will remain with her for the rest of her natural life! :lol: :lol: :lol:

At least she recognised he was mine... mwahahaha!
Hey, guys,

Billy brought the beard back... ;)...for now...
look here, A Dublin Carol

I haven't seen any reviews yet, but I'll look around on some of the Rhode Island newspapers sites and see if I can find anything.
Howdy csinut! Thanks. :D

My friend sent me this pic of BP(from the play) along with a pic of Mr. Rogers(Host from a kid's tv show) and that freak me out. :eek: :eek: :eek:
That was not right. God. That imagine is burned into my brain. :lol:

My god, BP looks like he's in his 70's wearing that sweater. :eek: Well, that's how I see it. :rolleyes:

GrissomFREAK said:

Speaking of which ... Jackpot was on tonight on Spike :cool: I only caught the end of it, but :eek: Major hottness :D

I watched both Fur and Loathing and JACKPOT!!!
Major hottness? You bet!

I could watch that ep for the rest of my life and never, ever get tired of it.

Mr. Rogers? Man, that dude was creepy! But BP does look much older with that sweater on. But I suppose that's part of getting into character! :p :rolleyes:

I still can't get over the fact that he is only a state away from me!
Mr. Rogers?! :lol: Wow... that is creepy! That sweater really does make Billy seem a lot older, but I guess that's part of the character..
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