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If it's like the UK, the quality Sunday papers have good arts and theatre reviews, so here's hoping we will get something then. Keep your eyes peeled ladies! :D
i have hardly seen anything! :( the only thing i've seen about it is actually on the trinity rep website where there's some pics. :D but not seen any reviews or anything....... what's going on with the world?
Reviews will start to appear slowly, the first few performances the actors will "play it safe" as most of the time this is when the critics are there. Depending on who is doing the review, might not hear anything about it until the end of the run from "professional" critics and there may be only one or two, hopefully will be sooner rather than later though. However, you can guarantee fans will start giving their opinions once they have been to see it :)
hey if i did irritate anyone in this thread i would like to apologise but can i have the link to chat about the grissom and sara romance thread here?
Good morning everyone! :D

Leehom here's the Shipper thread :).

It's just that we are not allowed to talk about couples in the Main thread. Not everyone ships the same couple and from time to time we slip up and the Mods kindly remind us. :D

Hmmm so no news yet on BP? :rolleyes:

I've been told there should be some reviews up this weekend from the big list of people Trinity has kindly informed us of. Official opening night is tomorrow.

I'm flying on Saturday,but taking laptop with me, so will hopefully be able to update whilst I'm away, but depends.

Feedback I've received over past couple of days, the play is great, and Billy is amazing in it, we're all probably biase in here, but heh like he'd be anything but amazing in it ;)

The man would be amazing acting his way out of a bin liner! :lol:

I changed my Interactive Whiteboard desktop today from a whole cast pic to just him... it's beautiful! I'll try and take you a snap of my almost life size Billy Board!
I'm sure he was amazing he is such an incredible actor
in the interview he said people might expect to see Gil Grissom and they will be surprised because the character is not like Grissom, then he (WP) started talking about Grissom being alone and the character(His name escapes me at the moment :eek: ) is lonely

anyway I'm sure he will be fantastic
can't wait to hear how it all went
puppypower, I'm sure you'll keep us all informed :D
Forget the tree. I'm stashing Grissom in my closet where none of my friends can try to steal him in a jealous rage. ^.^ Better yet, I'll dig him a personal temple in my basement and worship him every waking moment. :devil:
^ I don't have that problem Crysthala! none of my friends go into a jealous rage for him.. I've got him all to myself over here :devil:
Crysthala said:
Forget the tree. I'm stashing Grissom in my closet where none of my friends can try to steal him in a jealous rage. ^.^ Better yet, I'll dig him a personal temple in my basement and worship him every waking moment. :devil:

Your so funny :lol: what if he trys to escape.. what then? and still waiting to hear those reviews~~~taps foot~~~ I know he kicked A-- doesn't he in everything he does?
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