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Okay guys its not a game or a competition and I highly recommend that folks read the comment I made regarding that in regards to that. ;)
What's happening? I mean SERIOUSLY! WHERE is Grissom in all these episodes? Looks like they're trying to prepare us for next year when he will be absent ... I don't like that. Maybe that's just me but it feels like he doesn't work there anymore :( I mean, we BARELY see him :eek: I miss the kick ass one-liners :D I miss the hottness ... I want MOOOOOORE! :mad:

:( :(
We all want more! In every way, GrissomFREAK! :devil:

So at a guess, you are about a third of the way through the series, is that rightish? So, come on then, oh Worshippers of The Hottness, which has been the best episode so far and what has been the best Grissom moment?

Shall I try and make a poll? I can for the episodes, but you will all need to nominate a shortlist of Grissom Hot Series 7 moments. Will that be any good? OK, here we go...
This is tough.. cause not many really "outstanding moments" except for me the GSR moments.. but he's still here.. which sad, but probably true, about not being here anymore.. my son-in-law goes (while eating dinner) "so, now that he's leaving and the show probably is too, what are you going to do"? I was a bit sutnned and mumbled "not sure" they totally make fun of me. pertaining to him and CSI.. all in jest :lol:.. but hey, once again IF he's not around anymore. will just follow his career in other areas....plays..possibly big screen movies..I really liked his delving into the measurements of the "different faces" of Mickey Dunn.. so Grissom :D and he figured it out..all the same person.. good job ;)
voted Burn Out. Sorry girls, but the profiles in this episode as well as the fact that he was in almost every scene, made me almost faint and die. his entry in BTK1 was a killer too though.

and i gotta say, he looked amazing in Happenstance either, but overall - Burn Out wins for me.
Adzix said:
voted Burn Out. Sorry girls, but the profiles in this episode as well as the fact that he was in almost every scene, made me almost faint and die.
I'm with you on that one, Adzix! His profiles made me go "mmmmmmmmmm", which I hadn't done in a long time. In fact, I hadn't done that since the 6th season... It's the BAA in me speaking, I guess... ;)
I voted Burn Out. It was a Grissom centered ep at its finest.
Plus we had a return of the migraines, something we haven't seen since Strip Strangler.
Too reiterate.. I did like him in "Burn Out" and "Double Cross" it's tough because, he's good whenever he's in a scene.. :p
yup, Burn Out ruled. so, does anybody know when we will see him again after the hiatus? january? well, i'm not gonna be in the US for Christmas anyway so i guess it will pass fast for me.

so it looks like we will see him in the episode that is in a week and a half, and also in the following one. i'm not sure we will get 7x12 now though. probably not, and i wouldn't be so certain that we'll get 7x11 even. so i think that when CSI will be back in January, and he's gonna be out from like 2,3 eps, it will make us wait until the end of January or maybe even February *cries*
Yes indeed.. now that all the relatives have gone home.. I'm going to watch that one again.. ;) I can't believe we're already going into ep.'s going way to fast.. rewind. so he won't be gone :(

"I've never been in this business for the recognition or the awards, I just want to do good work, grab a decent paycheck, and move on to the next job" William Petersen

okay i think i've got it confirmed that we won't see 7x11 now, like i said earlier. so 7x10 that will air on Dec 7th is the last before the break. i'm not sure but i heard that 7x11 is scheduled for January 4th. so almost a month for us to wait. we'll see Billy in 7x11 i believe and then break again.

to be clear, i'm not basing anything on spoilers, cuz like everybody knows, i'm spoiler-free :D
This is a little off topic, but I don't understand why CSI comes off air at the most competitive time for ratings on TV. Over here, the Christmas ratings war is ruthless!! :lol: Why does it stop? Surely a bit of Billy at Christmas is every girl's wish? :devil: Under the tree on Christmas morning... :D
Last episode on December 7th? Shoot. I don't like breaks -well, I do but -not when that means no more Grissom for what a month? :eek: I am so not gonna get through this :eek:
The good news is we'll have time to re-watch old episodes :D

Now that the season has started ... I'm curious ... have you changed your mind about not missing The Beard -or not? :D
duh, GF, guess what i voted for? lol

Da Dimple fo life, yo.

yeah, 1 month with no Grissom. the good news is that we'll get to see him in the first episode after the hiatus, i believe, and then he'll be gone for like two eps or something. so, it's not like we have a month and a half break from him, but a month, one episode, and then two weeks. which is not that bad, after all.
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