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syren said:
WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
Speaking of BP's hair, would it freak you out if he shaved his head or had it cut like George E's hair?? :eek:
that would be gross. but i must admit i like it, when his hair is cut short ;) so that its really curly - you know what i mean?

Never, ever in a million years! This is a man blessed with gorgeous hair! Those curls when lets his hair grow longer are so beautiful! That's when I like him best with the beard, when he has his hair longer and he lets his beard grow out enough to be curly too. His angst-ridden 'Manhunter' look still makes my lil' ol' heart go all aflutter! :devil:
Excuse me while I go THUD!
that would be gross. but i must admit i like it, when his hair is cut short so that its really curly - you know what i mean?
oh agreed, i love his hair short as they are now. i think he looks younger and oh so boyish :D
Adzix said:
oh agreed, i love his hair short as they are now. i think he looks younger and oh so boyish :D

thanks a lot that I'm not the only one :D
Speaking of BP's hair, would it freak you out if he shaved his head or had it cut like George E's hair??
God, I would be totally stunned if he did that.

WPRMW - what are you thinking?! :lol:

It's his crowning glory! I like his short cut now, but I did like it when it was longer, like in season 2 - Burden of Proof and the latin ice hockey eppy, with 'Since I met You' in it! Plenty of curls to lose your fingers in! *sigh* :devil:
If you think that's yummy, go see what GGgirl has just posted on the pic thread to cure my bad mood! RROOAARR!! I want one! :lol:

And for you, Adzix, I give you curly!

*sigh* *thud*
You are a top bird! Ta! :lol: No doubt tomorrow will be just as crappy! What do you and Billy have in mind for me then, I wonder?! :D ;)
The thought of him doing Dirty Dancing... I must remember that this is an under 13 site! ;)

'Now I've, had, the time of my life... no I never felt this way before!'

'Nobody puts Grissom in a corner!' :lol:
britfan said:

WPRMW - what are you thinking?! :lol:

It's his crowning glory!

I wasn't thinking. :lol: :lol:
Ok, what if he grew it shoulder length? Hmmmm.

Did Billy ever have a mullet from the 80's?? :lol:
Speaking of 80's, I watched VH1's top 100 songs of the 80's and boy did it bring back memories. :lol: Fashion and big hair back then was scary.

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:

Speaking of BP's hair, would it freak you out if he shaved his head or had it cut like George E's hair?? :eek:
God, I would be totally stunned if he did that. :eek: :(

That would be a crime and he would be severly punished :( his hair is his crowning glory.. so beautiful :p.. I don't even care for it as short as it is now.. it's so beautiful.. so shaved.. NO-NO-NO--I'd have to hunt him down and whip him..although.. maybe that could be tempting and interesting.. ;)
hey ladies, I have a dumb question and this might not be the best place to ask
where EXACTLY is Grissom going? He is going on sabbatical but where?
I know that sound dumb and I should probably go to the 'question about a specific episode' thread but I though I would start here...

well i guess it's a spoilerish question, cuz we formally don't know IF he's gonna go anywhere. i'm 100% spoiler-free but i heard this and that by accident. so just to be safe i'll put it into a spoiler-box.

i'd say New York, Williams College. That's all i know
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