The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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What was the episode that we were talking about b4 Red??? something ugh I really trying to go w/o caffine today so I'm giddy one moment and then just dead the next!!

I love Bobby too. I have had a soft spot for him. its the accent *sighs* lol If we can have Bobby gay, why cant we have one or both of our boys gay too???? Or at least have them bi!!! Like have Greg all giddy and Nick or someone ask why is he sooooo happy and it gets somehow said that he had a really nice time with Kyle. grrrrrrr
It's not like he says that he's not into women it's just the overall feeling I get, that's all. My gaydar is pretty good when it concerns guys but with women it really sucks. So ...

My theory on when they got together: I think in season 1 they were just checking each other out, in season 2 they were flirting like crazy, in season 3 they got more serious and after Play With Fire they were a couple. That's why Nicky touched Greg when he told the others about the Fortune Cookies the season finale. They were watching it together. Season 4 they were so together hence the famous "that's what you get for eating ..." from our dear Greg! I'm rather unsure about season 5 although there were a few good moments. Season 6 was calmer but still very nice especially Rashomama. I haven't seen the complete 7th season so I can't really say about that but I so hope for more subtext in season 8.

Has anyone else got the impression that the look in Felonious Monk was ... let's say ... well they just had a lot of fun together? Come on no one NO ONE looks at his or her co-worker like that unless there is something going on.
Well, whether or not they were dating or even knew about their feelings for each other.

That's something two straight guys WOULD NOT do.

Straight guys don't flirt like they do. They don't constantly touch each other, or defend each other. They don't seem that close....Like BFF's or brothers...

Well, I could see them as GOOD friends if they were dating!
Which of course they are, because to be in love is to be in love with your best friend... Ahh the romantic in me!!!

Thats true.. Unless your metrosexual? LOL.... Straight pretending to be gay, so you can get to know all the ladies.......... Na, that SO is NOT NICK. Greg maybe lol, but soo is not Nick...

The love is bassed on friendship, trust, companionship, sex and honesty... Plus a good appreication of fine food, flirting, game consoles and fine ass's. LOL

Oh and an ability to hold each other when the going gets tough, also to praise and support each other when the good times are happening...
Dont you just love the love??? :D :D :D
Of course we LOVE The Love!!! I think that's a given to post in here!!! lol :p

I think the biggest realization that there was something between them is Nick checking out Greg's sweet tushy! lol Nick does flirt with other but its more of his friendly Texas charm type of thing. Like when he was showing off his muscles to Cath. I really think it was for him to keep up his ladies man cover. So many haters & non-believers in this ship will bring up that and other things they think cancel out subtexty moments of The Love. But besides my argument of Nick checking out Greg tushy, my biggest one is this. Just b/c Nick &/or Greg flirt with Sara or Cath, of Sofia, doesnt mean they are straight!!! I have a few gay friends and they flirt with women friends or think a women is beautiful! But all the flirty, subtext moments between them wouldnt occur between 2 straight men. They are at least both bi.

BTW is is just me or the whole scene with Nick and Kristy, Nick looked, well uncomfortable??? I realize that CBs had to be careful in doing that scene, its not like the CSI is on HBO, etc. but still For thoe who watch ATWT & know the Nuke storyline its like when Noah kisses Maddie. its almost forced and just uncomfortable!!!

2hrs 30 min. until the premiere!!!!!!! ***jumps up & down*** :D
LOL, yes youre right it for me looked faked and planted lol.

A Gay man can and do sleep with women on times, not all gay men do it but some do.

The whole Nick and Kristy just left a taste of cheese ( which I hate!!) in my mouth.

I mean fair enough Nick sleeps with a woman but a prostiute at that? Way to go Nicky lol...

Tis like Greg sleeping with Catherine's mother LOL..

LOL if that happenes in Season 8, I'd pee myself with laughter...

Can you all imagine Nick's face when Greg walks in to the lab with his hot date for the night.... Mrs Willows senior.

Nick makes some classical remark.

Greg pouts and walks with Mrs Williows senior, who turns around and says to Nick

In my day at least A man told a person how they felt.

Greg bows head as grin turns into blush....

Nick goes back to work, secretly thinking WTF!

Nick strains as the two people eventually walk away He hears Mrs Willows saying, - can see why you like him no dear... He has a good tush!
Page 21! Yay!

Well, gay guys do ADORE women. Strong women. That's why Nick and Greg have respect for Cath and Sara. If you want to call them strong, I guess.

I have several theories for Kristy. Maybe Nick just wanted sex, bottom line. He wanted to push his gay thoughts away, like Noah. Maybe he is bi. So many posibilities!
True, or maybe Nick just wanted to forget about the hot lab rat one Greg Sanders...

But then look at famous gay people Elton John was married to a woman before he turned gay, and George Micheal i think was straight and then gay. He jumped and missed the bisexual bit.

Yep they do, its not about the sexuality of someone, its about what makes them them... If you see what i mean....

Anyhoot, im off to watch some CSI random stuff, have a good episode and If im awake then I'll come back otherwise happy viewing Nicole and Natalie, also to all my other american family memebers of the LOVE......... :p
LOL...that manip was hilarious!!!!

And I loved that idea of Greg grabbing the pillow that Nick was sleeping on, just perfect!

ummmm....sorry, I'm in a hurry for class..what else was I going to say?
Oh yeah, Candy...that sounds like a dream Nick should be having and he could wake up sweating and would have to call Greg in the middle of the night/day, whatever, to ask him if he's dating Mrs. Willows. It would be hilarious!!!

ok, I'm off to class. Then show at 9pm!!!!! YAY!!!! And a discussion right after! Can't wait! See you all then!
Of course!

Right now, I'm not leaving this spot until 10 pm!!!!!!!!!!

I'll chat for a minute, but like I said, I have to pick up my sister at one point.

She better not be mean or slow! I'll disown her if she is!
LOL at Twins. You will not disown her!!!! You love her too much!!!

Cath's mom and Greg??? lol I can see her saying that Nick has a great tush!!!! hehehehe That be interresting like if we saw Lady Heahter and Nick flirting!!!! LOL I bet if & when they come out she'd be like uh huh. You're telling me this why??? I already knew.

1hr. 14min. left!!!!!!!!:):):):):):)):):):):)):)):):)
OMG, gone for a few weeks and over 15 pages to make up!? I love this ship :D!

Anyway, sorry for such a long absence, just the first few weeks of school were hectic and all. But, I will try to check in at least every couple of days from now on.

And even though I haven't read any of the posts yet, I remember that twins, you mentioned a discussion after each new episode? Is that still happening, and if so, when and where?

Anyway, I am Stoked about this premiere! The highlight of my day is only 1 hr and 10 minutes away! :D
yeah were i this discussion???? OMG less than 30min. away!!!! ***jumps up and down*** hehehe I'm sooooooo excited and nervous and scared!!!! If bad things happen I will be sad and might need some lovely reminders of all the goodness that's The Love!!!!! That and reminders that "A La Cart" will be awesome!!!!!
Hi Lil_love_fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The chat will be here! (Forum page on the Wiki), I'll be there as soon as the episode starts!

OMG! Like 10 minutes away. I'm getting all jittery and excited!

Okay, I just got a Wetpaint account, so I should be able to post there, right?

I will be there about 5 minutes after the ep.

OMG! 1 minute *runs down to tv*
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