The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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I just want happy/fun Greg back. I miss his jokes. :p

And pffft, CBS totally owes us. I mean, you've got how many people over the course of seven years shipping these two? Maybe not with an on-screen relationship, just know, subtext.

Not to get back on topic of this, but the premiere confuses me anyway. Even IF they do a three months later thing, Sara's still missed out on three months. Is that normal? Unless she's in Al A Cart, then I guess...-shrugs- I don't know. I'm very confused and I absolutely hate this cliffhanger idea.

And I'm mad because they decided Sara not only deserved a two-part life-threatening situation, they also thought she deserved a cliffhanger. Why didn't Nick get a cliffhanger? Granted, I would've DIED if he had one, but still.

Don't think it's fair. -pouts-

Zodiac , thanks! I'll definitely have to tell her, she'll be excited. :p
Well, I hope Greg changes his hair. I don't care how, but his current hair cut has been around since the end of season 5.

Nick...*sighs* Nick. Well, NO facial hair! I didn't like his long hair either. I'm actually a fan of his shaved head. He looks so tough. *Nick hurt me!* lol But when it's just cut short, he's hot no matter what!
See, the more I saw Nick with the longer hair, the more I kinda liked it. XD But I think he looked best in S3. *shrugs*

And Greg can do anything to his hair and it still be sexy. But if he's going to keep it longer, I'd much rather see it back like it was in S1 as opposed to S7.

Hey, guys... 16 hours 'til showtime! Alright, I'm heading off to bed, cuz it's friggin' 5 a.m. and with our internal clocks going the way they are, we could all be working right along with the CSIs with their funky hours. XD

LOL, Zodiac, my internal clock already is that of a nightshift employee. And I have to start classes soon. xD That's going to be LOADS of fun. And Greg's S1 hair -shudders- I mean, not to be shallow, but REALLY...

Twins, the ending scene in 'No Humans Involved,' when Sara's watching Sofia talk to Grissom & Nick, Greg, & Warrick are talking (you see them through the glass walls), should I count that as a N/G scene even though you don't really get to "listen in?" I figured I should run it by you first.
Twins- 10:15pm is perfect for me! Especially since I have to get up for a 10am tae kwon do class tomorrow morning. I wouldn't normally be going that early, but an old friend from Japan will be there! Woot, can't miss that!

lol, as for the whole hair thing.... I loved all of Greg's hair, except the one where he buzzed the sides. That was awful! But I really like his longer, slightly curly look. It makes him look soooo cute and slightly shy too. *drools* lol. But of course, I still love the bleached look. Always will. And facial hair. I wasn't a fan of the no hair look last season but it wasn't that bad. better than that porn stache that's for sure!
As for would be nice to see Greg acting a little more funny again. I want him to be joking and funny like a kid, but mature at other times. You know, I'm sure Grave Danger didn't help his personality at all. After seeing Nick like that and to know that bad, horribly bad things do happen to CSIs, that sobered him up real quick. Maybe Nick can bring back the fun loving Greg we all know and love...

As for CSIElizabeth...last I knew she was working on an awesome chapter fic! I hope she's going to post it soon! hehe, hazards of being the beta, I get to read it first before anyone else and then I can't talk about it otherwise I'd give everything away!
Well, work must get done, especially if you all want chapter 13 of Live and Love posted soon, I need to start working on it! I'll be here after the show tonight 10:15pm EST!!! Can't wait! Though I don't care whether she lives or dies. I just want to see my fav characters.
Nick's stache!. He looks like a gay porn star from the 70s! Or the lost sixth member of the Village People :lol: :lol: :lol:

Speaking of Village People, I've found this hilarious manip on lj:


I love the cowboy and the construction worker. Not a big surprise, right? ;)

And now, more seriously, a wish for the new season that starts tonight:


The Love.
suckerforasmile anytime you can count it as a Nick/Greg scene you should. LOL. In all seriousness, I think since they are there, then, yes, you should.

Seabird I love those manips, and for some crazy reason I like the cowboy and construction worker the best too! ;)

Sweet QOTU! Okay, if anyone can't join the chat right away, I'm sure we'll be chatting for a while! :D Don't worry. And remember tomorrow night to keep popping in here to keep this discussion going.
Woot that manip is soo funny....

Aww wish i was half as excited as you guys... Hay well at least when I eventually see it i will be jumping for joy like next year...

At least -* cough* I'll get to see it soooner than later.

*Looks at clock*

5 hours and 15 mintues...I'm getting excited about CSI? Who knew!

Again, you know what that means?? 7 days, 5 hours and 15 minutes until "A La Cart!"

I almost forgot. There's going to be a NEXT TIME!!!!! That'll be the best part of the show!!

*Calms down*

Tonight, I guess when it's airing. :p I'll post a link to the chat. I'll be on DURING and after for a WHILE. :lol:

However, at some point I'll have to pick up my sister. So hopefully there will be at least two people there to keep each other company!
I've just seen Fannysmackin for the first time and I was really upset! Poor Greg, it was so horrible to see him getting beaten up!
And Nicky! Wow, he was so upset the whole episode! If that wasn't a sign for the love? And I know, he would have punched Pig for Warrick too, but they don't have the history he has with Greg, so that's not an argument.
I can't believe I have the whole 7th season still in front of me and you guys will watch season 8 in a few hours! How unfair, but then I can't wait to hear about Sara (I really want to like her, but I hate GSR and the way she acts around Grissom) and of course I want to know how our boys are doing.
As for the personalities Nick and Greg should develop this season, I really wish that Greg is going back to be funnier again, I really loved him the first few season. As for Nick, well, I don't know, he really should grow his hair, I loved it in Poppin Tags they looked so alike, like a couple.
Well I have to prepare a lesson for tomorrow and want to watch an old CSI episode.
Have fun with the season premiere and tell me all about it
OMG that manip is soooooo funny, I hve tears in my eyes!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Les than 5 hrs. away until the premiere airs!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!! :D ;) :p :( :( :( :devil: :D

Well its nice to know I'm not the only one who likes Fuzzy Wuzzy Nicky!!! hehehe I think I might use that nickname in a future fan fic.!

I'd like to see happy and funny Greg too!!! I will have the biggest smile :D :D :D if in "A La Cart" Greg laughs!! :lol:

In discussion the other day about ways that would be subtle , yet allow fans to know that our boys are together, I had a realyl good dream last night. It seemed sooo real too. Like I was sitting in my family room watching it on the TV..... the team was spilt up so everyone was on diffrerent shifts.... Anyways, you see Nick wake up and throw off the covers and head into the bathroom to get ready. And if you werent paying attention when he woke up you wouldnt pick up the "moment"... anyways you see nick leave for work and arrive at the lab, etc. more case realted scenes and then it goes to Greg brushing his teeth and then goes into his bedroom and whe nhe pulls the covers over him he grab a pillow from the other side of the bed and falls asleep hugging it!!! Now if viewers were paying attention you'd realize that the pillow that Greg grabbed had the same pattern pillow case that appeared from underneath Nick when he got up!!! It was so quick that you had to be paying serious attention!!! :D
That would be such a great view! I would love to see something like that but I'm far to pessimistic too ever think it would happen.
Right know my greatest fear is that one of them is getting a female love interest that would be so horrible.
And because a while ago you talked about which one of them is gay or bi and why, I must agree that I always thought of Greg as bi. Nicky I never really thought about at all but if you look closely at some episode you find hints that he could be gay. e.g. he is so not interested in women, he never talks about a girlfriend or never flirts with women. I think there was one episode, was it Suckers?, where Warrick or someone else talked about women's underwear and how said it was to see a women wearing torn underwear and Nick so doesn't care. And then there is this scene with him and Bobby (do I love this man) when they laugh about a comment Catherine makes about a bullet with twelve inch penetration, it's so obvious that the two of them have the same thought, and it's a fact that Bobby is gay, so...
I must work yet i don't want to, I want to watch CSi!! Want to rewatch all those great slashy scenes!
Ahhh yeah its good to see other people's ideas on who is GAY and who is Bisexual or at least bi curious. Maybe Greg is pansexual?

Basically its the person that a pansexual is attracted to and not just the gender.

Hmmm i need to see them episodes again Twins? Wojo etc, is theres a list of scenes where Nick sorta say's that women don't do it for him?
I'm not sure Candygirl! But I have NEVER seen him interested in a woman since that blonde girl in that one episode early in season 1.

Hi,love_fan! It's nice to see you! And I agree about that episode with the 12 inch penetration! :lol: Maybe, maybe if it wasn't in front of Bobby! But it was! :p
True, im not disputing that... Apart from that random woman that Nick left with....

If it wasn't for Nick, Catherine his friend wouldn't gone threw all that pain of feeling as if she was date raped.

Phaw! I'm still very upset about Twinkle's action.... He had the cheek later on to critise Catherine for following Keepler who was for the duration her senior therefore THEIR BOSS....

He openly said to her that he trust's her with his life or something like that... Grrr...

She trusted him with her life and he let her down. Thank god though she wasn't rapped.

Apart from that I still love my Texan Twinkle. :devil: :devil: :eek:

That sounds rude lol.
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