The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Wow look at all the posts! I've been around but lurking. The chapter fic is on a short backburner but when I get time I will work on soon as I remember which chapters I've already fixed up after being beta'd lol.

Work has been crazy and I also begin online classes this week so I'll have tons of reading to do for the next ten weeks! So if I'm not here, that's where I am.

I can't wait for the new ep! I've missed our boys!
Well, my comp's being really slow. Took me twenty minutes to log in here and find the right page! And ugh....yeah...I can't log into the wiki for some reason. So, here's my thoughts on the ep:

Sadly, it sucked. Of course, it was nice to see Greg working a little, and I was glad that it was Nick that found her and not Gil, but come on, Hodges had more air time then those two! What was up with that?!?!?! I knew she was going to survive right from the start, and most of the ep was things we didn't need to know. I'm sorry this is such a rant... but I can't help it. I feel like the reason they needed a cliff hanger on this ep was cause it wasn't nearly as good as GD. I just didn't care about Sara, I wasn't on the edge of my seat at all.
However, here's a thought about A La Cart: We might get to see what Nick and Greg have to go through if they ever get together and come out to the team. Now that, will be interesting! I can't wait!!!
Oh! and did you notice that Cath's the one wearing the bad hat this time? And it changed in the middle of the scene!
Well, I'm gonna go, since this comp's not working well, and work on chapter 13, though it'll be awhile before I get it posted.
See I thought it was AMAZING!!!!! My heart was racing and I was screaming half the time!!!!

I'm wicked excited about "A La Cart" even more since I saw the previews for it !!!! Squeeee a week away for our boys to work together!!!!!! *hugs*
Holy cow, you guys... my computer is so freakin slow!! Anyway, I'm here, I'm here!

Gah, I'm so happy. Frustrated!Nick makes me happy. Can't wait for next week's ep. The previews made it look like Grissom is on the case with them though. T.T
I thought it was okay.

I mean, when I was watching it, I was excited. When it ever seemed like Sara could be dead, I'll admit that I was a bit shocked. Not because I REALLY cared (I did a little), but I was surprised that CSI would do that. When she ended up alive, I wasn't that shocked.

NO Nick/Greg. Barely any Greg, a teeny bit of Nick.

NEXT TIME! That was the best part! :D :D :D

A La Cart! A La Cart! A La Cart!
LOVE LOVE this episode!!!! heehehe Since I'm a Sara fan I'm giddy but I'll shut up!!! lol I do admit GSR gets a lot of attention & at times more than it should be!!!

Anyways, any role play for "A La Cart"??? hehehee less than a week away!!!!!! **squeeeee***

continues Twins chant!!! A La Cart! A La Cart! A La Cart! A La Cart! A La Cart! A La Cart! A La Cart!
Well, I have to go for my nightly walk. I'm sorry, I can't skip it. It's been raining for the past two days!

We'll start the ALC chat when I get back!

Did anyone else notice in the next time, when the screen spits, it's Grissom and Nick/Greg. It's confusing. But IF Grissom is there, I think it will be like "Iced" when Grissom has to leave and Greg and Sara work together.

I hope!

A La Cart! A La Cart! A La Cart! A La Cart!
yeah that split screen is weird but it could be b/c the cases end up being connected somehow! Only time will tell!!! And I think Greg's hair is a little spikey-ish in the front, if I'm not mistaken!!!

BTW when you get back Twins you can cotinue the role play. I had greg say the following the other night!

Greg (on the way to the crime scene and to fill the silence between them): Ever go Go-Carting Nick?
I've on purpose skipped your replies.

Will give you all my thoughts when seen it.

Damn it has to be good, although I bet it sucked as well.
Holy biscuits, OTL, I didn't even really think about it until now - it did kinda look spikey...I wonder if it actually IS or if lighting did it. I might cry if lighting did it. -sigh- I miss his spikey hair.

So I was extremely disappointed. A few of you know that, but REALLY. Just. Ugh. Lame. And even though I lovelovelove it when Nick cries, seriously. Greg's beating didn't seem to affect him that much, although I can see why. I mean, Sara was technically kidnapped, too, so...It probably hit a lot closer to home.

Bleh. Still disappointed. I hope next week makes up for it, somehow...>_>

And, I'm also extremely happy Hodges made it into the beginning thing! xD Though you should all know I love him by now...Lol.

-dies- I may have lied, twins - I'm not sure I can make it by the end of the week, but I'm guessing I'll have it to you before the 4th. The ep. guide for S5, I mean. :p
OMG when Nick started to cry, I nearly lost it!!!! I wanted to reach through the tv and hug my fuzzy wuzzy nicky!!! I know Nick has hair now but I still ike ot think of him as fuzzy Wuzzy Nicky!!! lol

I just hope that what Ecklie was asking in the previews for next week doesnt end up making it harder for our boys to come out!!!! Stupid Ecklie!!!
Don't worry Candy. I don't blame you for skipping all the posts! If I wasn't a spoiler whore, I would too. :p

Hi Stacy! I'm back! I have yet to watch "Dead Doll" (I'm in no hurry), but I will. :)

Nick looks at Greg and shrugs.

Nick: I've always wanted to, but I've never had the chance. *Nicks obviously trying imply that Greg should ask him LMAO!* Only if you want him to Stacy...What will Greg say?
Greg: Really? Its a lot of fun! Great way to get your frustrations out! :)
Greg says frustrations that makes Nick wonder if he was just taking about work!!! LOL Try not to let you mind go straight to the gutter!!! hehehehe

PS~ I just re-watched the scene where Nick almost cries!!! Boy can George cry and make you go awwwwwww and want to hug him!!!! *hugs*
So Dead Doll's over and Sara's still alive, good for her.

hodges made it in the credits? I don't know what I should think about that especially since you all said that he's getting far too much screen time and more screen time than our boys. I kind of like him but only in a very small dosage (spelling?).

Is there any chance that I can find the preview for A La Cart in youtube, since innertube doesn't play on my computer? I really want to see Greg and Nick!

Something else: Has anyone noticed that Greg made a very unpleasant remark in Rashomama about cocktail waitresses? I can't really remember what he said but it was like "Of course she was a waitress!" Although he wasn't referring to the woman who gave Nicky her number, but you could really see that he was pissed about women in general who gave his loved one their numbers.
Nick: You make it sound like fun *smirks*

Don't worry, Nick's mind didn't go right to the gutter. With Greg, you never know what he could be talking about! Ha!

Now I really want to see George cry. Nick was crying for his sister. BUT Nick was angry in "Fannysmakin'" and tearing up in "Post Mortem" for the man he Loves! And we all know that!
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