The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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You know, I love Hodges, especially that he made it into the credits (AH! THANK YOU! I knew there was a better word for it!), but if he takes away from Nick/Greg or Nick or Greg screen time, well...That's not very cool. But still, awesome!

OTL, I think that Greg's hair might actually be short & spikey once more. Don't hold it to me. I'm not a good source for spoilers, xD

love_fan, I'm not sure if there's a ALC promo on youtube, but I'm sure that there'll be one soon. I'm surprised that no one's stolen the one off the tail end of DD, yet. But, meh - I guess I can wait a while. -sits impatiently-
and there was Mindy from Rashomama who gave Nick her number!!!! LOL Just one of the many women who have tried to capture the hearts of our boys! Unfortunately htey never apparently see what The Love fans see!!! Not going to happen ladies!!!! lol

OMG I'm sorry I forgot to continue *bad Greg!!!*
Greg: Of course its fun Nicky. You do remember fun, right? We should go sometime.

Ok so Greg is teasing about Nick remembering fun. And he's being a bit daring by saying that they should go sometime but also he is trying to act casual and not have it sound like a "date".
suckerforasmile I forgot to say thanks! I don't care how long it takes you! I'm just grateful someone's doing it! Remember if ANYONE owns season 6, please, please volunteer! I would, but I don't have it. Although I could just do it once it comes around again on Spike.

*stammering slightly*
Nick: Um, um, *looks down* I guess if you want to, we could. It will be fun right?
Nick's nervous because, even if it's not a date, he's nervous cause he likes Greg! :D Who doesn't!?
Greg: Of course it will be fun! You will always have fun with me, dont you?

ok now Greg is flirting and teasing. Not neccessarily saying we've gone out b4 *date* wise but they've hung out together b4!!!
Nick's quiet for a minute. He's trying to think of what to say carefully.

Nick: Well, we've never really done that much together, but yeah, I guess I have fun with you anyway...I mean...when we work together.

Greg is making Nick soooo nervous!
Greg can tell Nick is nervous but is somewhat clueless as to why his Texan God is being shy!!!

Greg: Yeah, we do have working together. So... Are you off sometime this weekend??
Suckerforasmile: Just read your new stories on WMTDB, Post-Ep and Jealousy and I just loved them. I can so see it happen!

Wouldn't it be great if the new girl would bring out jealous Nick? They wouldn't even have to make it obvious, just a few lines from Nick in this direction, so we know he's jealous and the rest of the (antilove, unknowing) world would think he just doesn't like her?

love your little dialogues, ah, if only they were real ...
Nick takes a deep breath and looks at Greg.

Nick: Um, yeah, I'm not supposed to work Saturday. So if you want to go, maybe when can get a bite to eat after. If you want to?

Can you imagine them actually saying this stuff on the episode! LMAO! It would be crazy if they went out together go carting. Like when Nick went paragliding(sp?) after that case. I could see them doing it!
I know!!! hehehe this makes me giddy!!!

Greg: That sounds cool. You want me to come by your place around 1pm??? We could drive together, if you want.

ok Greg is semmingly cool but is somewhat internally FREAKING OUT!!!!!
Is it bad that I'm watching the ATWT kiss like a million times!? LOL, imagine our boys faces in place of their's too! LMAO!

Nick: Yeah, I can pick you up. *Nick looks down*'s a...well, I just pick you up.

Nick almost let something slip! Will Greg catch it!?

love_fan I would Love it if Nick was jealous! It would be such a great storyline! Come on TPTB make it happen!
omg its not bad that you are wathcing it a million times!!! remember on your old banner on boards that I'd watch the first kiss over and over and over just to see if I could see some tongue!!!! lol

Greg: Cool. So I'll see you around 1pm. Do you know where I live??? *pauses for a second. he can tell Nick is oddly nervous* Um, Nick. Are you ok?

hehehehe Greg relaizes Nick almost said date! But he is taking it as a slip of the tongue! Cuz why would Ladies Man think its a date. But then he notices Nick very nervous and he cant look at Greg!!!
Nick stands there is silence while Greg stares.

Nick: Uh yeah, I know where you live. Don't worry, I'm fine. Nothing's wrong, I'm just excited that's all. You know, I never get to go out.

I watch good Nick/Greg scenes a million times too! It's hard not to, especially when they are good. Like Eye Sex or Thanks Doll. :D
Greg: I'm excited too. So I'll see you Sat. at 1pm.
And now back to the crime scene!!!! LOL
And BTW Greg doesnt believe Nick when he say's nothing wrong! LOL

Dont know if you want to stop here and contine tommorrow or what??? I'm likely going ot get some sleep in a few so let me know!
-blushes- Aw, thanks love_fan! And twins and OTL, you guys really have a knack for that. :p I should get more written tonight, but I'm either going to sleep (though I really shouldn't), or I'm going to go work on the ep. guide. Phew! It really is hard to keep up with everything! Can't wait until everything's finished and I can relax for a while!

Yes! Jealous Nick would be AWESOME! :D I absolutely love it when he appears in stories, so on-screen I would DIE. And obviously, TPTB wouldn't have to make it obvious - subtext-y would work!
Sure we can finish for tonight Stacy! :D We'll pick up on the "date" lol.

All of you Love fans are the best. I appreciate and cherish every one of you. It's because of you all that this ship is running amazingly. It's because of you all that I do all that I do for The Love! It's because of you that when I watch every episode I actually think a good Love moment could happen! Thanks everyone for making this ship the best!

I to would die if Nick showed jealousy over Greg! We would see it immediately.
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