The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Dear Lord in Heaven, I really, really, honestly hope Greg cuts his hair this season. Remember when it used to be short and spikey and highlighted and sexy and... *drools* Yeah, that's how I remember him. Total. Hotness. And now it's all natural and longer and... my ex-boyfriendish. *shudders*

And I hope Nicky does something different with his hair, too. I mean, it looked okay when it was longer, definitely a lot better than when it's buzzed off. Ick. But, yes, he definitely needs to get back into his butt-huggin' jeans and tight fittin' shirts.

No more turtlenecks, Nicholas!

Duuuuude, DeathNote is starting on Adult Swim on Saturday! Schweet! Whoops, I'm relapsing into my anime fanatica again. Bad Lexi, bad! No pr0n for you!

*concentrates on CSI* Okay, I'm good.

Too much coffee...
See I like Greg's hair natural and longer! Although I do miss the short and spikey. I think they need to find a happy medium.

As for Nick I didnt mind the buzz cut. He was Fuzy Nicky!!! hehehe Greg's fuzy wuzy Nicky!!!! LOL

Greg loves his fuzy wuzy Nicky! :D ;)
They'd have to keep Greg's hair the same in the premiere in order for it to make sense, but otherwise, there's a chance...:D Short and spikey...-drools- Oh yes. Just...-sighs happily- As for Nick, as long as he doesn't grow his mustache back, I'll be fine. I heard that happened because GE didn't want to be based on appearances, but I don't know how true that is.

Off to do the guide! :p

And wait, Death Note? My cousin is probably screaming in her sleep, she's never seen it. For sake of curiosity (and to make her feel better about living in the middle nowhere - and MN, but that's beside the point), when does it air, Zodiac?
Ding-dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The Sidle witch!

Sorry Stacy! :p

I know I'll care more when I actually see her under that car and then my pity will come in. I mean, I DO like her. Especially when Nick and Greg have sad faces. Uh, weaknesses.
That's true. They would have to keep it the same for the prem. Ah, well... hopefully he'll do SOMETHING with it sooner or later. And yes, anything but the 'stache!

suckerforasmile~ I just checked the site, and it says it's airing Saturday, October 20th at 12:00 a.m. on Adult Swim. *squeals* I'm so there! XD
Well, I wonder if they've filmed some of the premiere while they were filming the finale? Maybe just Sara under the car, searching, Natalie scenes? Then maybe all the aftermath scenes were shot recently?

I still wonder how they're going to catch up to the actual date! I think it would be hoot if they did "Three Months Later..." :p
The more I see the previews it confusing. They seroiusly should not have done the cliff-hanger finale!!!

Ayways, poor Greggo is still waiting for Nick to answer his question!!!!!!

I dont think anyone wants to see Greggo cry, now do we?
Any continuity that TPTB haven't ruined yet was horrifically erased by doing the cliff-hanger.

Was Grave Danger a cliff-hanger? No!

Is Sara better than Nick? NOOO!

So why now? Is it because of the precious GSR? Who the hell knows!

I just hope that they aren't more concerned for Sara than they were for Nick. I would hate that on so many levels.
only_true_love said:
See I like Greg's hair natural and longer! Although I do miss the short and spikey. I think they need to find a happy medium.

As for Nick I didnt mind the buzz cut. He was Fuzy Nicky!!! hehehe Greg's fuzy wuzy Nicky!!!! LOL

Greg loves his fuzy wuzy Nicky! :D ;)

Oh thats far too funny, fuzy wuzy Nicky, has the hots for curly wavy Greggie lol...

Now ladies dont get so hyped up with the episode just incase its not what you expect. I'm not expecting anything therefore i won't be disappointed if its rubbish lol....

Never underestimate the power of Candygirl lol, sadly my humor is lost on you guys :devil:

Regarding hair i think that Greg's non bleached hair swoon is the best how can you not call that hot?

Nick as long as he's not bald lol, damn and yeah i wanna see rippling muscles and tight hugging jeans.

Has anyone noticed in a few sceens where George is famously walking in said tight hugging groin wearing jeans, the camera seems to zoom in on his *cough* nervous laugh assits???

Maybe its just me and my own Candy camera lol... :devil:


other than this... [image]

Not this! ugh!!! no facial hair for Nick.. [image]

That image is just sooo camp lol. Anyone else agree, and puff! George grew it for a 'part'? lol.
OMG MY EYES!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: I cant stand the second pic of George Ugh *shudders*

I like both pics of Eric and the hair in both. However the second would be distracting since Greg is a CSI now!

And yes I've noticed that too!!! About the camera angle somehow being towards *coughcoveredcoughupcough littlecoughNicky* :devil: :p:devil: ;) :devil:
I know its really weird as Nicky, no no no but I've seen some very very sexy pictures of George with his facial hair...

Very different lol.

Cough cough cough i knew other people would've noticed COUGH.
Lmao! :lol:

EWW! Pornstache!

Maybe there should be a case where Nick gets hit in his private area.

Later him and Greg are working on some evidence.

When they're silent for a moment:

Greg: So, how's Little Nick doing?
Nick: (sighs looks up at Greg on bended knees) "little Nick is sad and lonley"

Greg looks down as Nick looks up.

Greg: Awww such a shame , would little Nick like some company the bear can cheer little Nick up.
*giggles* Pornstache. Yeah, that about sums it up. XD It's horrid, just horrid!

And I especially love that first pic of Eric. He does look really good with dark hair. I mean, he looks good with the highlights, I certainly don't oppose them, but the darkbrown 'do, like in the beginning of S2... yeah, that definitely does it for me. :p

Okay, so we already know how incredibly hot our guys are, let's talk personality. How would you like Nick and/or Greg to change this season, if at all?

I would really like for Greg to take on his spontaneous, fun-loving characterization again. I understand that after the events of 'Fannysmackin' and all that that he's not going to be the same. But... frankly, I saw him as something of an ass last season and it really put me off from his character the whole time. So, maybe this season he'll mature a little, but in a different direction than he matured last year. Know what I mean?

As for Nickyboy... I don't know. The last couple of seasons, he seems to have mellowed out some. Despite No Name Blondie at the bar, but hey, whatever. Maybe this season he'll feel the need to settle down and hopefully drag Greg along with him. XD

As a side note, I have a confession: Maybe I was wrong before. Maybe… maybe CBS doesn’t owe us anything just because we’re devoted Love fans. Still, I believe N/G should have a good a chance as any other pairing on the show; including GSR. So, while my gripings may not be suitably justifiable, there’s no harm in stating one’s opinions.

I don’t know. I guess tonight, for some reason, I’ve felt the need to bare my shipper soul.
Not to take Twins place but.....
Nick: Well what did you have in mind???? Little Nicky isnt picky!!!

hehehehe *and I dont mean that in a naughty way!* lol

Well Nighty night to all!!!
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