The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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awwww thanks!

Greg (on the way to the scene w/ Nick): Have you ever gone go-cart racing?
Basically, Greg is trying to break the silence as they head to the scene. And gReg's also a bit nervous.

*sigh* Does anyone else find it unfair that we, LV fans, have to wait until tomorrow to see our prem. when all the other CSI spin offs have played [Well, NY is on right now, but that's not the point!]

And I was thinking about this today, right? I was like... oh, my God. We are like the most devoted shippers in the CSI genre, and still our couple isn't even canon... yet! Grr. I think the thing that set me off is that CBS has no problem with showing two women practically going at it, but when it comes to two men who obviously like each other... they won't have a thing to do with it. Sexist, anyone? Okay, no, that's a lie. Cuz they do have Luke and Noah. Thank God. But it's still upsetting that N/G haven't come out.

Gah, I don't mean to bring anyone down or insult CBS or TPTB or anything, but it just got to me tonight for some reason, you know? This goes so much farther that just a TV show.

Don't mind me. I blame it on my new addiction to coffee. Mmm... coffee... :lol:
LOL You sound like me explaining why I'm hyper~ due to my caffine intake!!

Yeah, I'ver noticed it too and it is a bit sexist, if you think about it. But I think the acceptance of 2 women being together has gotten better than it has for 2 guys.

Hopefully, Luke and Noah will continue to bring awareness and ACCEPTANCE that CSI will seriously consider allowing our boys to come out of the closet and be together. I think they want to be careful not to have it turn out to be a soap opera, not that there is anything wrong with soaps! lol:D Plus your dealing with a cop themed show and lets face facts being openingly gay or probably even bi is a hard thing. But I think and reallllly believe that its done right and not coming out of nowhere people will being accepting of it. B/c even those who arent homophobic might not like it b/c of the fear it will become too soap opera-ish!!
Very well-said, only_true_love.

I would have to agree with that, now that I think about it. It is a bit risky and uncertain for a cop based show to have an openly gay or bisexual character, let alone two. Very good point that I hadn't really given much thought on.

But you're right, hopefully Nuke will show CBS and even other networks, that it's not a bad thing to have gay characters! And don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against lesbians, more power to them that they are on television more without being seen as male fantasies played out on primetime; but when it is two women making out just for the pure act of seduction... it's not cool. Know what I mean?

Anyway, as you can tell, I'm in a writing mood. Maybe I'll go work on my unfinished fics. Get out some of my frustrations. Thanks for putting up with my rants, ya'll. *hugs*

*goes to drink more coffee*
*sniff* :(Poor Greg thanks Nick wont talk to him!!!! Cant wait to read your updates Zodiac. Less than 24 hrs. til the premiere. I'm soooooooo giddy and soooooooo nervous!!! it will be nice to see everyone esp. our sweet boys!!! :)

Sorry guys. Wetpaint's being evil right now. I've been try to do stuff on my Nuke Wiki! :p

I'm back now! Let the chatting begin! What do you want to do tonight?

Wait! Hold up! *Looks*

12...minus 7... 17 hours, and 40 minutes until "Dead Doll!"

You know what that means???? 7 days, 17 hours and 40 minutes until "A La Cart!"
Greg would like his Nick to talk to him!!! :( No one likes a sad Greggo! Or am I wrong???? lol Well Talk CSI has been evil with me but now its playing nice, which I'm thankful for!!! *Nice Talk CSI*

*jumps up and down for the countdown!!!!:)*
Yeah, depressed!Greg is no fun, but crying!Nicky make Lexi very happy. XD

TalkCSI and wetpaint were being mean to me earlier, but now they're being nice. I wanna see some updates on Nuke! *thinks back to today's episode* Yeah, baby...

More coffee!

I'm kinda not looking forward to the prem. cuz then all the hype is over, and that's the fun part. The journey leading to the destination. hehehe. But I am excited for 'A La Cart!'

Are you guys gonna be on here like RIGHT before/during/after 'Dead Doll'? I'm pretty sure I will be. XD
I'll likely be on before, poss. during and def after but not sure if right after!!! LOL I know many of you could care less to Sara's fate but I'm thinking positive so if it isnt, I will be very :( and just down. Maybe then I should write this one story I should be working on!!! LOL

I seriously cant wait!!!! LOL And I reallllllllly cant wait for A La Cart I almost wish CSI was on every day just so we wouldnt have to wait to see "A La Cart" and our fine boys in action!!!! hehehe I wonder if Nick will be wearing one of his signature "body hugging" t-shirts???? :)
Hurray for coffee!!! :D Lol, I'd be on, except there's the slight issue with not being able to. Long story.

:D I think I might check in after Al A Cart, though - depending on if it sucks or not. And I really hope he's wearing one of his "body hugging t-shirts" - :D I mean...Really. >_> Let's use sexual tension on screen to our advantage, eh?
Well, I'll bring it up again.

Last year we started a tradition of having official Love chats on the Forum page of the Wiki.

I believe CSIElizabeth was the only one who lived on the West Coast. But she hasn't been around for a bit, so I assume she's busy. Now, Lexi and Stacy, we all have Eastern time. So well start with suggesting 10:15 pm. 15 minutes after it's over. If someone else wants to join, suggest a time if this one doesn't work for you.

Oh, and I'll post a link to the Forum right before the chat starts so no one is confused.
I'll definitely be on after 'A La Cart', even if it does suck. I'm determined to find subtext in something. Cuz that's what a good fanatic shipper does, right? XDD

suckerforasmile~ we're all patiently awaiting your fic updates! :p I can't wait to find out what happens in 'Hodges...' and 'Dumpster Diving'. hehe.

Twins~ Oooh! Okay, yeah, see I wasn't around for any of that last season. XD But I'll definitely be there this year. So, count me in! The one time I'm happy to be living in Michigan. :p
Meh, I'll probably pop in every once in a while...Maybe. Or I'll just end up posting here. Lol. My shipping goes unnoticed by my family, I'd actually like to keep it that way...Well, unless they end up dating. Then I'm going to scream 'I KNEW IT! I FREAKIN' KNEW IT!' and dance through the rest of the episode. :p That's not too obvious, is it?

Lol, I'm kind of stuck. I've got about a page and a half for DHME and I have no idea where to start chapter 7 at...I've got the next chapters laid out, it's just a matter of getting to the interesting bits that's tough. :p Glad you like it, though!
EXACTLY!!! And of course Nick's "tushy" hugging jeans. I'd love to see Greg in leather pants!!! :) I know not practical to wear to a crime scene, but I can dream right???!!!! hehehehe I wonder what Greg's hair will be???? hmmmmmmmm Something sexy for his Nicky!!!! :)
Yes! Yes, all of that and Al A Cart will no doubt shoot pretty high on my favorite episodes list! -sigh- Well...You know, assuming that they manage to squeeze in some subtext. But if there's not, there's always the possibility of fanfiction in which someone confronts someone about the new stay-on-topics-relating-to-the-case policy.

Man, I really wish it was just next week. Stupid premiere. -sigh- You know, I'm curious, really, I just...I'm more excited for AAC, you know?
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