The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Aww that's so sweet! In my mind it's like this:

Nick: You think anyone suspects anything?
Greg: Uh, yeah. They've been onto us for years.
Nick: *raises eyebrow* Well, then we should really give 'em something to talk about. *kisses Greg right in the middle of the lab*

And then Warrick, Cath, Sara, Gil and everyone else are like, 'We knew it!' and Archie hands Bobby $50. :p

Haha! Nah, that doesn't really add up with my theories, but it's sweet nonetheless.
LOL What happpened to Warrick flipping through that notepad of his??? I think I got that from a fan fic. I almost dont care how it happens, I just want it to happen!!!! :) Pretty PLEEEEEEEEEASSSE CBS & CSI!!!! I'll be your best friend! :)

Only two more days until we get to see our boys!!! Well less than that. ***jumps up & down*** thankfully there has been other premieres to keep me occupied!!!

BTW how many "subtexty" things have happened between Nick and Greg?????
Whoa, hey... what notepad? Did I miss something? =^_^=

Yes, only some 30-something hours left! *can't do math at 3:30 a.m.*

Oh, man... subtexty moments? Too many to count. But off the top of my head I'll say a good... 40. At least that I can think of right now. XD

Night-night, ya'll! *huggles*
only_true_love said:
Pretty PLEEEEEEEEEASSSE CBS & CSI!!!! I'll be your best friend! :)
Lol, I remember the days when that was all you had to say in order to get what you wanted...Well, from your peers, that is.

-giggles- You know, confrontation/confirmation would be nice to see, and as long as I'd get it, I wouldn't care if any theory was right because, they'd be doing it now! EDIT: LOL, no pun intended with that. :devil:

PS - I LOVE the response thing!
really 40 subtexty things. hmmmmmm.... the notepad refference was from some story on WMTDB I think.... grrrrrr It will come to me, I just need a sec. LOL

Maybe if all of us do a puppy dog face like Greg does we will get our way!!! :)
Nicole woke me and told me to say something here before I went to bed. I'm making some YoBling! art for a site my friend is making (Lostladyknight).

Right now it's 39 hours and 30 minutes until the premiere! Which I'll be home for!! *Mwuhahahah* (7 and half hours until Nuke Kiss #2!)

I read your guys' little story. CREATIVE! I agree with suckerforasmile. :p

Well, I'm off. I'll work some more and then get to bed.

Oh! You're all mentioning seasons I don't own and it's driving me nuts!!!! Dang for not having a job, it sucks! lol. But hey, someone (sorry, I forgot who in the 45 messages that have been posted since I was here last!) mentioned "Friends and Lovers" from season one, which I do own! yay! so, I'll see about watching that tonight, and let you know what I think, at least about that ep. Can't speak much for the rest of that theory though, sorry.Me not owning other seasons of course...

And awwwww, only true love made Greggo cry! That was an amazing, cute, and funny story!! Wish I'd been on earlier to add to it!

ok, so who wants to get that story together and post in on the wiki? Anyone who hasn't posted something yet? And make sure everyone who added something is mentioned somehow. And don't forget the rules that apply, and to mention it was created here! So, any takers here? If you haven't submitted anything yet, this is the perfect opportunity!

Also, we still need lots of art and videos too! If you need to, put a link to the wiki in all your profiles on every site you visit, get the word out! We need a lot more submisions than we currently have! Please and thanks!
I wish I could email everyone at WMTDB for you. Maybe we can convince Shacky to add a bulletin for us. Although, I can try PMing everyone! Cause I would. I really would. I really have no life! I can let them know EVERYTHING that's going on in The Love community! OHH!!! I should do that, it would be fun! Maybe it'll draw more people to The Fort. The CSI Wiki, your Wiki! I can ask them to send me their email so I can invite them on SFT! I could do it. I could!

Reminder! If "Dead Doll" is on tomorrow, "A La Cart" is on a week later! :devil:
Wow all these post's since I was asleep and working.. Wishing that i was in america lol...

Thoese Snippets was really funny, well done ladies.

Twins I tried emailing Shacky but she never replied, but yeah if you could do that then it would be amazing....

Yeah the defining love websites.... How cool would that be?

Oh Queen i've just seen the first disk of The Net and hmm not bad at all. I alwaysed thought that it was Greg that dyes his hair but its Eric... Dude doesn't he know that eventually all that peroxide will catch him up and one day a big blonde furball will be sitting at the bottom of his bed?... Salavating.... Nope sorry thats me lol... But im not blonde.
You guys have been like beavers buliding a dam - very busy building this thread!! So much to read my eyes are buggin. OK then this so shy Greg is just so adorable. Oh and about A La Cart I read this in TVGuide "Grissom rides go-carts in the name of science" So Grissom is also involved with the case somehow not just our boys - and I was sure Grissom would be nursing poor Sara back to health or visiting her grave. But at least the boys will be together on the case.
LOL Wojo, your funny lol.... Grissom riding the go cart- probably going faster than *ocugh* sara... *cough*.........

Yes we have been beavers building the fort of Nick and Greg lol...... Get it my little pun on words.

Shy Greg hmm i dont know can shy and a total flirt actuarly go together?? Maybe on the dancefloor of THE LOVE.

Oh someone please stop me... Ahh new season of Heroe's and prison break ... Woot!!!!

People please dont tell me what happens in the first episode, by the time it takes me to *cough* - you would've seen the first episode country wide...

Long sigh, i wish i was a punkrocker with flowers in my hair... But then I'd sneeze to much!!!

Lets all bow down and clap to our keyboards the return of the love- yes it is- the return of the love, sweet love....

I heard that about Grissom too. Hopefully because of "Dead Doll" he won't be in the episode that much. PLEASE don't be around Grissom. OR, you know, TVGuide is always so awful and says a lot of untrue things. They might just be saying Grissom is involved with this storyline just because he's the main character. When in fact he might not be involved in the storyline at all.

I'm going to start working on my Love recruiting now! :D
Thanks Twins! You're amazing! We love you! *hugs*

Candy- yup, that would be Eric's choice of hair style...and I know it's not that healthy for hair, but damn he looks good with bleach!!! btw, where on earth did you find The Net? Sadly, it hasn't come out here on dvd yet, though I think it has in other places around the world. I read a fanfic story not that long ago where Greg had an ex-bf who's name was Jake Resh, I went a little nuts over that! I love Jacob, ah, first love, what can I tell you? He was definitely closer to my age than Greg too....*sigh* I'm not blonde either, but you can bet I'll be there any way I can! hehehe. Now, you'll have to read some of my old fanfic for the show! ok, sorry, it's not all old. Just finished some of it, in fact. Been stuck on that show for years.
But anyway, back to The Love, which does not include Angela Bennett...I hope Griss isn't in that ep much. Though for some reason I can picture him in one of those cars, and it's a very funny image, him being too big for Now, imagine Nick and Greg racing each other, that would be cute! And oh, so funny! That I would love to see! Greg would be like a little kid, Nick would be more adult like, but then would break down cause of Greg and get more into the spirit of being a kid for awhile, I think.
I loved playing shy Greg last night, it was fun!!!! I'm not worried about Grissom being in 'A La Cart'. I think it more of a checking in on the case or one or both of our boys bouncing something off him.

For Twins or anyone else~ if you'd like to do a little role play story with me. It be short. Let me know!!!! I prefer to play Greg just so any volunteer knows!:)
You're welcome guys! *blushes* I try very hard!

Stacy, I would Love to role play tonight! Let's just do a different scenario. Let's have Greg start it this time. Maybe we can do what we want to happen in "A La Cart". You do a great Greg Stacy!
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