The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Greg: Um... Your question... Well, I... I of course find you attractive Nick. I'm not blind *nervous laugh* I mean your eyes, and your smile and then there's your body... ***Greg stops and looks down at the floor felling he has said too much***
Yeah. I've gotten in trouble for it. We can't post any less than 3 lines. It's just cause too many people were probably saying. "GSR, I love GSR!" and that's it. You know how spammny those fans are (not Stacy :D ).

Couldn't you imagine Greg's boyfriend coming to surprise him and work and everyone is like "WTF!" especially Nick who is soooo jealous, he's actually green! You can feel he hates this guy already!
I really love the earlier episodes, when Nick is seemingly obsessed with Grissom. Don't you just expect Greg to get all jealous? I do. XD And then later when Greg becomes a bit obsessed with Griss, you KNOW Nick gets jealous over that. He can't hide his emotions too easily.
Greg continues staring at the floor and occasionaly (sp?0 looking up at nick. Um... what makes me Gorgeous??? I mean is there something that you find gorgeous???
***Greg is now verrrrry nervous***
Season 2 is just a big push and pull season for The Love. They flirt, but then they look at the other oddly for flirting. You know what I mean? Like if Greg tries to flirt with Nick, but Nick is just rude back or vise-versa.


Nick: Thanks. *blushes* Yeah, I love you, just everything. I never thought you felt that way about me, but I just had to ask. How long have you liked me anyway?

Well, we know for forever!!! But let's see what Greg has to say! LOL. :lol:
Greg: *jaw drops open. and is just stunned for a minute* You... You LOVE me? I.. I dont know what to say. I've liked you for as long as I've known you. Wait.. Did you just say you love me?
*giggles* You two should start an RP and then post it for everyone to see. I used to be a big time RPer. That's basically how I relieved all of my artistic frustrations when I wasn't writing fics.

I wish I could get back into RPing, but my love for anime has run low since my obsession with N/G has been renewed as of late. Ah well, back to writing fics! :p

Btw, just so you all know, I'm currently working on a Qaf/CSI crossover. Should be entertaining, no? I know of at least two people that would be interested. Hehe.
Fics. LOL. I have like a million to finish from QAF. I want to do a PR/ATWT crossover (I really, really do). I have an original PR story to finish. And I HAVE to do a LOVE piece. I should do a Love/Nuke story! No no no! Stop Nicole *breathes* No more ideas!


Nick: I've been in Love with you for years. *Like we didn't know!* I've tried not to be, but every time I look at you, I see the man I belong with.

Aww!!! How sweet! Couldn't you see Nick saying that! Come on TPTB! Make is happen!
PR/ATWT crossover, eh? Now THAT would be interesting. XDD I used to absolutely love the Power Rangers, my friend and I would play for hours as the pink and yellow rangers. I was always pink. XD Ah, those were the days.

Woot for Nuke tomorrow... which is actually today over here! I'm so frackin' excited I can hardly contain myself! And then, next Thursday is 'A La Cart' and... *explodes with excitement* I'm praying for a good LOVE moment for next week.
Greg:**tears stream down his face** Years... You've been in Love with me for years. I Love you too. For soooooo long Nicky. For so long. Why... Why haven't you ever said anything to me??? I was afraid because you were Nick Stokes, ladies man. **Greg looks down to see his hands shake**
PR/ATWT (Will-Red, Noah-Blue, Luke-Green, Gwen-Yellow, Maddie-Pink). I could do it! I could! lol. Or like a CSI/PR. Hmm...Warrick would be Red, Cath would be Pink, Sara would be Blue, Greg would be Yellow, and Nick would be Black. Different colors and ideas for 2 different shows.

I'm hoping for more than on good Love moment in "A La Cart". What if it's as good and the moment Luke and Noah will have tomorrow. :devil:


Nick would walk over to Greg, put his arm around him lightly and wipe away his tears.

Nick: Me? A ladies man? No way. I never told you because I didn't want us to change. We're friends. But now that I Love you and you Love me, what should we do?

Nothing nasty, he means date. :p
I do believe all of us Love fans would explode and die a happy death if a Nuke-like moment EVER happened for our guys. XD

We'd probably just be happy with some confirmation, not necessarily some lip action, ya know? At least, I would be happy with that.
Greg: *smiling* Well I think it be nice if just two of us went out somewhere. You know, like on a date. Dinner and a movie. If that sounds ok to you. Or did you have something specific in mind?

**but in Greg's mind he wants to kiss Nick soooooooo bad right now!**
I would like at least some confirmation that we're not wasting our time here (not that I think we are), but it would be nice of CBS and TPTB to at least give us that.

I think the best thing would be if they at least admitted feelings, maybe subtlety, but maybe they say it wouldn't ever work. If TPTB can only give us something, I'd want that!


Nick: That sounds good. Maybe we can go back to my place and have a beer or something. You up for it?

Nick wants Greg just as bad, he just wants to make sure Greg is ready. :) Still trying not to be pushy.
Greg: Yeah, that sounds nice. We could play some video games too. So... when do you want to do this?? I'm off for the next 2 days. So if that is a good time, we could do something then.

Greg is still a bit nervous. Its sinking in that he is going on a date with his Texas Cowboy!!! ;)
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