The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Man have you all been busy!!

I get a more Bi vive from Greg than gay, alot because of his obvious crush on Sara (no accounting for taste) but he discovered Nick shared his feelings and he went for it, I think around or near after season 3.

Nick does seem gay, his cluelessness when it comes to females, he's admits he's an ass man, his sensitivity (do straight men break into tears at the drop of a hat??) The way he invades Greg's space and touches him...etc
PERFECT examples Wojo!

I think it would be a great explanation of things if Greg was bi and Nick was gay. You get one of each and it kind of meets in the middle with pro and anti Love fans.

I would be unrealistic if they BOTH were gay or bi.

Put in one of each and it's easier to explain.

Love those flaming moments Seabird!
Ah, thanks twins! Much clearer to me now, and I'll most likely have it to you by the end of the week. :p Depending on whether or not I'm FINALLY enrolled into school. -rolls eyes- Completely different story.

Lol, I'm surprised, I'm normally one of the last people to notice things...

You know, though, if Nick were to be the gay one, people would probably wonder why HE was rather than Greg, although when you add everything up (which the majority of people probably wouldn't do), he's most definitely most stereotypically gay than Greg...Although, like it's been said, they're not all that stereotypical. And, like Wojo pointed out, when you get right down to it, Nick would deeefinitely be the gay one.

"Giddy up" scene? Lol, I think I missed something AGAIN! xD
I gotta re-watch this "giddy-up" scene again too!!! lol Before I became a fan of The Love, I always thought Greg was bi! Nick I cant say a 100% gay but i think its partially I never saw The Love as long as most of you have. So right now he's bi bording being more attracted to guys. But he's in denial. I think of him almost like Noah on ATWT. He realizes his attraction to men. But was likely brought up to be wrong. And probably has the same fear as Noah does that he doesnt want to disappoint his family. if in fact Nick & Greg have been together before, his family doesnt know. And maybe they arent together anyomore b/c Greg needed him to at tleast come out to his family.

BTW is this "giddy-up" scene on youtube???
Stacy, I'll check one YouTube for you after my walk. BTW, in case you want to check yourself it's in "Red Rum".

I agree Stacy. Nick was brought up in the south, probably went to church every Sunday. Considering he only has another brother, his dad probably wanted them to be the men of the house. He played sports, so like Winston to Noah, his dad probably wanted him to be a "real" man. I agree with Greg being bi too. I mean, it just makes sense, but he obviously is in Love with Nick.
I will good look on youtube, so dont worry. I really think and hope and pray too if our ATWT boys continue with their success that maybe CBS & CSI will realize fans will still watch a show even if there are gays characters and will let our lovely boys come out of the closet!!!!
LOL. I always Love your way of thinking Stacy!

Let's start a conversation between our boys, only right now just for fun.

What do you think Greg's reaction to this sentence would be?

Nick: Hey, Greg. Can I talk to you?
Greg nods.
Nick: Do you find me attractive?

What would it be???
Nick would think for a moment and blush. LOL.

Nick: I guess soo...I mean. *sighs*

Nick's confused by the question because, honestly, if he's asking Greg if he's attractive to him, then he's attracted to Greg.
Greg: You guess soo, Stokes? You either find me attractive or not? Which is it?? ;)
hehehe now Greg is really trying to push! LOL I'm evil as Greg!!! :devil:
Nick: What do you think Greg!? You're gorgeous! Haven't you seen me check you out like a million times! (he he)

Nick's upset because Greg isn't answering the original question. Of course he's attracted to Greg, we've seen it many times! How could you miss it! But does Greg notice Nick watching him...???
Aww, I love you guys so much! It's like you read my mind, cuz I was thinking about this topic ealier today. XD

My theory is... Greg is bi, leaning more towards men. Nick is gay, but can't come out to his parents because, like a couple of you said, it's a Noah-esque situation.

Nick was raised in Texas. A state that doesn't widely accept homosexuality. So, Nick was completely expected to grow up like a good ol' boy; chasing girls, playing football, going Greek, all that stuff. I think the boys tried to get together earlier on in the show or at least they were flirting like crazy off-cam. Anyone remember 'Friends and Lovers'? the whole 'Where's Nicky?' scene. And then Sara gave him this look like she just knew what was going on and makes her little comment. But then later on in the ep, Catherine said something about 'maybe they didn't have any other choice' [referring to the lesbians. she says something else too, I just don't remember.] then she gives Nick this look like 'you need to take care of this thing between you guys before something bad happens' and Nick looks thoughtful about it.

I think that's why he went and had sex with Kristy. To try and prove to himself that he could be with a woman. But it didn't work because he still has feelings for Greg. So, he tries harder in season two and they get together for awhile, but for some reason it just doesn't work out and they break up around beginning of season 5.

And then in season 6 & 7, we see Nick subtly trying to win Greg back, but Greg has gone all big-man-on-campus/horny frat boy for some reason. It's confusing to them both.

I don't know. Maybe that's a really FAR out stretch, but... anything's possible, right? And if I'm totally wrong about the above stated, it's because I haven't seen anything in season one passed 'Unfriendly Skies' in a long, long time. XD
Greg: You... You think I'm gorgeous.
He's shocked, more nervous and doesnt know what to really say! ladies man thinks i'm gorgeous
Zodiac I know what you mean about "Good Ole Boy Texan" that's exactly what I was trying to say! He's so in the closet and scared, but Greg will help him with that. :devil:

Greg I think is openly bi, it's just that no one at work knows. You could see him going out and picking up a guy to take home.


Nick: Yes...I stare at you all the time. I can't help it.
Nick's staring at Greg.
What about my answering my question now?

Nick's speaking more softly, obviously taken aback by Greg's calmness. He obviously is in Love with Greg, as well as thinking he's gorgeous.

PS-Reminder just so The Fort doesn't get into trouble, there is a 3 line rule. Posts have to look like a 3 line paragraph or longer.
Yeah, silly Nicky. He just needs to come out of the closet already! And I could totally see Greg taking home some random guy he met at a bar or something. XD

What's this about a 3 line rule? Sorry if I broke any rules! I didn't mean to. *pouts*
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