The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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I think that, if all went well and they actually hooked up rather than dancing around each other, that they would've hooked up sometime around 'Play with Fire' or 'Grave Danger'...I used to think just Grave Danger, but then someone (Clarrisani, if I'm right...) brought up that the feel of the show changed in season three...and that led me to believe that it could've been in

I'd LOVE it if they became canon, but I'd be really afraid for it. Because then they writers could just write it out after so long, and well, we'd kind of be shot down...but at least we would've been right! Lol.

I'd even be okay with it being unrequited. Because then the flirting wouldn't have just been me looking into it too much. Not that I think that...I mean...Ahhhumm...

:p I'll see what I can do for season five, twins - I can't promise that I'll do a good job, so don't expect too much, but I'll try!

And I totally think we can make it to 17 before Oct. 4th. We're just awesome like that.
good ques.! I'd haqve to say that it started around season 2 Stalker~ When Nick got thrown out the window and Season 3 in Play with Fire ~ the lab explosion. i dont think they have gotten together, as in all the way together but I think they were there for each other and maybe dated causully but never really put it out there that this was something they really wanted to try. More of a serious relationship.
Of course! No one's better, nicer, creative, friendlier, giving, sensitive, passionate, welcoming
dedicated...I think you get my point.

Seriously, I lost count at how many people complimented us on these qualities. :p

If, if they got together anytime before the present, I always thought "Grave Danger." I always noticed the flirting before and during season 5, but that's all it was to me.

Something about season 6 just feels different. That's when it seams like they could actually BE together.

If not, I always prefer the idea that they'll get together.

Thanks so much suckerforasmile! Even if you only got one episode done, that would be the biggest help! Don't worry, I always looks them over before I add them!
I'd have to agree with OTL. I think they started a casual relationship during season 2; that's where they seem to flirt the most, I think. And then it lasted to about the beginning of season 5, where they might have taken a little break. But then, in season 6/7, Nick realized he wanted more but Greg is all wrapped up in himself and whatnot, so then Nick's trying to win Greg back. But you know they couldn't stay away from each other too long. It's fate!

Anyway, that's my little theory. I want to write a paper thingus on it, so I'm trying to work out the kinks. :p Ain't it great how I answer my own question. LOL
Oh, good! I feel a little better about doing season five, then. :D I'll see what I can do tonight. How exactly would I do ratings per episode?

And have people really said that about this ship? I mean, I don't doubt it, everyone IS really welcoming and dedicated and whatnot, but...Wow. That's huge. :p

Lol, I'm actually not too familiar with season two (don't hurt me don't hurt me! I swear I'm buying it next!), so I can't really say. I'm more in tune with what's going on in season 3, 5, 6 & 7...Yeah, I missed S4, lol...

And as for reaching our goal before Oct. 4th, only_true_love, I think it's actually reaaaally possible. There's at least one page done a day, here, and if we've got OVER a week to get it done, well, I think we're good...because we normally end on page 25 or 26, I think...Lol, I don't pay much attention to the post count.
suckerforasmile~ Hey, it's cool! I haven't seen all the eps for 6 or 7 and the only DVDs I own are 2,4, & 5. So, I'm a little bit behind, too. :p
Yup, we've been going through a page (40 posts) in 20-22 hours. Considering we have to get through 7 pages in 10 days, it's extremely possible.

suckerforasmile, the ratings go as this:

1-3 Little to no Nick and/or Greg.
4-6 Good amount of Nick/and or Greg, or a lot of Nick and not of Greg or vise-versa.
7-8 A lot of Nick and Greg, and at least ONE good scene together
9 Is basically an AMAZING episode for the boys

0 Has NEVER happened. That would be if neither were in each episode AT ALL. No, it hasn't happened yet!

10 Is a PERFECT, which hasn't happened either.

From now on, I'm going to ask your guys' opinions on new episodes. Let's hope "A La Cart" will be our first 10!

A few more tips:

The summary should consist of what Nick and Greg are doing. Together or separate. You don't have to mention another story if they never interact with Nick or Greg. Which is rare.

Nick scenes are scenes with Nick ALONE
Greg scenes are scenes with Greg ALONE
Nick/Greg scenes are scenes with them interacting in ANY way or in the same room. So watch carefully.

Nick/Greg are completely different from Nick or Greg scenes.


The Pilot

Greg has two scenes, but both are with Nick. So, Greg will have 0 scenes, but the Nick/Greg scenes will have two.

Does that make sense? Let me know if you have any questions! :p
Awesome! I've actually gotten a few done (nocturnal and whatnot, lol), but I do have a question - if there's not transition between scene/place changes, do I count it as one or two? Like (as an example) there's a scene in 'Crow's Feet' where Nick & Catherine are in a lab room with Travis (I think that's his name...), and then it cuts to them walking down the hallway...So...Yeah...

Uh, wait. There was another part that I realized while doing the ep. guide (just going to bring it up, though it probably already has been) - in CF, there's a scene where Nick asks Catherine what Ozzy, Iron Maiden, and something...something...some metal, (lol, can't remember what he said) had in common. I came to the conclusion that he's either got a guilty pleasure or he knows someone who's into the music...

Now, THAT might be a stretch, but...Come on. :p I mean reaaaaaaaaallly. Why would some country-loving guy from Texas (no offense intended) really know about Ozzy and Iron Maiden? Well, other than they're know...old...And whatnot. Ah, running myself into the ground here.

Anyway, point being that it was interesting.
Suckerforasmile- That's a good catch with the music! And veerrry interesting! lol.

Candy- I'm sorry, I didn't mean my comment to sound quite so harsh, and yeah, it was aimed more at CBS than fans cause everyone here is a supporter and wants to see them as cannon. Of course, for ways they could come out, the small "subtexty" ones (yes, I just made a new word! lol) would work perfectly, and could be just as good for any het couple coming out as cannon too, I'm just saying we shouldn't have to be planning ways for their coming out to be "quiet like" so as not to upset those who would hate it. If you know what I mean.

Twins- You're right about networks versus cable. It is like comparing RI to CA!

I was wondering if they did this study before Luke and Noah became cannon and it's only now just being posted? Also, I was wondering how they determined which characters were gay? Did they look at all the male characters and ask themselves "Well, are they acting stereotypically gay?" because that's not at all how most gay men are, I know several that don't act like that at all! And not all lesbians are butch either. I mean, if Nick and Greg really are gay or bi, and they tried to test them looking for stereotypical behavior, they wouldn't find any!

As for when they might have gotten together I can't really say. I've seen every episode but I've mostly only seen them once when they originally aired and I wasn't looking for Nick and Greg moments back then...that only came recently...I've missed out on a lot...can't wait to get a job so I can afford all other seasons so I don't miss out
suckerforasmile I never thought about how Nick knew the music, hmmm...but the best part is that he did the "rock on" sign correctly here (unlike he did in "Abra Cadaver"). As for the scene changes, that was the most difficult thing for everyone. My best advice is to use your best judgment. Does it seem like a continuation of the scene? Or is it a little while later? Don't let yourself dig too deep, just decide right away and move on or it'll drive you crazy.

QOTU Luke was already gay and Noah was brought on to be his love interest. So it's a very different scenario from Nick and Greg. Although I think Nick and Greg do act stereotypically gay here and there (what male doesn't at some point?), I don't think it's really done for any reason. That probably doesn't make sense.
See its also based on your own perception, I dont think that Greg does act stero typical gay. He doesn't act 'camp' not at all, but just because a gay male appears straight that doesn't mean he is straight.

Ok here's another question for you all to ponder, which character in your eyes acts gay and which if any acts bisexual?
Perception sometimes is deception in wools clothing.

For example a sterotypical view of a male is that they drink too much larger, beers and eat far too much fast food takeaways and watch too much sports on tv. That is the stero typical view of men in England, maybe the world !!! Apart from said muslim countries where they dont drink alchole... But you get my drift??

Ok twins and anyone else that wants to add to this debate, when did Greg or Nick act sterotypically gay??

I mean Nick bless him loves to cry. LOL. But then does that make him gay?........

I can't see how Greg acts sterotypically gay lol, if anything he acts setro typically addicted to sex.
Candy- Yes! The sheep in wolf's clothing...wait no, that's wrong. lol...the wolf in sheep's clothing, yeah, that's it! hehehe... Of course just because Nick cries a lot doesn't mean he's gay at all. The whole world, or most of it at least, keeps telling men they can't cry or be emotional because it's a woman's thing and they won'tbe considered strong otherwise. Which is so not true. As for Greg being stereotypically addicted to sex...LOL, yeah, right on! Greg doesn't act gay, or straight. He acts like Greg, no one else.
Every few days i change my mind, my opinon wax and wains more times than the moon each month. Do we have it totaly wrong? Could we, all of the Love fans through out the world be wrong?


Queen lol if a sheep wants to wear wolfes clothing then let him or her - maybe the sheep is cold and wants extra layers of clothing - who am i to judge?

True words there Queen but Nick is strong. Probably the only one who's the strongest character of the team.

Yeah so he cries, he's just an emotional person or character. He's emotionally charged and Greg is fashion aware! Fashion aware its only cause I can't spell the word I'm thinking of lol...

It's hard to define either character. Maybe thats the reason they both appear to be mysterious?
I always have those moments.

Am I just seeing things? Are we all crazy?

Then I watch the flirting in "Scuba Doobie Doo," the Jaw Clench in "Fannysmackin'," the Ass Check in "The Hunger Artist" and so much more! It's sooooo obvious!

Something about Greg just comes off gay to me. Maybe not stereotypes or anything anyone else will see. It's probably just my Gaydar going overtime.

Nick can be to, but with rotten stereotypes. However, they work for him!
Serenity said It's nice that I haven't been forgotten!

Everybody misses you and I hope you come here more often when you feel better. :)

Wojo , David Rambo emailed back! Thanks for sharing it with us. It's great to hear that the boys will work together in "A La Cart".


Ok twins and anyone else that wants to add to this debate, when did Greg or Nick act sterotypically gay??

First of all, I think that gay men don't have to act stereotipycally gay. Said this, I'd say Nick and Greg "act" gay every time they're together; the glances, the flirting, the touching, the leaning, standing so close to each other... Straight men don't act like that! And if we're talking about gay mannerisms here, well, I've always noticed those mannerisms. You only have to watch carefully... ;)


I recommend everybody to watch Nick in the "giddy up" scene:



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