The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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**Jumps up & down** I'm excited now about 'A La Cart'!!!!

And updated list of names that Greg & nick have called each other are: Casanova, G, Nicky, Pancho, Sunshine (from fan fic., T.C aka Texas Cowboy (fan fic.), twinkle, boo-boo, Greggo, Einstein, Doll, Dude, Sweetcheeks, Dex......

As for an idea of them coming out, or at least one of them is have them work a hate crime together and something gets said during the interrigation of the suspect. And then after that we see something like Twins said or something that makes us giddy and be like~ take that non beleivers of The Love!!! :)
Thanks Wojo you are always on top of things!!!

I'm now officially excited beyond belief! Now we HAVE to do my challenge and be at Fort 17 by "A La Cart" since Nick and Greg DO work together!!! :D :D :D :D :D

In that article, do they mean no gay characters in prime time, if not, what about Luke Snyder of ATWT? He's gay and out and proud for almost a year now.
I don't know twins, but that survey has slightly caused a broken heart in me.

Thats just soo sad.

But then, organisations sometimes political ones do 'bend' the rules to fit their own politcal ends. Like you said what about your Noah character?
Spolier for Ep 807

The case involves the girl genius Hanna from S6 the unusual suspect, Catherine, Nick & Greg work the case. So our boys are working together again not alone but they are together.
Wojo said:
Spolier for Ep 807

The case involves the girl genius Hanna from S6 the unusual suspect, Catherine, Nick & Greg work the case. So our boys are working together again not alone but they are together.

That spoiler is very cool. :D

Candy, the thing I don't get about that article is that they are comparing the amount of gay characters on network to cable television. It's like comparing the population of Rhode Island to California. Network tv has about 6 channels whereas cable has 50 to 100. Now you can't count Nickelodeon and ESPN in this, but of the other networks that has basic programing (Lifetime, TBS, etc.) you can.
Yeah!!!! about the spolier for Hello.Goodbye
And omg I cant believe I forgot our ATWT boy Luke!
cough CBS cough pretty cough please cough listen cough to cough our cough acceptance cough

After looking at the Nick/Greg episode guide, I realized season 2 is the BEST Love season. Now, I can't count seasons 5 and 6 since they haven't been done yet *glares at Love fans who own those seasons who haven't volunteered :p* It's because it has the highest ratings out of the other seasons.

I just hope season 8 will turn out to be half as good!
...I have season five, but, uh...I have no idea what I'd be doing....:D

Uh, wait...Challenge? Was there something I missed? I feel mostly left out.

Awesome news, Wojo! :D

Oh, yes - new chapters are posted at and wmtdb.
Basically if anyone is interested about doing seasons 5 and 6, just go to the episode guide on the CSI wiki for Nick and Greg and follow what others did.

I challenged everyone to get to Fort 17 by Oct. 4 aka "A La Cart" day! :D Can we do it? I think we can!
In my fics, Greg just calls Nick 'sweetie' and Nick calls Greg 'baby.' Not really original nicknames. XP

That article kinda ticked me off, ya know? And Twins is right, CBS has Luke and Noah, though I wonder how much controversy that stirred up. Like I've said before, I believe putting Nick and Greg together would make A LOT of people happy, but it would probably P.O. more. I mean, we, the Love supporters already watch the show... so if they do get together, it's not like we're going to stop watching. But maybe a lot of other regular *cough*homophobic*cough* watchers may decide it's not worth it. So really, they'd be losing viewers. Get what I'm sayin'? Again, it made sense in my head. XD But, I really hope I'm wrong about that. Hopefully CBS will finally see how much we need N/G!

I really hate being the pessimist. *sigh*

Yay, so happy that 'A La Cart' has been confirmed! I'm more excited for that ep. than the premiere. XP

As for the 'doll' line, I was actually thinking about this earlier. And I was wondering.... wouldn't it be funny if George slipped up and said it [but we really know he didn't slip up] and the producers were like 'Oh, we'll just leave it in. Surely it'll please the rabid fangirls.' haha! Like I said, Georgieboy loves us. :p

Twins~Yes, when I first saw 'Empty Eyes' and saw Robert Gant on the credits I was like literally freaking out. Ben was always one of my favorite characters on QaF. ^_^
When I saw Robert Gant, I too, was going nuts! OMG! BEN!

I too am more excited for "A La Cart" more than "Dead Doll". Come one Sara *yawns* or NICK AND GREG WORKING TOGETHER!!! Which is better??? Come on...come on.

I normally am a pessimist, but I'm being optimistic about "A La Cart"! :D And about Nick and Greg. I still have hopes for the first gay male slash ship to become canon!
God, that would so rock my world if they became canon.

But the fact is, I don't really expect them to put them together, so I always prepare myself for the worst. I'd rather them go through the rest of the show with just flirting and subtext rather than set them up with some bimbo girlies. :p Man, I'm a real witch tonight.
And updated list of names that Greg & nick have called each other are: Casanova, G, Nicky, Pancho, Sunshine (from fan fic., T.C aka Texas Cowboy (fan fic.), twinkle, boo-boo, Greggo, Einstein, Doll, Dude, Sweetcheeks, Dex, sweetie, baby…

Well I'm excited for both "A La Cart" & "Dead Doll". But that's b/c I'm the lone GSR fan! lol But I'm exctied for different reasons. Dead Doll is hopefully obvious. And "A La Cart" b/c it will be soooooo nice that these 2 work together and no one else!

I think we will reach our goal before "A La Cart" but maybe that's me being hopeful! :)
I think so. I've been keeping track and it seems like we're on a good pace. I mean, we do have 10 days and all of us have been pretty active.

Remember, it's all for the Love of our boys! Keep that in mind. When you think, "I just can't post anymore, my hand is cramping! AHH!" Think about our boys and how much you Love them. :p
XD You can always count on Twins for the encouragement we need.

So, I have a question [it's for my research]. I think we can safely say that most of us don't think our boys were together in season one. When do you think they hooked up? If you think they have yet, that is. Or are they still stuck in the 'flirting but not yet in a relationship' stage?
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